Recently, Ai Media Consulting released the “2019-2020 China Mobile Search Market Operation Monitoring Report”.

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New report: mobile search is moving towards aggregation services, headlines and WeChat become new variables

Recently, AiMedia Consulting released the “2019-2020 China Mobile Search Market Operation Monitoring Report”. The report shows that in the fourth quarter of 2019, China’s mobile search users reached 705 million and maintained a steady growth trend. In 2020, competition in the mobile search industry will become more intense.

Currently, the head market of the mobile search industry is dominated by Internet giants. Data show that in 2019, Baidu search accounted for 71.1% of the user share, followed by Shenma search, Sogou search and 360 search. Among them, Baidu, as a pioneer in the industry, has a large advantage in terms of users. And Alibaba’s Shenma Search has a high degree of professionalism in the vertical search field, and its user growth rate in 2019 ranks first in the industry. At the same time, in 2019, Toutiao launched the “Toutiao Full Web Search” today. WeChat also announced that it would upgrade the original “WeChat Search” to “WeChat Search and Search” which can reach more than 20 information services. Byte beating and Tencent’s in-depth layout may bring new variables to the industry.

The report also pointed out that as mobile search platforms continue to deepen in vertical fields such as medical, entertainment, and life services, mobile search platforms will aggregate more content in the future and become a “one-stop” service window. At the same time …

Editor’s comment: The deeper mobile search in the vertical field, the wider the coverage of mobile search marketing, and the stronger the market demand for mobile search in C and B in the future. Looking at the current situation …

This article comes from the paid section “Daily Business Collection”-February 6 Day

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In-depth information | New report: Mobile search is moving towards aggregation services,  Headline and WeChat become new variables

Deep News | New Report: Mobile Search to Aggregation Service  Development, headlines, WeChat become new variables