High-quality work results start with deep focus.

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Editor’s note: In this new era of digital life, we are always susceptible to distractions due to various interference factors, and may even affect the quality of our work. The original title of this article is 10 In-Depth Strategies to Improve Your Focus and Produce High-Quality Work. The author, Jennifer Taylor Chan, is a legal worker. Based on her experience, she has proposed 10 ways to improve attention and quality of work. In-depth strategy, I hope to inspire you.

These 10 depth strategies will help you improve your attention and work quality

Image source: Pexels.com

As early as 2015, Microsoft Canada published a report saying that human attention is shorter than goldfish.

According to this report, the average human attention span surveyed in 2000 is still 12 seconds, and according to 2013 survey data, the average human attention span is only 8 seconds (the average attention span of goldfish is 9 seconds). ).

Although Microsoft acknowledges that the digital lifestyle has a negative impact on our continued attention, it also mentions the good news: With the promotion of technology and the popularity and application of social media, consumers are becoming more and more adept at it. To better handle relevant information through fragmented, focused attention.

In other words, although it is not a benefit to consumers, it is indeed an advantage they can take advantage of for market sellers who benefit from consumer attention. For them, in order to win the attention of consumers, they only need to create a short-term and direct influence.

The report also pointed out that for users using multiple digital screens, their selective attention (the ability to stay focused on a task or thing in the face of multiple interference items) has also emerged Decreased significantly. For those who can actively filter the sources of interference, they are more likely to be actively away from various interference items and multi-screen devices.

We do not have selective attention because of demographicsSituations, media consumption or the use of social media, but when we focus on only one task or thing, we create a deliberate environment for ourselves.

Simply make a summary:

  • Our attention span is getting shorter and shorter;

  • Good for market sellers, but not necessarily good for knowledge workers;

  • Although we can largely control and manage our environment, it can also affect our focus.

    In view of this, I will apply the following 10 in-depth strategies in my daily work and life, allowing me to maintain a high degree of attention and achieve high-quality output under the influence of the digital environment and other interference items.

    # 1: Single task processing

    Unless the task at hand requires special legal research, I generally only keep one or two browser windows open at the same time.

    If I only need to use Microsoft Word word processing software, I will close the browser directly instead of minimizing the browser window. This method is also used in mail processing. If I’m not waiting for someone’s mail, I will close the Microsoft Outlook mail client and only open it when I finish other tasks or take a break.

    As of now, I have almost never missed any emergency. At the same time, I was able to easily handle tasks with higher cognitive requirements.

    # 2: Make a daily or weekly work plan

    According to Cal Newport, a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and author of the book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” It is recommended that I assign specific tasks to different times of the day in my daily work.

    Although the better option is to plan the next day in advance the night before, I usually get up in the morning or immediately start planning the work plan for the day after I arrive at the office. Although sometimes there are various temporary tasks, such as customers visiting the office temporarily, I will not disturb my plan because of this, I just need to continue to return to the original planning framework and adjust the corresponding time slightly.

    The development of a work plan is not a goal of completing the number of tasks. Instead, you should develop a consciousness and let yourself pay attention to the specific arrangements of the work day. In the course of performing each task, I will never say to myself, “Oh my God, I have to complete this task before work”, after all, I have already mentionedA specific period of time was previously planned to accomplish this task alone.

    # 3: Think hard about the tasks

    The best ideas are definitely not the ones you can think of for the first time. During the preparation of my last hearing, I wrote down my submissions and arguments for the three possible situations in advance.

    In the two weeks after I made preparations, I repeatedly revised all my submissions and arguments, and the final final draft was basically completely different from the first draft. It is also the result of my serious thinking, whether during commuting, walking the dog, or reading other irrelevant content, as long as I have time or think about the relevant aspects, I will seriously think.

    Of course, I’m not suggesting that you have to keep thinking about your work. What I want to say is that you need to allow yourself enough time so that you have time to review the various issues that you need to solve. Maybe you may also discover new content from different perspectives.

    # 4: Set multiple deadlines

    This is related to the previous point. No matter what job you are engaged in, you will inevitably encounter various kinds of work pressures. To better manage stress, be sure to set a deadline for each task or project you do.

    This will also create a system for your task or project, so as to better deal with and deal with all kinds of uncertainty when you have a difficult job or have to get out of the comfort zone.

    # 5: High-intensity work of “Long labor and short life”

    Although Microsoft claims that consumers who live a digital lifestyle have the advantage of being able to cultivate and exercise deep attention through short bursts, Microsoft has mentioned that it is a certain time of day A few seconds, not minutes.

    But I think you should develop a habit that allows you to maintain 25 minutes of high-intensity work at a time for a specific task or project, followed by a 5 minute break. Then repeat this process three to four times, and finally extend the rest time to 10 to 15 minutes.

    Also, do n’t suddenly switch to multitasking during your break. If you want to check your email, focus on checking your email. If you want to log in to social media platforms, log in to one platform at a time.

    Personally, I prefer to walk around during a break, or go out for a cup of coffee. After all, I think that since it is a break, I must keep my eyes away from various screens.

    This method is also known as the “Tomato work method”. You can count down yourself with your mobile phone or a free app.

    # 6: Waste if not used

    The principle of brain plasticity is simple: if you don’t exercise your brain frequently, your brain may begin to decline. In order to prevent brain decline, you need to give the brain proper