We will take off our masks, go where we want to go, and meet people we want to see.

Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: Terence Lee Nan.

Spoken 丨 leo (pseudonym)

Organization 丨 Li Zinan

Edit 丨 Cao Mohan

At noon on January 29th, the phone ring on the bedside of the hotel room came as expected: “Is here, come and pick it up.”

After a moment, the door of Room 801 on the far west side of the corridor opens, and a girl comes out wearing a mask. She went to the other table in the hallway to pick up the tableware and lunch, and walked back. When she reached the door of Room 802, she stopped and knocked. “Dinner!” Then she lowered her head and walked back to her room, locking the door.

After more than ten seconds, the sound of the door handle turning came, and the person in room 802 came out, repeating the same action as the girl, 803, 804, 805 … the entire floor was full of people In this way, he left the room in an orderly manner and went back with his meals. The people in the room raised their ears and discerned the knocks and footsteps outside the door carefully. Occasionally someone looked out to see who they saw, but everyone wore a mask without saying a word, and the atmosphere was a little bit subtle.

A few minutes later, the corridor returned to calm. This is a tacit understanding that has been in place since a few days ago. According to the experience of the past few days, a row of lunch boxes and disposable tableware will be neatly arranged outside the rooms in this corridor within half an hour.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary of a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Jinjiang Star 8th floor corridor Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

This scene takes place on the 8th floor of Jinjiang Inn in Yangpu District, Shanghai. According to the Shanghai Municipal Government, since the first-level response mechanism for major public health emergencies was launched on January 24th in Shanghai, the prevention and control management of personnel coming to Shanghai from key areas has been strengthened. The first batch of 60 centralized isolation observation points were located Jinjiang Inn Shanghai Yangpu District is one of them.

On January 25, this wineThe store welcomed a group of special tenants—who arrived in Shanghai after the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Among them are old people who have just returned from travelling abroad, company employees who have been stranded in Shanghai due to Wuhan’s “closed city”, and mothers who take care of two children alone. According to relevant regulations, they need to be quarantined for 14 days and receive medical observation from the first day of their arrival in Shanghai.

26-year-old Wuhan girl leo is one of them. From January 25 to January 31, she underwent centralized quarantine observation at the above-mentioned hotel. On January 29, she recounted what she had seen before and after being isolated. Here is her readme, organized by Future Car Daily (ID: auto-time):

The way home was cut off

On January 16, I took a high-speed rail from Wuhan to Shanghai, and took a flight to Vietnam with a tourist group. This is my planned trip a long time ago. At that time, there was not much news about the epidemic in the media, and the official did not confirm that the virus would be transmitted from person to person. According to the previous plan, I will return to Wuhan before New Year’s Eve and spend the New Year with my family.

After arriving in Vietnam, things started to change.

On January 18, the cousin of Xueyi told me on WeChat what was happening in Wuhan. News about the patient’s infection kept coming and I started worrying about my mother. Because I still took the high-speed train from Shanghai to Hankou Station on my return trip, but Hankou Station was very close to the place where the epidemic broke out. I was afraid to go, so I changed to a high-speed train to Wuchang Station. Worried that there were too many people at the train station, I also bought a ticket to fly directly from Shanghai to Wuhan on the evening of the 23rd.

On January 23, it was the day I returned from Vietnam. For flights departing at 9:30 local time, I got up at 5 o’clock and rushed to the airport of Ho Chi Minh City early. When washing in the morning, my friend told me that Wuhan was closed and I was stupid.

I thought about not returning to China, but later thought that if I had no problem myself, it would be better; in case I have any problems, maybe in the incubation period, I am not very assured of the medical level of Vietnam, so At that time, I thought of going back to China first.

At first, I did n’t understand the concept of closing the city. As a result, after I landed that day, I found that the train and plane tickets I had previously booked were automatically cancelled. I was from Wuhan in the tour group, and the others were from Shanghai. They went back to their own houses and I could n’t go back.

In the end, I couldn’t find a full-season hotel in Yangpu District, and chose the most inner room on the second floor. I planned to isolate myself here. I’m afraid of being infected, and if I really get the virus, I don’t want to infect others.

January was very humid and cold in Shanghai. I didn’t think I needed to stay here for a long time. I didn’t bring thick clothes and no daily necessities. On the evening of January 23, I decided to go out and buy daily necessities. I brought two masks and sunglasses, and went to the nearest supermarket to buy a lot of compressed biscuits, sanitary napkins and underwear. When I traveled, I was wearing disposable underwear.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary for a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Temporary purchase of toiletries and medicines provided by the hotel Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

My family is a single-parent family. My mother asked me to call relatives and friends at home to report their safety. They knew that I was outside and were worried about me. I feel that every time I make a phone call with a close relative or friend, I feel more sad than before.

January 24 is New Year’s Eve, and the second day of Wuhan ’s closure, I ’m still in the hotel alone. I had a lot of cookies for lunch this day. Although everything happened suddenly, I didn’t want to look embarrassed.

I think I am quite ritual. I ordered a cake and a cup of tea for myself that night. No matter what the situation is, still have something to make yourself happy.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary of a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Cakes and milk tea ordered on New Year’s Eve Source: Respondents’ photos

I personally feel that I am more conscious, I have been self-isolated, and the take-out is to let the staff put me in the door of the room, and then I go out to take them after they leave, so there is no contact with them .

The feeling of self-isolation and later isolation are still different. For example, there are a lot of preparations for necessities of life. If it is self-isolation, I can still buy it outside, but I was concentratedAfter leaving, it is basically impossible to prepare all kinds of things.

“Packaging” transfer, centralized isolation

The turning point occurred on January 25, the first day of the new year.

More than one o’clock in the afternoon, the landline in the room rang. The staff at Ji Hotel told me that after receiving the notification from the disease control department, I need to move to another hotel for centralized isolation, and people from the relevant department will come to pick me up.

I’m a little bit broken. I don’t know what I’m going to face or who I’m going to live with. I still fought for myself at the time, and told the people at the hotel that I had left Wuhan for 10 days, and I had been cooperating with the examination without any symptoms. Can I still continue to isolate myself? The other party said no, there are rules. I also said that I can live alone by myself. I don’t want to live with strangers when I’m not sure about the situation. They said this should work.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the hotel staff led a man, a woman and two people in full protective clothing to my room. This scene is magical and has the sense of sight of a biohazard movie. I washed my head without makeup, put on a mask and dragged my luggage with them. I had the illusion that I was a movie heroine.

Because I returned from Vietnam, I bought a lot of souvenirs for my friends, and when I arrived in Shanghai, I prepared some emergency necessities, so my box was stuffed and quite heavy. The second floor of the hotel I was staying at at the time, they told me not to take the elevator, and fewer people took the stairs.

I saw the male worker reaching out to help me carry the box, but I still carried it by myself. If it is left in normal times, boys will certainly reach out and help girls when they see girls carrying such a large box, but now, under special circumstances, my box has not been completely disinfected, and I still do not ask others to help.

Unlike Resident Evil, it was not a gunship that picked me up, but a bus. This bus is very empty. In the back of the bus is a boy wearing a mask. In order to reduce contact, I sat in the front position.

In the car, the epidemic prevention staff handed me a letter of commitment, which said, obedience arrangements will not make unauthorized access, and voluntarily isolated somewhere for 14 days. The 14 days didn’t say which day it started. If everything is normal from the first day of arrival in Shanghai (January 16), I should be able to lift the quarantine within a few days.

I was then transferred to Jinjiang Inn Shanghai Yangpu District. I saw this hotel on Weibo before. Someone once sent out the scene that this hotel was surrounded by ambulances. I started toWorried about his situation.

The epidemic prevention staff told me that this hotel has now ceased its external operations and has become a centralized isolation point for Wuhan people who have recently arrived in Shanghai. We are the first to arrive. The other guy in the car and I was assigned to a room on the 8th floor. The quarantine measures were very thorough. The epidemic prevention staff escorted me to the 8th floor, and then another person sent the boy to the room.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary for a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Outside the hotel window Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

My room is at the farthest end of the corridor. It faces south and has nearly 30 square meters. The lighting and view are okay. You can see the residential areas in the distance. The room had been sterilized, and there was a strong smell of alcohol in the air. On the table was a small medicine box, mask, thermometer, and an A4 paper with notes and doctor’s contact information.

That was the first time I saw a N95 mask since the outbreak.

“The last thing I need is money”

The hotel provides three meals a day. I don’t think there is a choice. Breakfast will be served from 8 to 10 in the morning, lunch will be served from 12 to 1 noon, and dinner will be from 6 to 7 in the evening. Breakfast is usually buns, porridge, dumplings, etc. Lunch and dinner are box lunches, four dishes One soup, the variety and nutrition match well.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary for a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Hotel meals Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

What impressed me most was the first meal I had here on the morning of January 26. There were two buns, one of which was a quicksand bun. I think it is very delicious, and it ’s better than I went to Guangzhou. The morning tea is delicious.

The corridor on the 8th floor is very quiet.Seeing each other is like islands. Once I was ready to put the lunch box in the doorway after dinner, and the boy who happened to be in the next room also opened the door. The two of us looked out of our heads and drew back, and closed the door quickly.

Over time, this sense of alienation has gradually diminished, and I start to think that everyone living on the 8th floor is quite interesting. Yesterday, I was passing by a boy’s room while I was eating, and there was a singing voice inside. I guess he studied vocal music, and he sang much like the songs of the Spring Festival Gala, similar to “My Chinese Heart”.

There are also frequent calls in the corridors, as well as the cry of children. We perceive each other by sound. This feeling is very subtle, you can’t see them, but you know they are with you.

Even so, time alone is too boring. In these two days, I kept the TV on in the room and used the news channel to broadcast the pneumonia epidemic as the background sound.

Besides that, I sleep for a long time every day. The dark circles left by staying up late have faded a lot these days. In order to reduce this feeling of upside down, I will leave a special curtain before going to bed.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary of a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

Friends’ greetings followed one after another, everyone was asking if they needed to chat with me to get rid of boredom. But there are too many, about a hundred people are coming to me, I may not be able to talk.

At this time, people are extremely eager for something that is usually within reach. Once I suddenly wanted to eat cherry, I asked my friend if you could send me a picture of cherry. Although I could n’t eat it, it was good to see it.

I’m actually a person who likes to think a lot. When I came in the first day, I thought that I must find something to do for myself. Inside, something may go wrong. After consciously avoiding these things, I think it’s actually good. Now the Internet is very developed. Whether it’s family or friends, you can always keep a close relationship.

I don’t feel lonely. On the contrary, I think everyone may be a bit overly concerned now.My relatives gave me red envelopes every day, and then I was worried that I would have no money outside. I told him, you know what? Actually, the last thing I need is money.

Unexpected cold

Because I was bored, I started to do strange things, such as dancing in front of the mirror. But it’s not over.

The night before, I felt that the air conditioner in the room was too dry, so I “dead” to shut it down to sleep, but I caught a cold the next morning.

Suddenly I was scared, worried whether I was carrying the virus myself, and then after the incubation period finally broke out.

I did n’t understand the news before. Someone came back to Wuhan from Wuhan and got feverish but concealed it deliberately. I was thinking that someone would save you if you said it. Why should you run or why? hide.

But after I found out that I had some cold symptoms, I was hesitant at that moment. I was wondering if I should tell the doctor about this. Sometimes there seems to be an illusion that I don’t tell the doctor that I don’t seem to be sick. Or just like I occasionally have a small cold, I may sleep just fine.

After a brief struggle, I still called the doctor. When he heard that I had some nasal sounds, he asked me if I was uncomfortable. I said arrogantly that I seemed to have a cold and could give me some cold medicine. He asked me again if I had a cough, and I said no, he asked me to take another look at it, pay attention to my temperature, and then ask the security guard to send me medicines for me to take after seven or eight minutes.

When people are anxious, they seem to be sensitive to every minute. After talking to the doctor, I went out and watched it after seven minutes, but it didn’t arrive, and after a while, it didn’t. I was so anxious to call him again and said that it was almost an hour after that, but it was still not delivered. He said it might be a little busy over there and urge me again. Then I finally got it.

After taking the medicine that night, I fell asleep at 9 o’clock. Fortunately, all symptoms are relieved today. The doctor told me on the phone that if everything went well, the centralized quarantine on January 31 would end and he would give me a health certificate.

“I want to do my best to reduce their panic”

I know that we were concentrated in Yangpu District, which caused a lot of distress to many local residents in Shanghai. There are mostly old residential buildings over there, and there are many elderly people living there who understand their panic about us: whyWhy should we put this group of people beside us? Isn’t this hurting us?

But I want to do my best to describe our situation here in detail, it can reduce them even a little panic. First of all, we are not infected with the virus, we are just out of Wuhan, the possibility of infection is higher. It is even more dangerous to move around if we do not isolate us, who may carry the virus.

At this time, it ’s easy to have antagonistic emotions, but I want to ease them with my own efforts.

In the past two days, the news reported that many Wuhan people and Hubei people who were stranded outside were discriminated against and excluded. I saw it very uncomfortable.

Many people from Wuhan and Hubei went out before they closed the city. Like me, I went out to play. I chose this node to travel because I was so tired all year round, and then I did n’t have much time to come out. In addition, when you came out, it was really not clear to what extent the epidemic had become serious.

I want to say to people who are not from Wuhan or from Hubei, in fact, most people like us are also innocent. We are not unreasonable, and we are also experiencing things that might not be necessary. I hope everyone can understand a little more, and do n’t just have any special emotions and opinions about us in Wuhan and Hubei because of very rare circumstances.

Then, I want to say to Hubei people in other places, we must obey the arrangements. Regardless of whether it is centralized isolation or isolation at home, there may be some uncomfortable places, but this is indeed some special ways in special times. If we cooperate more, we can make this situation improve quickly, and then when everything returns to normal, everything will be fine.

There are some people in Wuhan who have been quarantined. They have put too much demands on the hotel staff. I also think they are very strange and very angry. It is because of these people that we are Wuhan people who are “spent outside” have become even more embarrassed in the environment of public opinion. It’s not easy for everyone to do this kind of thing, because we, the hotel employees who could have taken the Chinese New Year holiday, have to stick to their posts, it’s really not easy to be busy every day. I think we can overcome those so-called difficulties or try to overcome them.

There is a good saying: we insist on one thing, not because of what it will bring, but because we believe that it is right. Isolating this is the most special thing I have encountered in my 20 years of life. Until now I still feel that this experience is like a movie, but this is not a movie, it is a real life.

If someone makes it into a movie someday, I may be at the level of NPC (referring to the non-player characters in the movie, editing), but I want to live to the last NPC optimistically.

Write later:

Before posting, we contacted leo again. It is gratifying that she is in good health without any discomfort. Early in the morning on January 31, the doctor issued a health certificate to her at the hotel and approved the end of the centralized isolation.

leo tells Future Auto Daily (ID: auto-time) that she has found another hotel to settle in and plans to self-isolate for a period of time. After arriving, she ordered fruit takeaway that she hadn’t eaten for a few days, “smoothing her emotions.”

She missed her mother very much when she didn’t go home during the Spring Festival. She wanted to return to Wuhan as soon as possible, but before that, she would still obey the arrangements and consider everything for herself and others’ safety.

The good news is that Hubei people like Leo who are “out in town” may be able to go home soon. On the evening of January 30, at a press conference held in Hubei Province, Jiang Chaoliang, secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, said that the provincial party committee and provincial government “is working on a plan to receive back the folks stranded outside Hubei.”

We also want to say to everyone who sees this special report: Take care of yourself and keep the moon and the moon.

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary for a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report

January 31, 2020 Shanghai Sunrise Source: Photo courtesy of the respondent

Further reading: The epidemic war on wheels

Waiting for Sunrise in Shanghai: A Diary for a Wuhan Girl 丨 Special Report