Inject cool points.

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “李 柠檬” (ID : Imslimeng), author Li Mo, founder of IMS.

I went to Shanghai to do business recently, and I heard friends say, “Leader and product manager of many technology companies, the busiest before the New Year are two things-job report and lecture. In addition to the report at the end of the busy year, many of them will take time off. Fudan School of Philosophy.

Product managers are running to philosophy classes?

My friend explained to me: “It’s harder than making money to keep your own happiness and rhythm!”

I also accepted a similar view at Lakeside University: “God arranges a person’s fate, or gives a person a mission, in fact, to give him a hobby, a real like, a thing called ‘addiction’.”

Discovering the true love deep in your heart may be more important than technology and the product itself.

Last week, Las Vegas was held as the world’s largest consumer electronics show (CES 2020). This is the direction of global technology innovation. In addition to Samsung ’s 8K OLED TVs, Bosch ’s unmanned electric buses, Lamborghini equipped with Amazon Alexa voice assistants, and other cutting-edge technology products, you can also see “the gathering of Indonesia” and “Philippines Fight a lot “…

However, I still see a situation—there are more and more “ineffective innovations” in this era. How can these new technologies and products win the eye, how to cut into good application scenarios, and how to fit more users The cool point is often more decisive.

“Cool point determinism” has been very popular with domestic product managers.

What is a good product? In my opinion, the most authentic kind of deep inside of you, which resonates with the refreshing experience of the target user, is a first-class product.

I have personally encountered many entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial projects, and the deepest experience is that if the entrepreneur is unhappy, the company or project has no future.

Your happiness keeps pace with the happiness of customers and users. With this psychological resonance, you win half.

01 More and more fun, more and more refreshing.

Internet and mobile communication technologies will have some obvious evolutionary iterations every few years, with faster network speeds, more three-dimensional video (vertical screen or naked eye 3D), and better experience.

So, is there anything constant?

Recommend the most fun things to the most people, and it is too cool and fun to exceed expectations. This kind of product thinking and user thinking are unchanged.