This article comes from WeChat public account: GQ report (ID: GQREPORT) , Interviews: Luo Fangdan, Liao Wenyu, Author: Luo Fangdan, Editor: He Ye, Original title:” Reinstatement after an infected nurse is cured: If I am also afraid, everyone may not do it ” / span>

Guo Qin, a nurse in the emergency department of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, was diagnosed with the new coronavirus on January 13. On the 24th and 26th, the nucleic acid test was negative twice in a row. After being confirmed by experts, the discharge procedure was completed on the 27th. On January 28, the day after she was discharged, she volunteered to return to her post to continue working.

“It’s impossible not to be afraid. But I’m the first to be infected, and I need to take the lead. If I keep worrying like this, when will I go to work? If it’s like me, who Come to work? If you do this first, will everyone feel less scared. I can be like her, not afraid. “

Guo Qin does not know when he was infected. “On the front line, there is such a risk.”

Guo Qin is 38 years old and has been working in Zhongnan Hospital for 15 years. In January, she participated in the treatment of 6 patients in the emergency intensive care unit (ICU) , 1 severe and 5 mild, all of which have so far Discharged. The critically ill patient was a 55-year-old male Mr. Hu who had respiratory failure when he entered. The hospital gave him high-flow oxygen therapy. Begin intubation with a ventilator and trachea later. Finally, I went to the extracorporeal membrane spirometer (ECMO) . In the end, Mr. Hu was cured and discharged on January 28, and the entire network reported that This is the first successful case of ECMO cure in Hubei Province.

On the day of his diagnosis and admission, Guo Qin remembered this.