Many people have begun to imagine that the “WeChat circle” may rise the trend of Internet culture.

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account Know the program observation (ID: yinghoo- tech), Professor Miss Dou.

The short content that Zhang Xiaolong said opened the internal test. Is

“Compared to the public account, we lack a carrier that everyone can create. Because we can’t require everyone to write articles every day. As we said in the public class, the short content of WeChat It ’s always the direction we want to work on, and if it goes well, we may see you in the near future. “

Last night, the new feature of “Short Content” mentioned by Zhang Xiaolong in “2020 WeChat Open Course PRO” officially opened the beta.

Zhang Xiaolong said the

From the picture, this function requires the operator to send an e-mail application. The WeChat team will issue an internal test qualification based on the applicant’s account influence and type, and did not disclose what product form it will be.

Many public account operators speculate that “short content” is likely to be a “collection” of multiple products, and “WeChat circles” are part of it.

In fact, this guess is not impossible.

A few days after the “2020 WeChat Open Class PRO”, the young partners of yinghoo-tech have made a new discovery: the public account has quietly launched the “WeChat Circle” entrance in the background . “WeChat Circle” is a community tool provided by WeChat. In addition to text and pictures, there are also more interactive short videos.


There is great potential for the “bound” operation of public accounts and “WeChat circles”. Operators can insert circles in public account articles to direct users to circles to precipitate fans; meanwhile, circles can feed back the public No. to bring more traffic and new fans.

In fact, many operators have already begun to operate. In the WeChat group where operators gather, “circles” can be seen everywhere.

More and more people are betting on the “WeChat circle”. In their view, the only content that really fits the short direction of Zhang Xiaolong’s mouth is the “WeChat circle”.

1 Public account and circle “synchronize”

The “WeChat Circle” entrance of the public account background does not yet have functions related to the public account, but there is a lot of “recommendation” information about the circle. As shown in the figure, it not only tells the operator how to create a circle, it also directly displays A few popular circles.


The purpose of WeChat is clear: to attract more operators to create circles.

A lot of developers have told us that there have been news released a few months ago, and a quick channel for registration circles will appear on the public account background, but after a few months, no trace has been seen, but the developers are a little bit I’m not anxious: “It’s a bit slow, but it’s also normal. It’s not a small thing to connect the public account and the circle function.”

Currently, registered circles are still created by entering a circle-personal center through a search.

In the eyes of optimists, the launch of the “WeChat Circle” entrance on the public account background is a positive sign: “Surely there will be more functions coming online.”

At this point, just look at the position of “WeChat Circle” in the background of the public account. “WeChat Circle” is a search overview on the left, and “Official Brand Zone” on the right. These two buttons have actual function carrying. In these pages, the public account operator can not only see the function introduction, but also directly Activate the function and customize the display.


But developers are quite optimistic about the prospect of “combining” the public account and the “WeChat circle”. The expectation for new features is mainly because the attributes of the two are too “matching”.

Today, public accounts are facing a declining opening rate. How to improve the stickiness, activity, and loyalty of fans is a difficult problem for public account operators. The “WeChat circle” is a community tool provided by WeChat. Being able to create a benign discussion atmosphere around products, interests, and topics in the “circle” of your public account will undoubtedly reduce the difficulty of the public account to a certain extent:

On the one hand, it is difficult for the public account to increase its popularity. Old fans can bring new fans into the circle. In the circle, articles and applets can be shared. This gives the public account the opportunity to reach new users;

On the other hand, the probability of fans actively opening articles is getting lower and lower, but they may open articles in the atmosphere of discussion.

“The circle is a good tool to help the public account settle fans and expand new users.” Many developers agree.

2 Circle = WeChat version “Post it”?

After the 2020 WeChat Open Class Pro version, the circle is quite active. “I know a lot of circle owners and created several circles. Their purpose is still to grab the circle bonus and the short content traffic bonus of WeChat.” Some developers told us. Among them are preemptive names, preemptive classification and recommended entrances.

This is due to their optimism about the public account + circles. On the other hand, many people think that WeChat should be short content, and circles are the bearers of short content.

In terms of yinghoo-tech, circles are not the same as WeChat short content. This business that Zhang Xiaolong considers “must do” has a high probability of public account + circle + video dynamics.

Many developers agree. “Circles are part of WeChat’s short content. On the other hand, it can enrich WeChat’s search content and present a large number of users’ thoughts and experiences, which is similar to Baidu in a certain sense.

Such speculation does follow. On the WeChat search results page, the position of the circle is quite high.


To a certain extent, it makes up for the shortcomings of the “WeChat circle” in the eyes of developers-the entrance is too deep.

“The weight of search rankings has given the circle a great opportunity to show up. In the past, more circles were still more circle owners, and one of the important reasons is that C-end users still have a shallow perception of circles, that is, The entrance is too deep. “A developer told us that the number of circles is not too much and the content is not too rich. With the importance of WeChat to the function of circles,” the circle is rich in content and can enrich the search. Search brings more users and feeds back circle content, thus forming a virtuous circle. “

Many people have already begun to imagine that the “WeChat circle” may rise the trend of Internet culture.

“Putting together the community with interests and hobbies, there were a lot of” local tyrants, let’s be friends “, important things say three times, and other Internet cultural trends. I think the circle can also be, of course, the core still depends How should WeChat play with short content? After all, circles are one of the carriers of short content. “The developer said.