A few days ago, the EU legislature passed a resolution of 582 votes to 40 votes, encouraging the European Commission to take action on “uniform smartphone charging solutions”.

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Apple opposes the EU ’s unified charging port, or directly cuts off the interface ’s deadly resistance

A few days ago, the EU legislature passed a resolution of 582 votes to 40 votes, encouraging the European Commission to take action on the “Uniform Smartphone Charging Solution”. This resolution seems to be aimed primarily at Apple, “forcing” Apple to abandon the Lightning interface and switch to the Type-C interface of the Android camp. In response, Apple has publicly objected, saying that the move will stifle innovation.

Differencing from other Android charger products is one of the considerations for Apple to adopt Lightning connector. From the design point of view, the design of the charger interface needs to be fully compatible with the internal structure and appearance design of the overall mobile phone, and the internal and external design and hardware indicators of various mobile phones on the market are different. , Will indeed compress the design space of brand mobile phones to a certain extent. In addition, the unified charger interface means that the Android charger will be suitable for Apple products, which will bring greater security risks to the iPhone.

In addition to stifling innovation, Apple also has more important considerations. The Lightning interface is closely related to its aftermarket interest chain.

Editor’s comment: Judging from Apple’s usual style, it is almost impossible to compromise the charging solution proposed by the European Union. But the advantage is that this may force Apple to develop innovative products and charging solutions as soon as possible. At the same time …

The “epidemic” battle has begun, and telecommuting jumps from the auxiliary role to the C position

This year’s Spring Festival holiday was extended due to the epidemic. In this special period, online office software that was once used only as an auxiliary tool became a necessity. Many companies lacking online office experience began to consult a variety of remote office products and services, and Dingguo, Tencent Cloud, etc. rushed to open up free resources. Its “Tech Planet” found that Pinduoduo has recently launched a low-key corporate office product “Knock”, which is currently used by internal employees.

Telecommuting is not the first concern in the epidemic. During SARS in 2003, more than 500 people in Alibaba were forcibly quarantined for 12 days due to the confirmation of an employee’s infection. They could only rely on network collaboration. Five years ago, PingCAP started using online office. At that time, there was no mature localization toolkit, and many products used were from abroad.

After 2015, the enterprise collaboration platformOnline documentation products such as “graphite documentation” and code development platform “CODING” are launched, and the tool products are greatly enriched. Domestic enterprises have traditionally adopted the traditional office model for a long time. For

Editor’s comment: Remote office can really solve the urgent needs of enterprises in a special period, especially many Internet companies, but there are also limitations. The types of work that have specific requirements for the work scene must not be “online operations”. But …

This article comes from the paid section “Daily Business Collection”-February 4 Day

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In-depth information | Apple opposes the EU unified charging port, or cut it directly  Drop interface is deadly resistance

In-depth information | Apple opposes the unified charging port of the EU, or  Directly cut off the interface deadly resistance