Since the construction of the two hospitals, major head media have tried to spread the construction progress to the public as much as possible. “How well the hospital was built” has also become a meeting point for the “anti-epidemic” progress and public opinion construction to some extent. In this context, the popularity of “slow live broadcast” on social networks not only provides more possibilities for traditional news methods such as text news reports and video clip production, but also “short video” “Video National Team” provides a new value anchor.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ New Business Intelligence NBT” (ID: newbusinesstrend) / a> Author Liu Haochuan Zhou Yabo.

Since the construction of the two hospitals, major head media have tried to spread the construction progress to the public as much as possible. “How well the hospital was built” has also become a meeting point for the “anti-epidemic” progress and public opinion construction to some extent. In this context, the popularity of “slow live broadcast” on social networks not only provides more possibilities for traditional news methods such as text news reports and video clip production, but also “short video” “Video National Team” provides a new value anchor.

At 3 am on January 28th, there were 790,000 people in the Central Video App live broadcast room. They were watching a live broadcast of the construction site of the Wuhan Thunder God Mountain Hospital from a fixed location through a surveillance video.

This live broadcast room, which attracted hundreds of thousands of people to watch together in the early morning, is a slow live broadcast room set up by the official account of China Telecom on the Yuyang video platform: there is no camera switch, no commentary and background music. The only picture content is the actual construction of Thunder Mountain Hospital recorded from a bird’s-eye view similar to the surveillance video, and the only sound effect is a “rustle” sound similar to white noise.

Why 700000 people watch < / p>

In contrast to the monotonous picture content, it is a lively comment area. There is no content guide and the host’s topic area, constantly refreshing the netizens’ various comments on the live broadcast, expressing the audience’s novel feelings about this live broadcast form: “I feel like I am in the supervisor …”Can you brush them? “The comment area even spontaneously formed an interesting interactive form: at four in the morning, the audience began to” call for breakfast “in the comment area, and other audiences” ordered. “(Screenshot transferred from Weibo netizen @ 呵 呦 啧啧 啧)

Why 79 million people watch

Screenshot transferred from Weibo netizen @ 呵 呦 啧啧 啧

During the day on the 28th, the number of slow live broadcasts of the construction of the mines of Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital and Shenshan Hospital continued to increase. At 5.30 pm, the number of real-time viewers in the slow live broadcast room of Vulcan Mountain Hospital was 4.36 million, and the number of real-time viewers in the index room of Thunder Mountain Hospital was 6.52 million.

Millions of netizens used real-time live broadcast to “cloud monitor” the construction progress of the two hospitals, which has become another hot spot of public opinion besides the construction status of the two hospitals.

In order to solve the shortage of medical resources and the problem of cross-infection between patients and medical staff, Wuhan City started construction of Vulcan Mountain Hospital and Lei Shenshan Hospital on January 23 and January 25 with reference to the “Xiaotangshan Model” of Beijing during the SARS period. . The two hospitals will specialize in treating patients with pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus, and are expected to be put into use on February 3 and February 5.

The establishment of two special hospitals for epidemic prevention is regarded as one of the core measures for this epidemic prevention. The real-time transmission of the construction status of the two hospitals objectively echoes the relief of social panic and the guidance of public opinion in the current epidemic prevention and control work.

Since the construction of the two hospitals, major head media have tried to spread the construction progress to the public as much as possible. “How well the hospital was built” has also become a meeting point for the “anti-epidemic” progress and public opinion construction to some extent. In this context, the popularity of “slow live broadcast” on social networks not only provides more possibilities for traditional news methods such as text news reports and video clip production, but also “short video” “Video National Team” provides a new value anchor.

01 | Slow broadcast

The slow-broadcast presentation of media explosions. The earliest traceable case is the documentary film “Bergen Railway: Every Second” shot by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) in 2009. The 7-hour journey from Oslo, Norway’s capital to Bergen, the second largest city by train, has also been described as the beginning of the “Slow TV” show. In the 7-hour film, the only picture is the scenery along the way from the camera located in the front of the car. The audience can only hear the sound of the train.

Why 79 million people watch

After the program was broadcast, it received great praise in Norway. NRK produced “Norwegian Firewood Night” in 2013 and broadcasted a pile of firewood from ignition to extinguishment for 12 consecutive hours during prime time. In the first 4 hours, there were expert explanations and soundtracks in the live broadcast, and in the last 8 hours, only a pile of fire was burning. The “boring” live show ended up with a 20% viewership in Norway.

Since then, this type of television “slow live broadcast” has gradually gained popularity in the world. In 2013, CCTV and Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base co-founded the I PANDA Panda Channel, which broadcasts the life of giant pandas 24 hours a day.

Why 79 million people watch < / p>

On the one hand, this kind of slow dissemination content, on the one hand, is opposed to the current “fast” and localized content dissemination characteristics, and is committed to providing a full-time and relative overall to the audience. The absence of guidance, encouraging exploration, and extremely slow content rhythms during content presentation gave viewers a space to “empty themselves”. On the other hand, its “slow”, “boring” to the extreme spread characteristics also formed a differentiating attempt.

The content of “Millions of Armed Forces Watching the Hospital” itself is very suitable for the use scene where the audience has a lot of boring time to pass. It can not only form a strong entrance with differentiation, but also treat the content as background music when bored and relaxed, and increase resident time.

This novel form of “boring” against “boring” coincides with the audience psychology and information acquisition needs of a large number of Chinese audiences at this time. Facing the Spring Festival holiday that can only be indoors, at the same time, with the gradual formalization of the epidemic prevention and control work, the panic in the early stages of the epidemic has gradually faded, and chanting “boring” has become a circle of young people in the past one or two days Quite mainstream content.

The first wave of drainage hot spots for the “Crowd Watching the Hospital” was a Weibo posted by Weibo user @CatSon at 0:22 on January 28th, and I recommend friends who are bored and ca n’t sleep to watch live Wuhan hospital.

Why 700000 people watch

This Weibo has aroused widespread resonance. As of 17:30 on January 28, it has accumulated 120,000 reposts and 17,000 comments. Weibo comments sighed, “Sure enough, everyone is boring …”.

In addition, the slow live broadcast of the central video platform to watch Wuhan Construction Hospital is different from the “slow live broadcast” of the above-mentioned TV era. It has the characteristics of strong companionship and presence on the Internet. In response to this phenomenon, scholars Zeng Xiangmin and Liu Riliang of Communication University of China pointed out that the slow live broadcast in the era of mobile internet, “in addition to transmitting information and satisfying the visual aesthetic needs of users, the most important thing is to provide an accompany social network”, and then provide users with Created an “imaginary community”.

Specifically, “Thunder Mountain” and “Vulcan Mountain” were broadcast live slowly. Netizens gradually formed a set of identity naming and communication rituals during the interaction in the comment area, and formed an “imaginary community” in the mutual accompanying society. The netizens who watched the live broadcast claimed to be “supervisors” to each other, relishing the stubbornness of “million supervisors monitoring national projects”. Even when the reporters from the official Weibo of People’s Daily visited Vulcan Mountain Hospital’s comment area, the first two who praised them were already occupied by the “supervisors”.

As for the elements that often appear in videos, viewers also give them titles. In the afternoon, a white forklift that frequently appeared in the picture was nicknamed “Xiaobai”, and then appeared “Xiaobai Fan Global Support Club” to praise Xiaobai’s hard-working behavior. In the evening, various types of equipment such as tower cranes and cement machines went online. They have transformed into “little blue”, “little yellow” and “big red”, claiming their own names and “fan groups”.

Why 79,000 people watch

In addition, the emergence of games in comment areas such as idiom solitaire, poetry solitaire, etc., has also made this “imaginary” community more realistic. 24-hour continuous viewing experience, coupled with the unique and unique comment area culture to accompany the viewing experience, making the audience experience more authentic and unique when watching the live broadcastSense of participation.

At the moment when the epidemic prevention and control is entering the normalization, a large number of audiences still have a strong concern about the issue of epidemic prevention and prevention, especially the construction of the two major hospitals, but the guidance of content needs needs to be softened to a certain extent in order to meet the current “boring” Psychological factors and the psychological needs of panic relief. The unique charm of online interaction in the Internet age provides a rich and interesting viewing experience in addition to the live broadcast picture without a clear reporter and host, letting us see the power of new media in the present.

02 | 央 视频

The success of the slow live broadcast form also makes us have to pay attention to the previous layout of the content incubation platform, Central Video, and the results of the mainstream media system in terms of financial reform.

“Three Voices” previously explained the positioning of the Central Video App and its strategic layout in new media in the article “How the” National Team “Came to Short Video”. The “Central Video” App, launched on November 20, 2019, is positioned as “a unified platform that can be regarded as the main station leading the entire radio and television system to accelerate the transformation of media integration.”

Using the “CCTV” App as a centralized position to gain a platform advantage to increase the content influence and public opinion guidance of mainstream authoritative media such as CCTV in the field of integrated media, especially in the short video field. After the establishment of the main broadcasting and television station, the central station internally took the “set-up of the main station as an opportunity, led by advanced technology, and won new advantages in integrated development,” a concentrated reflection of the thought of media transformation.

After the Central Video App was launched, it also made a more comprehensive deployment of specific Internet video content. In addition to uploading the self-produced content of this station on the short video channel, it also announced the creator recruitment plan to actively introduce a number of central video numbers to create its own content ecology in the two fields of short video and live broadcast. It embodies a relatively mature new media platform construction strategy. And the “Thunder Mountain Slow Live Broadcasting” and “Vulcan Mountain Slow Live Broadcasting” which became popular models are also content products created by the platform’s content account “China Telecom” relying on their broadcasting equipment.

Search “Slow Live Broadcasting” in the Central Video App. You can see that “Livecasting Hospital” is not absolutely new. When the “Video Central App” was launched, there were some media accounts and cultural travel accounts. After trying slow live streaming, “slow live streaming” also became a prominent tag in the title. At the same time, the platform also appeared the main account under the name “Slow Live Broadcasting”.

The Central Video App has been online for less than half a year. Slow live streaming is a video category that has started incubation since its inception. Nowadays, explosive products appear, and many users download App by using the explosive content as the traffic entrance after discovering “Slow Live Broadcasting of Thunder Mountain Hospital” on Weibo. The entire App is also working hard to build platform incubation content-the development path of new media platforms where explosive content appears to drain the platform.

Why 79 million people watch

Observing this slow live broadcast case throughout the public opinion prevention, control, and publicity work, we can see that the mainstream media such as People’s Daily and CCTV are focusing on new media content forms such as vlog and live broadcast. These new media contents also play a positive role in guiding public opinion by virtue of their easy-to-disseminate form, so that mainstream media can also exert their influence on new media platforms.

Why 7 million people watch

This “slow live broadcast” guides a large number of users across the country to pay attention to the construction of two major epidemic prevention hospitals in Wuhan, and the effect does not stop at the “information” level.

Prior to this, the People’s Daily also directly posted on his official Weibo account and Douyin number a vlog video of Wuhan Fengcheng ’s life, which was posted by travel blogger Lin Chen. After the situation of people’s livelihood, it tried to bridge the soil of rumors brought about by the information vacuum after Wuhan closed the Li-Han channel. At the same time, in the epidemic column of short video apps such as Douyin and Kuaishou, the content publishers are mostly the mainstream media mentioned above.

After years of continuous transformation of the mainstream media, the new media products and publicity plans they have created have begun to show results in the face of this extremely complicated publicity work. The emergence of new media explosions such as “slow live broadcast” is also a reflection of the “product power” that mainstream media has accumulated in the transformation of financial media.