Using artificial intelligence technology to monitor the performance of serverless architectures

Intelligent BUG exclusion tool, Israeli monitoring startup

“Epsagon” official website

According to Foreign media reports that Israeli non-service performance monitoring startup “ Epsagon ” recently announced that has completed $ 16 million A round of financing . This round of financing was led by new investors U.S. Venture Partners (USVP) and existing investors Lightspeed Venture Partners and StageOne Ventures. After this round of financing, the total financing of “Epsagon” reached 20 million US dollars.

“Epsagon” is a smart bug exclusion tool that helps users automatically analyze serverless applications . The “Epsagon” platform uses artificial intelligence technology to monitor the performance of serverless architectures, which enables client companies to spot problems before potential performance problems occur.

The serviceless architecture poses challenges for monitoring because, unlike virtual machines, the serviceless architecture does not rely on a single known server to run applications. No service can run applications on the cheapest hosts, reducing costs and increasing deployment speed. This architecture eliminates a lot of control and management from DevOps (combination of Development and Operations) and R & D teams, making monitoring performance more difficult.

“Epsagon” Help developers at client companies use serverless technology withoutLose control of your application and provide end-to-end visibility and visualization of the Serverless architecture .

“Epsagon” Also you can quickly troubleshoot and reduce system downtime . Developers use Epsagon to reduce troubleshooting time by more than 80%. The company uses distributed tracking and AI technologies to analyze application performance and bottlenecks, improve the user experience, and control costs.

Intelligent BUG exclusion tool, Israeli monitoring startup

“Epsagon” official website

Epsagon CEO and co-founder Nitzan Shapira said the company has been expanding its product range last year to include not only its serverless technology, but also to provide insights into many modern forms of development.

First, Epsagon announces support for Kubernetes (K8s) workloads (including local Kubernetes) and hosted Kubernetes services (such as AWS EKS and Google GKE) . A few months ago, “Epsagon” announced the Kubernetes integration of the platform. If a customer enterprise is running a Kubernetes workload, it can be integrated with Epsagon in one click, and then all metrics can be used immediately, and tracking can be set up in minutes.

“Epsagon” Also announced support for AWS AppSync, a codeless programming tool on the Amazon Cloud platform . According to Nitzan Shapira, Epsagon is the only provider today that introduces AppSync tracking .

Epsagon hopes to use the new funding to support Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform to further expand its product range. “Epsagon” ‘s goal is to automate the product as much as possible, so that the customer enterprise canYou will get the results.

Epsagon now has 25 employees and the company plans to double the number of employees next year.