Under the national anti-epidemic, the consideration of “life and death” has spread to many industries such as catering, hotels, and travel.

Facing the current situation of the closure of more than 400 Xibei Noodle Village restaurants in more than 60 cities, Jia Guolong, chairman of Xibei Catering, said in an interview with China Investment Network: “It is expected that one month before and after the Spring Festival, class = “text-remarks” label = “Remarks”> (West Bay) will lose revenue of 700 million to 800 million yuan; with little input, the salaries of more than 20,000 employees still need to be as usual Distribution, if the epidemic is not effectively controlled within a short period of time, the cash on Xibei’s account will not last for three months. “

The hotel industry is also quite depressed. Ji Qi, founder of Huazhu Hotel Group, said in an internal letter recently: “A sudden outbreak has put the hotel into crisis. If the epidemic cannot be controlled within 2 to 3 months, the company will fall into a serious crisis. The company’s labor costs will be 6 per month. Billion, if 6 months according to the status quo, it will lead to cash flow disruption. Now only self-rescue, executives’ salary reductions, organizational changes, Mandarin Construction, and employees and suppliers to work together to overcome difficulties.

The sudden epidemic has forced many closely related industries to be brought to a standstill, but at the same time, some innovative business actions may be bringing some inspiration to industries in crisis.

Yunhai cuisine employees are working on the box horse

Corresponding to the slump in the catering industry, there is a labor shortage in the retail industry due to insufficient supply and not all personnel are in place.

Responding to this, Hema yesterday (February 3) announced a new plan to accept employees of catering companies: its joint well-known catering company Beijing Xinhaiyicheng Catering Co., Ltd.’s brand Yunhai Cuisine, New Century Youth Catering Co., Ltd. (Youth Restaurant) , cooperate to resolve the current waiters in the restaurant industry Income issues, alleviating the cost pressure of catering companies, and the challenge of insufficient human resources in the business and consumer industries.

“Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Yunhai cuisine and youth restaurants are temporarily closed. During this period, some employees will enter the stores in Hema after interviews, training, physical examinations, and confirmation of labor contracts to participate in packaging, sorting, Shelves, catering, etc. On February 1, Hema was connected with the youth restaurant. At present, nearly 30 employees have been employed at the Hema store in Beijing. From the 2nd, Yunhai Cuisine Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjingimg class = “lazyImg” _src = “https://img.huxiucdn.com/article/content/202002/04/175505096331.jpeg?imageView2/2/w/1000/format/jpeg/interlace/1/q/85 “data-w =” 1000 “data-h =” 848 “>

Yunhai cuisine employees receive training at Hemamen Store

Yunhai cuisine’s employees fill the vacancies of Hema stores, but the users of “Box District House” should expect more of Hema’s capacity.

For the reason why the staff was not assigned to the distribution post, Hu Qiugen explained: “The distribution staff is a special position. They need to be aware of the environment around the store, the three kilometers environment, and even each building. Clearly understand. In addition, how do you reach customers after coming home? The epidemic prevention training in this area is much higher than in the store. The masks they wear are all N95, and then Coupled with their gloves and goggles equipment, including disinfection after returning, the entire training time will be a little longer. So among the delivery staff, we adopt more centralized delivery methods to increase the amount of each out Increases and increases may cause delays in delivery. Consumers are also requested to understand. “


Adding catering staff directly to a staffing shortage industry has received a lot of positive feedback. But the special measures of this special period can be copied. What is the value and promotion of learning? Can the new business cooperation model initiated here be widely used in other industries such as supermarkets and logistics?

It only took two days from birth to landing, and therefore, Hu Qiugen did not think that this cooperation could be defined as a new type of employment relationship. “It is a temporary over measure. We do not have it now. Thinking about the problem of so many employees, we hope to focus more on how to protect our employees, serve our customers, and work with our partners to fight the epidemic. “

As to whether such cooperation will be maintained in the long run? Hu Qiugen said that further discussion is needed. Br

Obviously, this wave ofThe bright operation in front of people solved the current employment problems of both sides, but what needs to be considered is that after the epidemic, the catering industry breathes a sigh of relief.

The prevailing view in the industry is that The catering industry will experience retaliatory growth in the future, and the industry will soon recover. Jia Guolong also said yesterday that he is still very confident in the Chinese economy and the spending power of the Chinese: “After the epidemic, I believe that many customers will be retaliatory and compensatory. Eat it back. “

At the same time, one solution cannot solve all the problems facing the restaurant industry. Even with such a cash flow remedy, catering companies cannot rest easy.

Yunhai cuisine is still trying to save itself. Chen Na, director of the Brand Value Growth Center of Yunnan Yunhai Food Restaurant Management Co., Ltd., said that Yunhai Food is exploring ways to start from salvation. When no one is offline, you need to quickly adjust your strategy and explore online to generate a certain cash flow:

“First of all, we quickly launched take-out activities after we closed all stores. Including, we have developed seven major measures to ensure the safety of overall take-out. Second, after the outbreak, we also increased online retail With the input of some resources, we will quickly organize manpower to establish a distribution policy. At the same time, after the national logistics resumes, we will continue to increase this part of the investment. Because now our retail city and products are ready, next we will also You can work on this part quickly. “

Third, it is the power of community group buying. “Our company ’s marketing department and stores are exploring the establishment of a community service station within a radius of three kilometers of the store. This service station can make full use of the existing supply chain and logistics advantages of Yunhai Cuisine to help us Residents within three kilometers of the purchase, including raw materials, fresh ingredients and semi-finished products, we increase our income by means of community group purchase and home delivery. “Chen Na said.

It can be said that in order to survive the epidemic, there are still many business models that need to be unlocked.

As a result, the outbreak is not only gratifying not only the goods and services provided by companies in the first place, but also the openness, innovation, and practicality of enterprises is the greatest sense of security for various industries.