The article is from WeChat public account: Doctor Lilac (ID: DingXiangYiSheng)

The number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia is still on the rise. Recently, the National Health and Medical Commission and the State Council held a daily press conference to announce the latest progress of the epidemic.

Dr. Clove has organized the analysis of the epidemic situation officially released by the National Health Commission and a number of relevant experts:

The following is a list of experts:

Mr. Zhong Nanshan, member of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Li Lanjuan, member of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Men Yumei, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of Fudan University, Ministry of Education / Medical Health Commission

Jiang Rongmeng, member of the expert group of the National Health Commission and chief physician of the Second Department of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital

Li Xingwang, member of the National Medical Experts Group and chief expert of Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Research Center of Beijing Ditan Hospital

Qiu Haibo, Vice President of Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University

Sun Yanrong, Deputy Director of the Biological Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the Medical Administration and Hospital Administration of the National Health and Health Commission

Cao Wei, Deputy Chief and Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Infectious Diseases, Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Deputy Director, Department of Medical Affairs, Ministry of Health Guo Yanhong

1. The virus does not float in the air and only lives in the air for 48 hours

Jiang Rongmeng: The virus is transmitted through droplets or contact, and droplets are generallyThrough coughing and sneezing, it has a limited transmission distance in the air, usually 1 meter or 2 meters. It settles out of the body quickly and does not float in the air.

Li Lanjuan: In this sense, there will be no viruses in the air. In a dry environment, the new coronavirus only survives for 48 hours. After 2 hours in the air, its activity decreases significantly. But it can survive for hours on smooth surfaces. If the temperature and humidity are right, it can survive for several days. For example, in an environment of 20 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 40%, studies have shown that the new coronavirus can survive up to 5 days.

Li Lanjuan, member of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Image source: CCTV screenshot

2. Viruses can spread through contact

Jiang Rongmeng: Since droplets can settle, the surface of surrounding objects, or viruses, may be contaminated by our hands, and it will contaminate the surfaces of objects we come in contact with, such as door handles, elevator buttons, Viruses can contaminate this. If the next person does not wash his hands, he rubs his eyes and picks his nose after contact, and the virus can spread through contact.

3. Low probability of virus mutation

Qiu Haibo: Coronaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses. They are relatively stable and may mutate, but they have a lower mutation probability than influenza viruses. Influenza viruses mutate over several months, and the probability of coronavirus mutations is relatively low. But we still have to be wary if it will mutate.

4. The national confirmed case fatality rate of new coronavirus is 2.1%

Jiao Yahui: As of 24:00 on the 3rd, the national fatality rate of confirmed cases nationwide was 2.1%. Among them, Hubei Province is 3.1%, Wuhan City is 4.9%, and Hubei Province accounts for 97% of the national deaths. Except for Hubei Province, the case fatality rate is 0.16%.

5. No infection between pets and people was found

Jiang Rongmeng: Current research shows that there are more than 50 types of coronaviruses and four genera, which can infect many animals, but there is a species barrier between them. They do not infect each other randomly and can infect humans. There are only 7 species. So far, no pets have been infected with the virus and transmitted to humans, and no patient has been infected and transmitted to pets.

6. No cases of fecal-oral transmission have been found

Jiang Rongmeng: Although virus nucleic acid was found in the stool of some patients, the virus has not yet been isolated, and further information needs to be observed. What we call fecal-oral is fecal contamination of water or food. People drink this water or eat food and cause transmission. This is called fecal-oral transmission. We have not found any cases transmitted this way.

Mr. Jiang Rongmeng, member of the expert group of the National Health Commission and chief physician of the Second Department of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital Image source: People’s Daily Weibo

7.Do not advocate taking medicine for people who are not sick

Zhang Boli: At present, there are two concepts of what medicine to store and what medicine to take at home. We do not advocate that people who are not sick take medicine or use some medicine to prevent it, because now There is no proper medicine to prevent it.

8. You do n’t need to wear gloves at all times

Li Lanjuan: Wear gloves only when in direct contact with pollutants. You do n’t need to wash your hands frequently.

9. It is necessary to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters in Wuhan city

Li Lanjuan: In public, it is advisable to keep a certain distance between people. In Wuhan, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters.

10. All people are vulnerable, and children are no exception.

Jiang Rongmeng: Generally speaking, children are also susceptible. The new coronavirus is a new virus, and everyone has no immunity. Generally speaking, children are less ill after infection, but it does not mean that children are not susceptible.

11. How to distinguish between a cold and new coronary pneumonia?

The diagnosis and treatment of pneumonitis with a new type of coronavirus infection (trial version 5) shows that new coronary pneumonia is characterized by fever, fatigue, and dry cough. main performance. A few patients have symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and diarrhea. Severe patients often experience dyspnea and / or hypoxemia one week after onset.

Li Lanjuan: The symptoms at the early stage are very similar. Some patients with new coronary pneumonia have fever, some dry cough, some respiratory symptoms, fatigue after fever, and even some digestive symptoms. For identification, the most important thing is to take a swab sample for a virus test.

12. The vast majority of confirmed cases are mild

Jiao Yahui: First of all, I want to emphasize that the vast majority of patients with pneumonitis infected by the new coronavirus are mild. Do n’t think that because of the treatment of critically ill patients who were talked about today at the (February 4) conference, we think that all of our patients are severely ill, causing panic or Fear, this is a signal that I want to send to everyone.

Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the National Health and Medical Commission’s Medical Affairs and Hospital Administration Image source: media screenshots

13. Patients during rehabilitation and discharge are not contagious

Qiu Haibo: From clinical experience, patients in the recovery period are not contagious, and discharged patients are not contagious. Patients during rehabilitation and discharge were negative for two nucleic acid tests and no virus was replicated.

Deputy Dean of Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University Qiu Haibo Image source: People’s Daily Weibo

At the same time, it can protect itself against new coronavirus infection by producing antibodies. Although this antibody is notLifetime, but less likely to be infected with this new coronavirus in six months or more.

14. Weak transmission among asymptomatic infections

Li Xingwang: The asymptomatic infected person has no obvious clinical manifestations, such as fever and fatigue, but the nucleic acid test is positive when the throat swab is checked.

The asymptomatic infections currently found, mainly close contacts of patients, occur more frequently among family members. Asymptomatic infection is relatively mild, and the amount of virus is relatively small, so it may be weaker in transmission ability.

15. People who have not been infected and do n’t need to panic if you cough occasionally

Li Xingwang: People who are not in contact with the infection occasionally cough twice and don’t need to panic. In the diagnosis of infectious diseases, in addition to focusing on clinical symptoms, more attention should be paid to epidemiological manifestations.

Li Xingwang, member of the National Medical Expert Group and chief expert of Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Research Center of Beijing Ditan Hospital Image source: China News Network

Most asymptomatic infections occur in the case of more contact with patients, especially family cluster infections are more obvious. Therefore, if you haven’t been in contact with an infected person and have an occasional cough, there is no need to panic.

16. Coronavirus is sensitive to UV and heat

《New Coronary Virus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Trial version 5) 》 Publication: The virus is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat. Lipid solvents such as ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, peracetic acid, and chloroform can effectively inactivate the virus at 30 ° C for 30 minutes, and chlorhexidine cannot effectively inactivate the virus.

17. National unified latest discharge standards

Guo Yanhong: The current standard is: the body temperature is normal for more than 3 days, the symptoms of the respiratory tract are significantly improved, the chest radiography shows that the inflammation is clearly absorbed, and the nucleic acid detection of respiratory pathogens is negative for two consecutive times.

Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Affairs, Ministry of Health Guo Yanhong Image source: China News Network

18. An inflection point will occur in one or two incubation periods

Wen Yumei: As the virus spreads, humans will become immune and the virus’s ability to cause disease will decrease. After the virus-infected person is under control, it is foreseeable that an inflection point occurs during one or two incubation periods. (The incubation period of the new coronal pneumonia virus is 1 to 14 days, usually 3 to 7 days)

Men Yumei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of the Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of the Ministry of Education / Fujian Health and Medical Commission of Fudan University Picture source: First Finance


The inflection point for the development of new coronavirus pneumonia mainly has the following two characteristics: First, the number of newly suspected infection cases has decreased;

Zhong Nanshan: The measures currently taken have effectively blocked the source of infection and greatly reduced the second- and third-generation infections. The outbreak is expected to peak in the next 10 days to about two weeks. But we still need to strengthen prevention and control, and we cannot relax our vigilance.

Sources: Surging News, CCTV News, China News Network, Beijing News.

The article is from WeChat public account: Doctor Lilac (ID: DingXiangYiSheng)