This article is from WeChat public account: Music Predecessor (ID: nakedmusic) , author: triple triple II, editors: Fan Zhihui, title figure from: “wolf Disico” MV

On February 3, at 12 noon, Zhao Zhigong, a lawyer in the cultural and entertainment industry, published an “Official Lawyer Letter:

At about 5 pm on the same day, the two topics “Wild wolf disco accompaniment original author” and “Gemstone” are on the forefront of Weibo search, further pushing the infringement incident from the industry level to the public. Clicking into the hot search, many large-sized men pointed at the plagiarism, and were directly put on the hat of plagiarism. Many netizens also stood up to speak for the original author.

As one of the several artists who donated earlier to fight the new pneumonia in the music industry, Laohua announced on Weibo on January 24 that he had donated all the copyright proceeds of “Wild Wolf Disco”, which also brought him A lot of praise. But due to accusations of “plagiarism” and “infringement”, public opinion quickly reversed, and previous donations were also questioned as “borrowing flowers to present Buddha.”

At 8:03 that night, the old lady took out her purchase voucher and communication email on the Weibo live broadcast, and her agent also revealed her WeChat record of negotiations with the “right defender”. “ Gem gem responded to the wolf disco involved in infringement” also boarded the top 10 search, causing the incident to reverse.

Before the suspicion of infringement of infringement, Music Xiansheng also contacted the two parties in the case for the first time, and found that the facts were far from simple as described in Hot Search.

Did the old man really copy?

In September of this year, because of the popularity of “Wild Wolf Disco” on the short video platform, the old man quickly entered the public view. Even the hot New Year’s Eve party of various satellite TV, also released a different version of “Wild Wolf Disco”.

I do n’t need to say how hot the “Wild Wolf Disco” is in 2019, but in the face of the instant infringement allegations, most people have such doubts in their hearts: Is there any plagiarism in this song? ? Is there any infringement?

According to Attorney Zhao Zhigong’s “Formal Lawyer’s Letter: Did the Wild Wolf Disco” infringe? The article listed a lot of evidence that the original author of Beat, the accompaniment of “Wild Wolf Disco,” was the work of Finnish music producer Vilho Ihaksi. After checking the song information pages of major music platforms, the arranger of “Wild Wolf Disco” also marked the name of the Finnish producer.

At the same time, lawyer Zhao Zhigong also repeatedly mentioned the importance of Beat to rap songs in the text, and some practitioners in the industry also told the music pioneer, “Many rappers must have Beat before they can write songs.” Does Beat belong to the work? The answer is obviously yes. However, when this Beat is no longer a pure music, but combined with another author’s song and song, the nature of Beat is uniformly recognized as “arranger” in China, which is what the public calls “accompaniment”. .

Many people in the industry also expressed their opinions first.