This article is from the public number: Enlarged light (ID: guokr233) , author: a Meng, general sauce

After the Spring Festival, New Crown Pneumonia is continuing to show an unpleasant side-the stock market under the shadow of the epidemic presents a spectacle of ice and fire: there is a limit of nearly 3,000 stocks on the first day of the market. The price of pharmaceutical companies is soaring, with daily limits.

The rise of concept stocks such as vaccines and masks is all reasonable. There is also an unsurprising booster behind this round of turbulent market— “Shuanghuanglian”.

Blowing the foam of Shuanghuanglian

On January 31, “People’s Daily” disclosed that the research team of Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Pharmaceuticals proved through laboratory in vitro tests that Shuanghuanglian inhibited the new coronavirus, and further clinical research is needed in the next step. Confirmed.

If you have the ability to take goods, you have to look at it

The nationwide rush of buying caused by the news directly led to the instantaneous stock out of Shuanghuang Line.

Shuanghuanglian and its research institutions, Wuhan Institute of Virology and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, have been severely criticized by scientific researchers and medical workers, but these have not hindered the market’s wild pursuit of Shuanghuanglian two days later. The Magnifying Lamp team noticed that on February 3rd and 4th, the “double Huanglian concept stock” Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Tailong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. had their daily limit adjusted. The stock price of Hong Kong stock Fusen Pharmaceutical once rose as high as 230% on the 3rd, and closed at 41.11%.

Why do these companies’ stock prices skyrocket? Hengrui Medicine, which is at the forefront of domestic pharmaceutical companies, had a dynamic P / E ratio of 75.9 times on February 3. In contrast, Tailong Pharmaceutical and Fusen Pharmaceutical reached about 80 times the dynamic P / E ratio on the day. Reached an amazing 1969.90 times.

The bubble is fierce. P / E ratio is only one