The article is from WeChat public account: 食 通 社 KnowYourFood (ID: foodthinkchina) , original title: “Want to grow vegetables at home? The balcony farmer group mastered the pit you might step on! “Author: stone, title figure from: Stone

In more than a year of operating the “Balcony Farmer Group”, I have found that novice vegetable growers will make mistakes and even make some very serious mistakes. These mistakes make it easy for everyone to go against the original intention of growing vegetables: Eat fresh and healthy food. So, here I will share the experience I have accumulated over the years. Let the new farmers on the balcony avoid the “minefield” and grow safe and delicious vegetables and fruits. Of course, if there is something inappropriate, you are also welcome to correct me and make better suggestions.

Growing good vegetables is actually very simple, it’s nothing more than these: Soil, ventilation, light, fertilizer, watering, seasonal varieties, pest control. Master these eight points, everyone can grow good vegetables and fruits. I will give you detailed instructions one by one.


Soil comes first, because Good soil can grow healthy food. Many novices are apt to make mistakes in this step, and the biggest “minefield” is the choice of soil.

My aunt likes me to grow vegetables. She is a farmer who has grown vegetables for decades. After moving to Shenzhen, she grew vegetables on the top of the building, and the vegetables also looked good. But the “knowledge” she accidentally disclosed made me sweat. She said that she deliberately dug the edge of the garbage dump because the black water from the garbage would make the soil particularly fertile. In Shenzhen, there was no such thing as garbage classification. A small battery could pollute one cubic meter of soil. Not to mention the soil on the edge of unsorted rubbish, who knows what harm it contains?

Many people, including me, driveWhen planting vegetables, the focus is on the soil in the green belt of the community. I strongly advise everyone that this method is not advisable. The plots are often killed, and the problem of pesticide residues has not been considered. It’s hard to say if the soil is safe when the soil is taken back.

Many people buy soil from the Internet. I have heard a news from a professional that scares me later: some bad businesses make contaminated garbage or sludge into nutritious soil for sale at a low price. Therefore, when buying online, you must also be careful and try to buy soil from reliable merchants, and don’t try to be cheap. Poor nutrient soil, from light to bad vegetables, to poisonous vegetables, which runs counter to our original idea.

In China, there are many sayings about soil. What are the characteristics of the soil in your area? Picture | Web

My suggestion

Foodies who have budgets and are afraid of trouble can directly buy quality soil from big brands, such as Danish peat soil. For those who are not afraid of trouble, it is recommended to dig the soil in the slightly more remote suburbs. The soil near the urban river is not recommended because it is not clear whether it has been polluted by heavy metals before. The excavated soil should be left open for more than a week to help remove the eggs. If it is not convenient to spread out, you can close it with a large black plastic bag and throw it in the sun for more than a week.

At the same time, considering that many people are planting on the balcony or terrace, I suggest that you can buy coconut brick and perlite >. If you cannot determine the EC value of the coconut brick within 0.5, you can basically use it after washing it two or three times after blistering. The sun-dried soil, soaked coconut bricks, and perlite (preferably soaked before use, not to be sucked into the lungs when used) >Mix by volume 2: 1: 1 or (1: 1: 1) . The treated soil, while being loose, breathable and water-retaining, can reduce the weight by more than 1/3 compared with ordinary soil. Balcony terraces have less load and are naturally safer.

The soil is selected to create a good growth foundation for the plant, grow strong from a young age, and lay a foundation for future growth and reduce pests and diseases.


The importance of ventilation to plants is self-evident, but for many novices, it is a large “minefield”.

If you pay attention to observation, you will find that the farmer’s uncle’s vegetables and crops are neat and tidy. This is of course not entirely for good looking, the biggest reason of which is to increase ventilation. Let the wind flow between plants can greatly reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Common diseases such as white powder and downy mildew are actually related to poor ventilation. The plants in the ground are like this, not to mention we are planting on the balcony and terrace, and we need to maintain good ventilation.

My suggestion

Many novices worry about not germinating when they are raising seedlings. Too much sprouting, so cute to look at, and feel hard-won, can’t always be heartless to remove some extra seedlings. I suggest that you leave a space when sowing, and don’t be vague when pulling out seedlings. Because if the distance between the seedlings and seedlings is too close, they will not compete for nutrition, and the ventilation will be poor. These “redundant” plants often become hotbeds of pests and diseases, and they often grow weak and diseased.

You can also purchase simple seedling trays for seedling cultivation.

Balcony planting, plantingDuring photosynthesis of objects during the day, carbon dioxide is consumed, and oxygen supply is required at night, so windows must be opened frequently to enhance ventilation.

In addition, ventilation is especially important for plants like tomatoes, because they are wind-borne plants, and pollination is required through air flow to produce more and better tomatoes.


I’ve met a lot of newbies and complained to me, “Why do I always grow and die?”. I usually ask him, “How many hours a day does your balcony have light?”.

The growth of plants requires photosynthesis using sunlight through the leaves, converting carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates, thus releasing energy. The vast majority of the leafy vegetables we grow need at least half a day of (more than four or five hours) . Fruits, vegetables, and fruit trees generally require full-day sunshine.

My suggestion

A plant with too little light always grows badly. If there is only a balcony for two or three hours in the house, I suggest growing some low light time such as ginger, spring onion, leek, celery, and lettuce Contented vegetables. Also, feed less. Because if there is too little light and too much fertilizer, the nitrate content in the leaves may be too high, which is not good for human health.


The highest appraisal of peasants is: there are species. Fruits produced by good seeds will taste much better than those produced by normal seeds, and have better yield and disease resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to choose good seeds.

Shitong’s partner, Unming Youming from the Yao nationality in Guangxi, cultivated old rice seeds on his balcony. >> A Yao farmer and his 45 kinds of rice

My suggestion

The seed quality of Shouguang, the hometown of domestic vegetables, is good. Of course, if you can find high-quality foreign varieties that are suitable for the local climate, you can. It should be noted that the three plants of leek, strawberry and passion fruit are not suitable for starting from seeds.

If you plant the chives yourself, you can cut them for at least a year. Buying roots and planting them can be eaten after half a year, and can be cut continuously for two or three years. It is enough to sprinkle some ash on the second day after cutting the leek.

Strawberries are also not suitable for seeding. The fruit they produce is particularly small and tastes bad.

Passion fruit is a fruit I prefer to grow on the balcony, but it is not suitable for seed. Passion fruits grown from seeds may not produce much in two or three years. And you use cuttings to grow seedlings, there is enough space for them to climb, water and fertilizer management is proper, and you can bear hundreds of fruits that year.


Farming is the most difficult to control on the balcony and terrace. Its special geographical location is (close to home, and close to neighbors) , Decided that the most important thing to use fertilizer is odorless. If you can buy thoroughly decomposed organic fertilizer, of course, if you want to try to make it yourself, there are some points to pay attention to.

The farmer Liu Gang reported by Shitong News is teaching friends who are interested in composting how to make rice water fermentation broth >> Small Willow Farm Compost Course Review

My suggestion

1. Vegetable withered fertilizer

Is the residue of rapeseed after pressing oil, which is cake fat (sesame, peanuts can also be used) , which is the organic I use the most fat. Vegetables have a balanced fertilizer effect, and their special aromatic taste can make the fruits and vegetables you plant taste better. Let me introduce two ways to make vegetable fat.

A. Vegetable bottom as fertilizer: Prepare a large foam box, 30 cm high and 40 cm long. In the middle and lower layers of the entire foam box, add about one and a half pounds of vegetable crop. (fermented better) as a base fertilizer. If the leafy vegetables are harvested for two or three months, basically no topdressing is needed in the later stages. If it is fruits and vegetables, I recommend adding a little more fertilizer in the middle and late stages. It is a good choice to dilute with vegetable fat, peel and bad fruit soaked liquid spray.

B. Prunella as liquid fertilizer: Mix Prunella and water in a ratio of about 1: 5 by weight, and add peel and bad fruits to it. A large amount of sugar in it can provide nutrition, which means microorganisms can better break down Macromolecule. It should be noted that the lid must not be completely tight, so that there is a small amount of air in and out, but the mosquito can never enter the spawning.

Because the lid is too tight, a large amount of bubbles generated during fermentation may hurt the eyes when you open the lid when it is removed, which must be remembered! The reason why it should be soaked for more than three months is to slowly break down the macromolecules of potherbium into small molecules that can be absorbed by plants. The soaked vegetable fat in this way has a taste similar to that of enzymes, slightly sour and not stinky. When using water 20 times, 50 times, 100 times for different stages of topdressing. The smaller the seedlings, the more water is added. Remember the principle of thin fertilizer and diligent application. Vegetables and fruits can be given liquid fertilizer once every three or five days, and leafy vegetables can be used once a week or two.

2. Fish intestine compost

In addition to vegetable wither, fish intestine is also an excellent organic fertilizer, which is especially helpful for fruit tree flowering. I used fish intestine compost to grow lemons, and it took only about a year and a half from cuttings to flowering. But at the same time, fish intestines are “heavy flavor” fertilizers. Here is a method to turn fish intestines into odorless compost.

Find a plastic bucket with about ten centimeters of soil, spread fish intestines of seven or eight centimeters, then spread another layer of five centimeters of soil, and then spread seven or eight centimeters of fish intestine, and finally seal about ten centimeters. The soil is sealed tightly with several layers of plastic bags, and you’re done!

After that, throw the plastic bucket where the sun can shine, and open it after half a year, you will get a good, completely odorless fish intestine compost. The reason why plastic buckets are recommended is because if the fish intestine compost is sealed with a foam box, it is easy to leak, and the taste is really too stinky. For specific methods, please refer to my article >> Using this little trick, the fish intestines will no longer smell bad!

3. Chicken manure for fertilizer

In addition, if you are a master of odorless chicken, then you canChickens get high-quality protein (eggs) , and you can get good organic fertilizer: chicken manure. There are many ways to introduce odorless chicken online. The reason for mentioning chicken is to remind readers that most of the chicken manure that comes through purchase comes from large-scale farms. It uses too much antibiotics and is not recommended to use too much.


Green vegetables grown at home are not recommended for human waste. Stink is on the one hand. On the other hand, parasites and virus residues are all problems because they have not undergone a high-temperature antivirus process. In organic vegetable cultivation standards, leafy vegetables are not allowed to use this fertilizer.


Vegetarian enthusiasts have a good summary: Novice fish farmers are often killed, and novice vegetables are mostly killed.

My suggestion

The principle of watering is actually very simple- “Don’t do nothing, just water it.”

How to judge soil dryness? See if the soil surface is one or two centimeters white or the color is lighter, and the other is to scoop a flower pot. If the weight is greatly reduced, water it quickly. When watering, slow down and let the water slowly penetrate until the water seeps out from under the pot.

But the watering rules are complicated and complicated. For example: when transplanting, the root water should be thoroughly irrigated; in the slow seedling stage, when the root has not been able to absorb a large amount of water from the soil, less watering should be used; when the seedlings are just out, even less water should be properly supplied This is called squatting. The purpose is to give Xiao Miao a sense of crisis and desperately take root to find water. Such a seedling is strong, grows well, and has less illness. Vegetables and fruits are watered in the middle and late stages, in the summer and even in the morning and evening, and may be watered only once every two or three days in the winter.


The water outlet at the bottom of the pot must be covered with broken tiles and ceramic grains, so that water can flow out, and the root system of the plant will not rot due to too much water.

The treatment method of each layer of soil. Picture | Web

Summer rain can be quite heavy at first glance, but in many cases it just wets the surface of the soil. At this time, we must pay attention to replenish the plants.

The watering time is best before the sun comes out in the morning, and watering at night is of course OK. There is also a problem that is easy to encounter in summer. If the plants are too short of water at noon, you must quickly water them, and use water that has been exposed to the sun or the temperature is close to normal temperature. This will cause much less damage to the plants. In addition, you can also cover the soil surface with something like bark to reduce evaporation.

Seasonal varieties

The planting time of different plants is a bit easy for novices to ignore, but it is very important for fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables have their own germination and growth temperatures, and we must grow according to these natural laws. At the same time, don’t believe too much in agricultural proverbs, because China is too big, spanning temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, and you don’t know who the author of agricultural proverbs is. Vegetables and fruits that can be planted in the north in a certain month may not be planted in the south because of the high temperature.

There are also some special circumstances, such as in Guangdong, summer is not suitable for growing tomatoes. Because the temperature difference is small, there may be 27 degrees at night, so that the tomatoes can not be given the opportunity to rest and rest at night. Coupled with high humidity, tomatoes are susceptible to disease, with fewer results and poor quality. Tomatoes in Guangdong are suitable for starting seedlings in September and October to avoid the hottest summer months.

I recommend an article here, Suggested germination and growth of 54 common vegetables temperature. This article lists in detail dozens of common fruits and vegetables suitable for germination, growth temperature, and