This article comes from WeChat public account: FINANCE zinc (ID: xincaijing) , author: Du round

According to forecasts, new coronary pneumonia may usher in a new outbreak period in one week. It was discovered in early December last year. So far, the outbreak has been going on for two months.

From beginning to end, the paramedics have been the frontline retrograders. Wuhan, a newly emerging first-tier city, has become the most tragic theater in China.

After the Assault blew, front-line medical personnel have been overloaded, wards are full, and supplies are scarce. The national battle against new coronavirus pneumonia continues, and medical personnel are maintaining this in their own ways Of the city.

If there is a battle, there will be injuries.

In the early days of the battle, the medical staff even became infected with new crown pneumonia without even knowing it; even now, they are still the group with the highest risk.

Rescue him and self-rescue at the same time.

Following are oral transcripts of four doctors and nurses infected with the new coronavirus participating in the “anti-epidemic”, which tells the real situation in Wuhan. (edited by Zinc Finance)

1, “I was separated from the two sides of the Yangtze River with my lover, and everything will slowly get better”

Narrator: Dr. Ye, Wuhan Seventh Hospital

Infection confirmed on January 30, 2020

In 2003, a SARS virus that first appeared in Guangdong attracted worldwide attention. That year, I took the college entrance examination. At that time, in the two days of the college entrance examination, it was necessary to take a temperature to enter the examination room. Some candidates were uncomfortable and were surrounded by medical care and guards.

After the college entrance examination, I filled in the Medical College of Wuhan University, and now I am a doctor in Wuhan No. 7 Hospital. I did not expect that in the 2020 coronavirus storm with Wuhan as the center, I also became a person at the center of the vortex.

On January 21, 2020, Wuhan No. 7 Hospital was selected as the designated admission hospital. The hospital immediately carried out environmental rectification and vacated all hospital beds for the diagnosis and suspected cases of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus infection.

On January 22, at 10 pm, the patients coming to the clinic have been queued to the road. Within two hours, the hospital ward was full. Faced with this situation, as front-line medical staff, frankly, there is a bit of nervousness in our hearts, but in working clothes, we are more busy, busy fighting viruses, busy and stealing time.

Medical staff is busy fighting viruses

January 24 is the New Year’s Eve of Wanjia’s lights and my sleepless night.

This day is a night shift. From 5 pm to 8:30 am the next day, nearly 300 patients were treated overnight and the operation was non-stop for nearly 16 hours. In addition to the high risk of infection, there are many outsiders. Unthinkable difficulties.

Protection supplies in the hospital are in short supply. The protective clothing on everyone can’t be taken off before the end of the shift. At that time, we had no experience. After wearing protective clothing, don’t eat or drink. After 16 hours, I went to the bathroom. The first time I experienced such a thing, I was really panicked, and the next day we put on urine.

On the evening of the first day of the Chinese New Year, it was another battle from dark to dawn. In the 16 hours, I received hundreds of patients. On January 26, the second day of the Chinese New Year, we are preparing for”I noticed physical discomfort, the CT image was positive, and I was recruited. In order to avoid becoming a source of infection, I applied to the hospital for quarantine. On January 30, the results of the nucleic acid test came out, and the infection was confirmed.

I still choose to go home for isolation and treatment. Many patients come to the clinic every day. I feel that my situation is relatively optimistic. I don’t want to occupy a hospital bed and choose to go home.

It’s not just me. We have more than a dozen medical staff in our hospital to confirm the diagnosis. Most of us have chosen to isolate at home, and we have established a small group of caring and communicating experiences.

There is another person I care about most in my “patient”-my lover.

She is also a front-line medical staff. She was also infected at work. She started isolation treatment on January 22 and was diagnosed on January 30. She is already seriously ill and can only be treated in hospital isolation.

We haven’t seen each other since she was taken to the hospital on the 22nd. I’m in Wuchang District, she is in Qiaokou District, separated by the Yangtze River. I can’t get through, she can’t come back, so I can only meet in the video.

“It’s okay. Persevere in treatment and it will be fine. We will see it when she gets home.” I kept encouraging myself this way.

The two of us are most fortunate to have been infected at the end of the year. The first-year daughter was taken home by her parents as soon as the winter vacation. At present, the family is very healthy.

High-intensity work and the risk of infection are, for us, our own work. The only thing that saddens me is the frequent medical incidents. At zero o’clock on New Year’s Eve, I asked my colleagues to help me take a picture of Chinese New Year in the office. I hope more people can see our positive attitude. Although we are in the epidemic area, we are not afraid and everything will be fine.

My mental state has improved a lot and my sore symptoms have improved. I set myself a quarantine task: follow the routine medications for the diagnosis and treatment to ensure a healthy diet and keep my temperature under control.

2, “In order to make the gown longer, we used urine not wet”

Narrator: Li Zhao, a surgeon at a hospital in Wuhan

Infection confirmed on January 26, 2020

I am on duty in the ward on the morning of January 17., Outpatient, turned to a patient with abdominal discomfort accompanied by low fever. At that time, the patient had no respiratory symptoms and he had not taken a temperature himself, so we accepted the patient normally.

At that time, the epidemic situation in Wuhan had not yet erupted, and social news was relatively stable, so our general wards did not have any protection. Until the patient’s chest radiograph and chest CT examination results came out, we found that there was a problem, and it was likely that it was a patient with pneumonia during the incubation period.

We hurriedly quarantined and suspend surgery planning, otherwise more medical care is in danger. I should have contracted the infection after that exposure and stayed in the 20s. I started to feel that something was wrong with me, so I immediately reported to the department and adopted self-isolation.

I didn’t dare to go back to my own house. My parents’ residence in Wuhan was empty. I moved to the old couple’s house by myself and isolated myself. Later, I gradually got some symptoms, first cough, and then headache and fatigue.

The epidemic situation and public opinion in Wuhan probably broke out on the 21st and 22nd. With the rapid increase of outpatient pneumonia and fever cases, hospital supplies are scarce and staffing is not enough.

Hankou Hospital of Wuhan / Tuyuan Network

In order to make an isolation suit last longer, some doctors, nurses, and friends use urine or wetness, or dare not eat, or just eat a little compressed biscuits.

In fact, we were the first to feel the crisis in the front line. I chatted privately with my colleagues and felt that the situation in Wuhan this time was not very optimistic. So I was among our classmates early and told them not to return to Wuhan anymore.

Our family originally planned to take a car back to their hometown in Hunan to celebrate the New Year, but on the 22nd, the suspected patient was confirmed. Not only can’t I walk, I don’t dare to send my family to go back, I worry that my hometown may be at risk of being infected.

So our family decided to stay in Wuhan in the end and spend the Chinese New Year separately. My wife and children have been together, I am alonePeople are separated at my parents’ house.

On New Year’s Eve, we made a video call. At that time, my heart was quite aggrieved. I feel I ca n’t go home with a home, I ca n’t go to work with a class, I do n’t know if it ’s really infected.

No. 26 is still diagnosed, but to be honest, when I returned to the hospital and lived in an isolation ward, I was really at ease. After taking a good rest and reassuring treatment, I may wait for the protection of antibodies. I can return to my post to better support my colleagues.

3, “My lover has never come to see me on the front line, so as not to waste protective clothing”

Narrator: He Jiaan, Director, Deputy Chief Physician, and First Team Member of the Emergency Team of Wuhan Hankou Hospital

Infection confirmed on January 22, 2020

My colleagues and I have been fighting the front line of fighting unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan since early January. From the investigation of unexplained pneumonia in the South China Seafood Market to our hospital becoming one of the three designated hospitals in Wuhan, the hospital hall was overcrowded and the virus was raging, everything came too suddenly and violently.

My CT department is at the forefront of lung examinations. Since about mid-to-late January, my colleagues and I have been treating hundreds of patients almost every day, and nearly half of them have pulmonary virus infections. Strange. At that time, the Wuhan Health and Medical Commission concluded that “limited people are passed on from one person to another”, and the protection of our medical staff was not in place. It was not until the doctors in the hospital’s laboratory, pharmacy, and other departments developed fever and other diseases that everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

On the evening of January 21, I started having a fever and a dry cough. Out of alertness, I did a CT in my department on the 22nd. The moment I got the CT image, I knew I was infected. These days, I have seen too many similar patient images. It was reported to the hospital at that time, and isolation measures were taken as suspected cases.

Participate in the rescue of new pneumoniaMedical staff

On the 26th, my nucleic acid test result came out positive and was formally confirmed as a patient with new type of coronavirus pneumonia.

The first thing to enter the isolation ward is to call relatives in my hometown. My lover is in the hospital intensive care unit. (ICU) The director and the deputy chief physician, I fell ill, and she was still fighting on the front line. There is a 13-year-old daughter in our family left unattended.

On the phone, I asked my relatives to bring the child back home. On January 24th, New Year’s Eve, this is the first Spring Festival for three of our family who cannot be reunited. The child is in my hometown. I am isolated in the hospital ward, and my lover is seen outside the ward.

Although our husband and wife are in the same hospital, she has n’t come to see me for a week, and she said, “Lest a protective suit be wasted.”

I don’t blame her because the protective clothing in the hospital is really in short supply. Just like what you see on the Internet and in the news, many of my colleagues try to control themselves not to eat, drink, or go to the toilet. Always wear protective clothing 8 hours a day, one less one off at a time.

Hankou Hospital has about 300 first-line medical staff for epidemic prevention. Most of them went into battle and never returned home. When they were tired, they rested in the hospital or stayed in hotels near the hospital.

I currently live with a colleague. There are currently 5 medical staff in the hospital who have been diagnosed with the infection. Among them, I am seriously ill. I have high fever and cough. I have to take hormones in the morning and have fever in the afternoon. Sometimes body temperature will rebound and rise at night. There is no specific medicine for this disease. At present, it depends on hard resistance and some adjuvant treatments.

When I’m free, I talk to my daughter. We never talk about illness. My lung infection is getting more and more serious, and I still dare not tell my daughter and the elderly at home. I will also cry silently when I look at the letter from the hospital to the family members of the employees.

In this epidemic, there are also many companies that provide corresponding protection policies for medical staff, such as Ali and Alipay, which have set up “health protection funds” for medical staff. Unfortunately, they will also be infected with new types of coronary pneumonia. Provide an extra layer of protection.

Now, women, children, ears, nose and throat, inside and outside the hospital, have entered fever clinics. There are old directors who are about to retire, young doctors who have just started work, and surgical experts who put down their scalpels. Everyone has no time to wait for conversion and adaptation , But did a great job.

Every day in the hospital group and on TV, I watch everyone’s struggles, and I hope that I can recover soon and join the battle.

4, “Sorry parents, I haven’t had a meal with you this year”

Narrator: Li Xiaojing, a physician in a hospital in Wuhan

Infection confirmed on January 25, 2020

Since January this year, there have been more and more patients with colds, fevers, and coughs. At first, we thought that this was the same season as in previous years, but it was a sudden and violent virus. In January, our hospital received three suspected cases of the new type of coronavirus pneumonia. Due to the inadequate protective measures of the medical staff at that time, I was unfortunately infected during this process.

I went home on the night of January 19, and started to have a high fever. My temperature was 39.5. I was quarantined at home immediately. On January 25, the first day of the Chinese New Year, the first day of the Chinese New Year, my nucleic acid test results came out. Was formally diagnosed with a new coronavirus.

After the diagnosis, I have never dared to tell my parents at home, because they are worried that their second wife is worried that they will work overtime in the hospital. It is not just me but my brother who cannot accompany them during the Spring Festival. He is also a front-line combatant. Medical workers, and the radiologists they work with are often more “dangerous” when they come in contact with potentially infected patients.

During my illness and isolation, my brother often made video calls with me and encouraged me to watch him in the video. He was very distressed as an elder sister. He had worked 36 hours in the past two days. Even though he was on shift break, he lived in the hospital. Nearby hotels are also turned on 24 hours, he said: Now patients see more patients, they are always on call, “comrades in arms” can go back to work whenever necessary.

Front-line medical staff

There are many health care workers like my younger brother. During the quarantine period, I saw many nurses and colleagues who do not sleep for 24 hours.During the period, family members were not allowed to visit the hospital. The patients’ food, clothing, and daily living were taken care of by nurses. The 1st to 10th floors of the inpatient building were requisitioned. A doctor or nurse might have to take care of patients in the dozens of patients, and they were always attacked by viruses Risk. Many colleagues’ hands are swollen or covered with rashes due to repeated hand washing and disinfectant application.

I still didn’t hide the news that I was diagnosed with the infection. On the sixth day of the new year, my husband said that he leaked. On the day of my video with my dad, I saw tears swirling in his eyes, and slowly asked me a sentence without regret. Be a doctor?

I joked that other people will be infected if they are not doctors. What regrets? This work brings me a sense of accomplishment, and I am willing.

But to be honest, I ’m also scared. My parents are old and my own baby is only five months old. But saving lives is a mission given by a white coat. I saw that my teammates are still fighting hard and I want to recover soon. Fight again, hoping that the virus will disperse, and my brother and my parents will be reunited at an early date.

This article is from WeChat public account: FINANCE zinc (ID: xincaijing) , author: Du round