This article is from WeChat public account: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) Reporter: Huang Shan and Zhou Zhuoran, Editor: Zhou Zhuoran

“The collapsed medical staff was crying … In that case, the medical staff were too depressed, understood them, and helped them … the tears couldn’t stop.” Writer Nishihara Akira on Weibo Wrote.

The pressure brought by medical staff working for up to 16 hours a day, the anxiety that residents of Wuhan and other cities and towns in Hubei face under the closure of the city and the epidemic—with the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic entering a critical stage, Anxiety, fear, courage, and belief are intertwined, and they have gradually aroused people’s attention to the mental health of people in the epidemic center.

On January 25, Li Ming, a professor at the Department of Psychology of Beijing Forestry University, issued a call in a circle of friends, calling on colleagues from all walks of life to prepare an online public welfare psychological assistance organization. In just half a day, his psychological assistance group was full of five groups, bringing together nearly a thousand professional consultants and millions of consultants.

Most of these promotions are spread on social media such as circle of friends, and you can enter the group by scanning the code. After joining, people will soon receive a question from the group organizers: “Do you need psychological counseling assistance? If necessary, we will arrange a dedicated receptionist.” Corresponding code.

Image source: Yang Shuhongji / Interface News

From the content point of view, Li Ming ’s online psychological assistance group in Yangzheng epidemic area is trying to establish an ethical order. For example, those who join the group need to comply with government and legal supervision to ensure that the information they provide is authentic and reliable. The person who provides help must not ask for compensation, meet privately with the helper, or form any relationship other than assistance between the helper and the counselor. If you do not modify the group business card or do not follow the rules, the helper will be kicked out of the group chat as an unrelated person.

Li Ming is just one member of the new Coronary Virus Pneumonia Psychological Assistance Army. With the recent increase in the number of confirmed cases, the increase in media interpretation of the epidemic, and the advancement of the duration of the first-line fight against new coronavirus pneumonia, various psychological counseling organizations have begun to become active to appease local medical workers and patients and their families.

People’s Net published the toll-free psychological hotline of Wuhan Mental Health Center and other institutions. Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong Medical University also prepared a psychological support group for the first-line medical staff of the hospital. No. also launched the new “psychological counseling” function.

In addition, academic institutions are also the main force. For example, the Psychology Department of Beijing Normal University will open a psychological support hotline for new coronary pneumonia from tomorrow to provide one-on-one services, about 30 minutes each time. The hotline is open at 6 o’clock. Until 24 o’clock.

Multiple forces have also appeared on the Internet and social media. Some people know that I ’m psychological. (KNOW YOURSELF) Mutual assistance activities to bridge professional psychological counsellors and people in disaster-stricken areas who need psychological counseling; there are also smaller-scale self-professional psychological counselors who conduct online communication in WeChat or Weibo groups as a unit for Wuhan psychological hotline telephone sharing Working pressure.

Why is there a sudden increase in demand for psychological intervention?

From the conversations observed by interface journalists, the content of people chatting with psychological counselors usually revolves around several keywords such as “self-suggestion.”

A netizen commented on the psychologist ’s Weibo: “I am currently mild, but I ’m afraid of cross-infection at the hospital, so it ’s contradictory. He ’s worried that he ’s overly suggesting that he ’s sick, but he ca n’t control it. Follow shopThe overwhelming news resulted in an accelerating heartbeat. “

According to a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on January 26, the spread of the virus seems to be increasing. Ma Xiaowei, director of the National Health and Health Commission, said that the spread of the epidemic is now relatively fast, which has brought some challenges and pressures to prevention and control. Experts predict that the epidemic has entered a more serious and complicated period. However, our understanding of the new coronavirus is still very limited, the source of infection has not been found, the mechanism of transmission and the risk of mutation are unclear.

“There is anxiety, panic, and fear of the unknown.” An organizer of loving psychological assistance summed up interface news.

Image Source: Yang Shuhongji / Interface News

Such mental health issues are gradually being noticed by professionals and even broader social organizations. The Department of Clinical Psychology of the Oriental Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University in Shanghai today released a paper entitled Mental Health and Humanistic Care Issues Related to 2019-nCoV Infection, which detailed the psychological stress response and social panic that may occur in various groups in extraordinary times .

At this time, the directly affected people of “panic” are patients, medical staff and their relatives, and the staff of the crisis management department are also people who need important attention.

Ying Xintang’s psychological founder and counselor Yu Lingna also mentioned in the article “Possible Acute Psychological Symptoms and Self-help Recommendations in Wuhan Pneumonia”. The most common problems faced by medical staff are persistent fatigue and various Physical and mental trauma, “Professional medical personnel fighting the front line of the virus did not immediately experience psychological symptoms, which does not mean that they were not affected by the incident.”

In the “Spring Festival Gala” on New Year’s Eve this year, the program group put a video about the epidemic situation in Wuhan. In the video, Zhu Tingxuan, a nurse at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, said in an interview with CCTV, “There may be some in my heart who don’t know (like) There is fear or worry. “But there is no such thing as wearing a white coat. You have to play your role well in a white coat.” “

Picture source: Picture insect creative

As Yu Lingna said in the article, vocational training and a sense of mission may help professional medical staff isolate their feelings when a crisis occurs and calmly cope with the current difficulties. But when the crisis passes, or when the psychological defense mechanism fails, they are more likely to fall into a state of need for help, because the long-term backlog of internal wounds can erupt.

In addition, the general public is affected by government credibility, cultural traditions, information conditions, material conditions and other factors, and it will also require psychological counseling.

However, due to the emergence of a surge of social work organizations and psychological support organizations in the society, some psychological professionals are worried that it may cause “impulsive psychological assistance. Instead, it may make people in need because of the complicated information channels No help. “At the same time, the best time for psychological intervention or psychological assistance may not be here.

But Gu Dawei disagrees. He told Interface News, “Everyone experiences a different stage after trauma, and can be involved at any stage.” Gu Dawei is a master of social work at Monash University in Australia and a registered cognitive behavioral therapist.

How exactly is psychological intervention for crisis?

At present, when psychological organizations are involved, the main means of these psychological services is to establish a remote listening mechanism.

At noon on the 25th, the aforementioned psychological technology platform KNOW YOURSELF (hereinafter referred to as KY) has launched a “Guardian Program” project, which aims to provide a “listen-and-talk” service for people who have been traumatized during the new pneumonia epidemic.

The Guardian Program does not impose hard rules on the professionalism of volunteers. KY platform believes: “For those who have not received professional training, we can give a talker the biggest concern is to listen.”

This listening is “without judgement.”

Gu Dawei confirmed this to the interface reporter. In this project, KY not only did not recruit psychological counselors for further screening, but also opened it to non-professionals. In other words, “listeners” are not required to have “crisis intervention” training or master relevant skills.

In order to make these non-professional “listeners” also available, KY provided an operation template in the project introduction, so that listeners can ask the other party related questions according to the template.

Listening is a very important means of understanding in the early stages of psychological intervention. By listening, “know the main concerns and trigger conditions of the seekers.” Gu Dawei told the interface reporter, “This is the safest way to do stress relief in the largest area.”

But since the specific operators, so-called “listeners”, are different, it is obviously difficult to rely on templates alone to “guarantee quality” such as professionals with psychological intervention skills and experience.

A group of people realized the importance of providing psychological professional guidance to crisis professionals.

Over the past three days, overseas students have received a recruitment message in the WeChat group or circle of friends, claiming to “recruit qualified consultants with training experience related to trauma and crisis intervention.” Online Psychological Counseling Group provides volunteer work such as document translation.

This is part of the work of an online psychological assistance volunteer team called “Use Your Heart to Fight the Epidemic”. The original intention of this team was to provide psychological assistance and crisis intervention for frontline medical staff in the Wuhan epidemic area.

In a group called “ACHPPI members”, the interface journalists noticed that the specific task received by a group of volunteers was to “read the relevant information on crisis intervention ethics in English, no need to translate one by one, It is to find out what can be put into the crisis intervention guidelines. “ACHPPI is the abbreviation of” National Association of Chinese Psychology and Assistance “.

Hu Zhiyue is participating in this document translation volunteer programShe is a graduate student majoring in clinical psychology at a medical university in Jiangsu province. She has received professional training in crisis intervention and has been involved in the hotline of psychological crisis intervention.

Hu Zhiyue told Interface News that psychological intervention by a counselor with crisis intervention capabilities can usually better prevent the victim from encountering the possibility of secondary trauma. But it is not absolute, “We have not received professional training for such public events.”

Therefore, it is very instructive to produce a set of training manuals on crisis psychological intervention for the new pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan at this moment. And the “psychological epidemic prevention” volunteer team of online psychological assistance told Interface News that they are also making self-help manuals for medical staff and psychological popularization documents for the general public.

Individuals and organizations pour into the field of psychological intervention, but the effect remains to be seen.

However, not all psychological professionals choose a “crisis intervention” approach to provide support services. The plan given by the Yingxintang Psychology group led by Yu Lingna is the “New Pneumonia Network Group Psychological Assistance Program”. “Group” is the key word because “foreseeable, the acute psychological symptoms caused by this epidemic are large-scale, and one-on-one consultation may be effective for individuals, but in the face of such a group disaster, I am afraid that efficiency Limited. “

Yu Lingna plans to start three groups at the beginning of the project. Each group consists of 18 people, of which 15 are recipients, 1 senior consultant, 1 general consultant and 1 volunteer. The project has strict requirements for the background of the consultants, preferably from the “Ballint group (specialized medical staff support group) , Yalong , Humanism or existentialist group. ”

At the same time, the project also invites scholars, media people or intellectuals to act as independent supervisors.

For more information about this project, Yu Lingna is reluctant to say too much. “The thing we are trying now, no one has done it before,” she told Interface News, one or two weeks later, “if it is a feasible attempt, when we go and tell the public that we are doing this thing At the same time, we also need to share experiences. “

In addition, a problem that has caused general concern among consultants is that, If consultants lack experience and ability in crisis intervention, they can easily cause secondary trauma to victims.

LANCAN mentioned in an article that after the Wenchuan earthquake, many psychological consultants spontaneously went to the earthquake-stricken area, but because of lack of necessary crisis intervention skills, they caused secondary damage to the people in the disaster area.

“After the enthusiasm dissipated, these consultants who quickly became birds and beasts scattered also put the parties into a tragic situation of isolation and helplessness.” This also caused the public to form a certain negative stereotype of psychological consultants.

This article is from WeChat public account: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) Reporter: Huang Shan and Zhou Zhuoran, Editor: Zhou Zhuoran