The article is from WeChat public account: Guyu Data-Tencent News (ID: guyudata) , author: plain rock, white boat, Sean, from the title figure: vision China

Some of the studios in Hengdian actually asked the crew to film for free.

For this reason, the largest film and television shooting base in China is expected to receive hundreds of millions of dollars less each year. Hengdian Film and Television City has announced that all of its studios will be free of charge for film and film and television crews in contemporary and science fiction themes. At the same time, other themes can also enjoy corresponding preferential policies. The Hengdian hotels will also provide the largest accommodation discounts for the crew.

Behind this series of “self-reducing income” operations, is a wave of film and television company closures. According to the data of Tianyan Inspection, as of December 2, 2019, a total of 3,313 film and television companies and 1,033 film and television studios in China were shut down.

Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, where Hengdian is located, has only 83 film and television companies and studios cancelled, but 13 of them have registered capital of 10 million yuan, and 2 have registered capital of more than 50 million yuan.

“Hengpiao” left Hengdian

Environmental fluctuations, changes visible to the naked eye. No one can completely escape, including the group performances in Hengdian.

“The crew’s appearance requirements for group performances have increased a lot in 2019.” Xiaotu is the group owner of the Hengdian group performance communication group and a local information broker in Hengdian, providing work, travel and living information to the group performance and tourists. And other services.

The rabbit said that the height requirement of the group performance is now about 3 to 5 cm higher than in previous years. Men have required more than 178cm and women have more than 163cm. Height is just the threshold for group performances. Prospective actors who already had a chance to show their faces, are now being picky.

Xiao Huang has spent more than 4 years in more than 100 crews in Hengdian, and has obtained a special title “Professional Title” one level higher than the prospective actor. He roughly felt: “The group registration and admission ratio may be close to 10 to 1, the prospective actor is 20 to 1, and the special actor is 30 to 1.”

Picture 丨 Beijing Shenshen once / Pu Xiaoxu

The group performances struggling at the bottom line are just the end of a complex layer of pressure in the film and television industry. The source of their direct pressure was that the number of crews stationed in the film and television city “suddenly” decreased.

Rough statistics. As of December 7, Hengdian Film and Television City only entered more than 250 crews in 2019, which was “shrinking” by more than one-third compared to the full-year data of 2018.

The situation in other film and television cities is also much worse.

As of December 8, 2019, Xiangshan Film and Television City, which was included in the “Top Ten Film and Television Bases in China”, saw only about 92 crews in the whole year of 2019, compared with the previous five months in the second half of 2018 There are about 120 crews stationed in the filming.

Xiangshan Film City is not the worst. Wen Zhipeng, the business manager of the marketing department of Zhongshan Film and Television City, revealed that from 2015 to 2019, only six crew members filmed at the base. According to the staff of the town Beibao Western Film and Television CityShao, the film and television city hardly welcomed a crew in the second half of 2019, and only 3 to 5 crews entered the year.

The “disappearance” of the crew directly led to a sharp decline in group income.

Compared with a monthly income of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan in 2018, a special actor like Xiao Huang will only earn about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per month in 2019. After deducting the corresponding management expenses for ordinary group performances, they can only get up and down 90 yuan a day, and even a shaft can’t earn 3,000 yuan a month.

Speaking of the changes throughout the year, Bunny lamented that many “horizontal drifters” left Hengdian in 2019, and the homeowners in the former horizontal drift gathering areas have started to come to the door to publish houses for rent Information.

Just as film and television dramas are the reflection of the real world, people walking in the cool Hengdian are the epitome of the real film and television industry.

Film company “closing tide”

The changes are sudden, and the film and television corporations have shut down their film and television studios and studios.

Tianyan data showed that as many as 4346 film and television companies and film studios cancelled last year, of which film and television companies (including its downstream industry companies) 3,313 and 1033 movie studios. The film and television companies and studios that have been established for 2-5 years are the main failures, accounting for 77% and 90% of their total failures, respectively.

“In 2019, my business volume decreased by about one-third compared with previous years. Some people couldn’t keep up and switched to micro-quotients.” For director Xiao Ruan, the business volume in 2019 has dropped significantly. In her opinion, in the past, the profits of film and television projects were generally about 50%, and now it is difficult to maintain about 20%. “Some large companies used to have hundreds of millions of projects before they hatched, and now tens of millions of projects