This article is from the WeChat public account: Blowfish Cultural Brigade (ID: hetunwenlv) , author: juvenile Yu Qian

“Now the organizers of projects such as Andy Lau and Jolin Tsai have collapsed.” An artist told Entertainment Capital that “these sponsors are borrowing money (On-going concert) , the big money borrowed has interest. “

“In view of the latest development of the new coronavirus epidemic and to protect the health and safety of the audience, the organizer decided to cancel a total of 12 concerts on February 15-18, 20-23, and 25-28, 2020.” On January 26, Andy Lau’s World Tour official Bo issued such a statement.

“For example, Andy Lau made an offer of 9 million and the brokerage company sold it to the landlord 30 million. The brokerage company sold it according to the scalper ticket 40 million. Now the performance is canceled, Andy Lau refunded the money according to 9 million. What do you do? Jump off the building? “

The performer said that even if all the tickets are sold, the ticket purchasers will face huge losses. “When Andy Lau canceled the show because of his silence last Christmas, I bought eight tickets for my first row to my friends. One 20,000. Cancellation at the end, one at the face price of 1080 Hong Kong dollars. “

If the ticket is not sold, the host company, the ground receiver, and the oxen will lose money, especially for those who have borrowed huge debts. Under leverage, the losses will be greater.

This is just a footnote when many offline entertainment projects are cold after the fermentation of the new crown virus. Besides Andy Lau, the performance plans of a number of stars such as Yang Yilin, Cai Yilin, Liang Jingru, etc. have also been announced recently.

With the National Epidemic Prevention Front, almost all drama performances, cultural travel performances, cinema lines, and sports events will be in trouble between February and March, and the offline entertainment structure may be rewritten accordingly.

“The first half of the year is basically hopeless. In the second half of the year, take a step and look at it.” An industry insider said with emotion.

A large number of performances such as Andy Lau and Jolin Tsai are cancelled, and the network of “Peace Elite” is congested

Under the spread of the epidemic, the “jump ticket” of various performances is spreading.

On January 22, announced that it was notified by the relevant authorities in Wuhan that due to the epidemic, Modern Brothers tour Wuhan Station, Han Hong Tour Wuhan Station, Cai Yilin Tour Wuhan Station, and Li Zongsheng Tour Huangshi Station were postponed or cancelled.

On January 24, Beijing Renyi announced that the performance of “Family Portrait” originally scheduled to be performed from January 26 to January 30 and “Miss Zhu Li” performed from January 26 to February 10 will cease. . From that day on, the Beijing Museum of Human Arts and Drama will be closed. Beijing Poly Theater also issued a notice that the multimedia ballet “Swan Lake” and “Giselle” performances originally scheduled to be staged at 19:30 on the evening of January 25-29 were cancelled. In addition, February 13-16, “Dream of Dreams” Shanghai Station performance may also be cancelled or postponed.

On January 25, the Happy Twist team stated that they will cancel different rounds of performances in different cities; at the same time, Deyun Club also postponed the performance activities originally scheduled for the first month.

The news of all the files being withdrawn, but movie tickets such as “Manslaughter” and “Transformed Agent” can still be bought on ticketing platforms such as Taobao Tickets.

“I just came back from a meeting in the county zf today. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic during the Spring Festival, the theater was required to stop operating from today.” The staff smiled bitterly, “When will it be opened, we need to be notified.” p>

This is the only movie theater in the town. Due to economic and industrial problems, most local young people are studying abroad, and most of the remaining are elderly people who are not interested in or pay for cinema movies. Therefore, this theater usually has less than 10% attendance. “Even if it ’s summer vacation, There are only two or three thousand running waters a day. “

If there is no Spring Festival file, opening a movie theater in a small town is a loss-making business. “During the Spring Festival, as young people return home and other offline entertainment venues are scarce, movie theater attendance is generally above 90% per game. From the year to the fifteenth day of the first month, the income during this period basically accounts for more than half of the theater’s annual revenue. “

Ticket sales for the Spring Festival last year

A staff member told Xiaoyu in private that although this theater is called “Cineplex”, it is only three cinemas with annual revenue of about one million yuan, excluding tax points, sharing, rent and labor costs. ” Hardly make any money. ” After the news of the original Chinese New Year’s files being withdrawn, they were half-hearted, and a piece of paper this morningThe notice completely announced the fate of this theater this year.

The lack of Spring Festival stalls is a “catastrophic disaster” for small city cinemas. Under the spread of the epidemic, even the cinemas in larger cities are not optimistic.

“Everyone is watching the situation, as long as a peer announces closure or receives an official notification, we will close at any time.” A staff member in a movie studio in Taiyuan, Shanxi, told Entertainment Capital that all the Spring Festival files were removed yesterday After the news of the file, the management has repeatedly discussed whether it is still open, and finally decided to open, but only some movies that have been released have been released to make up for the loss. “There is no way, the box office during the Spring Festival occupies about 40% of the year, which is too important for the theater.”

In order to ensure safety, they purchased a large amount of disinfectant, requiring that each film must be disinfected after the screening, and significantly reduced the number of times, shortening the business hours.

“Usually the theater will be open until one or two in the morning, and now the latest show ends at 20:30. We even equipped the staff with a temperature gun. Each audience must be tested before entering the venue. Gao will refuse to enter. “She also heard that the next-generation theater has prepared a large number of masks for each user who is preparing to watch movies.

The impact is still significant. Although the theater has taken precautionary measures, the occupancy rate has continued to decline severely. “At present, the attendance rate may be less than 5%. The original business was originally intended to recover some losses, but now this situation seems to drive more losses.”

On January 24th, Byte Beat spent 630 million to buy the copyright of the New Year’s film “Aunt” and announced that users can watch it for free in the company’s app such as Douyin and Toutiao.

The online screening of “Auntie” and ByteDance may be a comfort to most of the people who are standing by the epidemic, but it is also the last straw that crushes the small theater.

“As soon as the news came out, our entire company was covered.” A small and medium-sized theater staff lamented that the business had been closed during the Spring Festival.The loss was heavy. Now the filmmaker chooses to screen online, which means that the film can no longer bring any benefits to the theater, and it also means that the offline promotion costs invested by some theaters for this film in the early stage have also played a role.

“If” Aunt “is okay”, the staff member told Entertainment Capital that he was afraid that “Aunt” is a precedent, and if more filmmakers choose to release it online, they will be small films. The city will usher in a round of shuffling this year.

In his view, the film side has a retreat, and it can be moved from the Spring Festival to the summer season. Cinemas in first-tier and second-tier cities also have a retreat. So high “; on the contrary, the income of small theaters is basically supported by the returning population of the Spring Festival,” even the summer season and other holidays are incomparable. ”

More importantly, with the rise of a series of online entertainment such as short videos, live broadcasts, and mobile games, young people in towns have already met part of their entertainment needs with a mobile phone, and cinema movies are losing their appeal to them. force.

The selection of “Auntie” for online screening is a beating attack on the sinking market, and it is also a big hit for the town cinema. The epidemic control is the first battle of the movie theater line this year. After the epidemic, how to fight users back from the headlines and other products offline is the second battle they will face.

This is not an easy year. It ’s true for offline entertainment as well as everyone.

This article is from the WeChat public account: Blowfish Cultural Brigade (ID: hetunwenlv) , author: juvenile Yu Qian