The article is from the public number: Mr. L said (ID: lxianshengmiao) , author: Lachel, Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash.

Today I want to talk more: How can we make our day more fun, fulfilling, and happier?

Similarly, I will share 5 simple but effective micro habits, I hope to give you some inspiration.

I also wish you not only “efficient” but also “happy” in the new year.

1. What can be streamlined? (Process)

How to make each day more interesting and meaningful? The most basic and most important thing is to minimize “meaningless trivia”.

We are occupied by a lot of trivia every day: what clothes to wear to work; what to eat for lunch; what to do on the commute; how to organize the information; how to write down the information read; how to complete the daily report and log of the day … / p>

These things are “necessary expenditures for maintaining survival.” They will not have an extra bonus to your life, but if you spend all your time and energy on it, you will naturally feel exhausted and have no energy to explore life. Other possibilities.

So, the first and foremost thing is to think: how to reduce more chores into “automated processing” and reduce their occupation of the brain?

The brain has two ways to process everything. One is called controlled processing, which refers to processing that requires a high degree of conscious participation, coordination, and control; the other is called automated processing, which refers to processing that can be completed without conscious participation.

Take an example: talk to a colleague and talk about a very important thing, so you start thinking “where do I have to remember so that I can find it when I need it?”-this is controlling processing; but if you already have With a set of processes for handling to-dos and memos, you can handle it without thinking, without having to spend your brains thinking.

Why can some people handle many things at the same time? Not because they are smart, but because they are able to “package” many trivia into a set of processes, freeing them from their brains, saving valuable cognitive space, and dealing with other things.

So, my first suggestion to you is:

If a task will appear more than 2 times, may wishThink about it: Can I design a process that maximizes it to “automate”?

A few simple examples:

  • Take care of your clothes for 7 days a week, and arrange the time for washing and drying. Think about “what should I wear”;

    • Make a list of problems to be solved, and think about them in the time of fragmentation, so you do n’t need to go Worry about “how to pass the time”;

      • Divide the bookshelf partitions according to “reading”, “common reading”, and “waiting for investigation” , You can reduce the hassle of finding books;

        • I even put a white board at home. What’s the purpose? When I have any ideas and inspiration, I can immediately write down, draw a picture, and sort out my ideas, so that I can streamline the steps of finding pen and paper and opening the note tool.

          Don’t underestimate these details. Automating more trivia to free up cognitive space means that you get more “mental freedom.”

          In this process, There are a few thinking tips that can help you:

          1) What do I want to achieve with it? Which steps are necessary and which are not?

          2) Can I “extract similar items”, solidify those things that are unchanged, and focus only on those things that change?

          3) For these things that can change, can I set a few simple rules to help myself simplify it?

          Example: What is the purpose of my billing? This is to keep expenses within a reasonable budget. So, do I need to keep track of every expense? Whether to control changes at the beginning and end of the monthwill be better?

          Some of the monthly expenses are fixed, so can I extract them and focus only on those expenses that are not fixed?

          For these non-fixed expenses, there will always be fluctuations around an average value, so do I control the average value and pay attention to those fluctuation values ​​that deviate greatly?

          This is the idea of ​​a design process. Whether at work or in life, when you are facing a transaction that needs to be repeated repeatedly, you can think about this: What can I do to minimize the energy invested in it?

          By jumping out of the weird and repetitive cycle and compressing and “compressing” what you have to do, you can free up more brainpower and think about what I want to do.

          2. What does it mean to me? (Extract)

          People are creatures that need meaning.

          How do we measure time? Often it is not based on things that happen objectively, but on the experiences and feelings that these things project in our brains.

          Similarly, what makes us feel fulfilled is often not “what I did”, but the meaning given to us by what we have done.

          This is my second suggestion to you:

          Review the information you have obtained and what you have done, and extract value and meaning from it.

          For example: I keep a diary every day. How do I do it? Instead of writing down all the details, it is to extract the most impressive and valuable harvest for me. May be some new knowledge, may be new friendsFriends, maybe a new idea about a project …

          Then, I will do it again every month, every year, from which I will extract “Essence of the Month” and “Events of the Year”.

          In this way, I can clearly see: what progress and breakthroughs have been made in the projects in my plan; what ideas and ideas have been realized; what new knowledge has been internalized by me and has become part of my habits and knowledge system; What is the difference between me today and me in the past …

          The message itself is lifeless. Only by extracting experience, emotion, and value from it can it form part of your unique “self.”

          Similarly, when I read and read articles, I encounter good chapters and knowledge points. I will not simply save it, but I will think: What can I get from it? What are the highlights in it that are worth my in-depth thinking and learning?

          Then, when I accumulate a certain amount of notes, I will put them together and think: What sparks can these knowledge points collide with? How can they be integrated? What systems might they be part of?

          These are the processes of refining and refining to save value and gain value and “meaning”.

          So, I often say: When reading, do n’t stop at the level of “copying it all”, it does n’t make sense-you are just copying others ’thinking. All you have to do is think about “what can I get out of it” and find places that collide with your mind and brighten your eyes.

          This is what you really get.

          Similarly, in life, if you have to stay in the “insignificant” daily work for a while, don’t blame people, you might as well think differently, think about it:

          • What meaning can I give it?

            • What value does it have for me? For example, know more people; learn about some experience; learn about the operation of the entire system and the entire chain; and so on.

              • Can it help more people? Affect more people? Make a difference in this world, even if it’s just a little bit?

                Combining consciousness with your daily experience creates a connection with “self” and even the “world”-this is the source of meaning and the best way to feel fulfilled.

                3. What can I promote? (Agenda: Agenda)

                In the first point, we mentioned that to get rid of the daily exhausted life, we need to step out of the daily weird circle and try to compress the “had to do” things as much as possible so that they do not occupy the cognitive space.

                So, what should the freed up cognitive resources and energy be used for?

                Of course you can spend on anything-leisure, entertainment, staying with family-but I would suggest you, give it a try: promote your inspiration and ideas, let them land, grow, bloom.

                This is my third suggestion to you:

                Try to promote something long-term .

                In your life, you will occasionally have thoughts like this:

                • This skill is very interesting,Would you like to learn it?

                  • Who speaks this poorly is not as good as me;

                    • This method is much easier to use than everyone says, so I want to share it with people who understand it ;

                      • Why not just use your free time and try it for yourself?

                        Like me, I have dozens of ideas in “Project Notes”-for example, a talk show; introducing reasoning to more people; building a platform for the upstream industry; making an interest-based platform Ecological community … and so on. I usually see related information in work and life, and I will automatically associate and match them in my mind, and then add them to my notes.

                        Then there are some ideas that have already taken shape, and I will try to implement them. It may be to build a team, it may be delivered to a trusted person, or you may try to toss yourself.

                        This is how I came up with several previous projects and companies.

                        So, I would suggest you, Collect your usual ideas, write down valuable and feasible, and become your “Agenda” (agent) , occasionally add a step, promote a step, let yourself see it step by step perfection and progress, this is a very fulfilling thing.

                        You can think of it as a way to fight stress and as an opportunity for your own growth. The point is, what do you have to do to make yourself, every day, every month, every year, different from your past self.

                        It does n’t have to be a quick implementation, even if it ’s just a “push” step.

                        I often emphasize a key word in my recent articles: diversity. Diverse interests,Diversified goals and diversified careers are not only a way to better explore this world, but also a way to help you increase your “anti-fragility” and make yourself more able to withstand shocks and setbacks.

                        Living life as an adventure and constantly pushing it away from your target is the best way to combat boredom and ordinary life.

                        4. How to increase the possibility of good things happening? (Chance, opportunity)

                        Taleb talks about a “barbell strategy” in his book. What does that mean? The attitude to one thing consists of two extreme strategies: most pursue extreme stability, and a small proportion seek extreme returns.

                        Take a simple example: when investing, most assets are allocated on zero-risk and low-risk targets, and the pursuit of value preservation and steady growth; a small part of assets are allocated on extremely high-risk targets, and the pursuit of winning excess returns- This is a very basic barbell strategy.

                        It’s the same in life. Our control of life comes from fixed, daily and repetitive; but the joy of life often comes from the unknown, accident and uncertainty. Only a good combination of these two can make our lives a dynamic balance between boredom and turbulence.

                        This is the problem for most people: Either overly seeking stability and repeating it day after day, it is not only a loss of passion, but also easily missed when the opportunity comes; or, always hovering in trial and exploration , Can not find a clear direction, three minutes of heat, waste time in Langzhong …

                        What’s the better way? On the one hand, keep yourself “necessarily stable” with a stable career, a stable schedule, a stable sense of routine and ritual; on the other hand, devote yourself to a different, larger “pool” To increase your chances of “good things happening.”

                        To put it simply: If you want to win, you have to put yourself in the prize pool first.

                        For example: a while ago, a very young partner in my team introduced me to a supplier, and the cooperation was very pleasant. How did they meet? The answer may surprise you: know the game of board games.

                        Another example: A friend of mine pushed a bottleneck project a while ago. What is the opportunity? He continued to write about the experience of some industries, and many people sent private letters to contact him, from which he met a partner.

                        These are all different possibilities. You are content with the status quo, repeating daily tasks every day, it is difficult to be hit by opportunities-opportunities will not fall from the sky, let alone run to you.

                        Me too. I am a very introverted person, but for a while, I forced myself to overcome inertia, ran out to meet many people, contacted many different industries, and learned how they do things. why? Not only for the so-called connections, but more importantly, expand your horizons and transform your thinking from familiar and habitual paths.

                        If you always do familiar things, you will be confined to these things, and you will not see other possibilities. Only by jumping into a larger pool can you see the wider world.

                        In a world full of diversity, give it a try and give yourself a “multiple identity”, reach out to more circles, and make your own voice.

                        It’s like, sowing seeds, waiting for a flower to bloom.

                        5. What do I really have? (Ego, self)