The Office of the Canadian Privacy Commissioner asked the court to issue an injunction prohibiting Facebook from further collecting, using, and disclosing any personal information of users in any way that violates the country’s privacy laws.

Editor’s note: This article comes from Tencent Technology , reviewing Musicology.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada requires the Federal Court to declare Facebook a violation of federal privacy law

According to an application notice filed on Thursday, the Canadian Privacy Commissioner’s Office (OPC) required the U.S. federal court to declare Facebook a violation of federal privacy laws targeting the private sector, according to a foreign media report.

According to a legal document announcement issued by the Office of the Canadian Privacy Commissioner, it also required the U.S. federal court to issue an order requiring Facebook to “implement effective, specific and understandable measures to obtain and maintain Meaningful consent. “

A Facebook spokesperson said in an email that Facebook was disappointed that OPC was taking legal action, “even though we have repeatedly tried to work with them and take far more steps than other companies.”

“We have taken many positive and powerful improvements to our platform to better protect people’s personal information. We look forward to defending it.”

OPC also requires the court to issue an order prohibiting Facebook from further collecting, using, and disclosing any personal information of users in any way that violates the country’s privacy laws.

OPC warns that the lawsuit “may take a long time”, depending on “many procedural issues.”

Before the lawsuit, OPC and the British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioner’s Office conducted a joint investigation last April. The investigation found that Facebook failed to obtain “effective and meaningful consent” from users regarding the disclosure of personal information to third-party applications.

Government agencies in many countries are now suing or investigating the social media giant, including government agencies in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Brazil, and the United States.