This article comes from WeChat public account: Blue Hole New Consumer (ID: landongpro) , author: Chen, electronic cigarette ban antecedent see “E-cigarette ban in the United States will take effect 24 hours later: Flavor-replacement products will be withdrawn from the market” p>

February 7th, the FDA’s new ban on flavored electronic cigarettes has officially entered into force in the United States, banning flavored bombs other than tobacco and menthol, and many other types of electronic cigarette products and flavors are almost Affected.

No wonder everyone thinks that this new FDA regulation that has been in effect just controls the air.

New FDA regulations will help Juul kill competitors

Of course, everyone with a different standpoint will have a different understanding of the new rules.

For government agencies headed by the Trump administration, they will think this new regulation is already a very balanced strategy.

The opponents believe that e-cigarettes are a scourge of beasts to entice young people to require all e-cigarettes to be banned. The e-cigarette industry believes that the industry is beneficial to quitting and involves a large number of employees. It cannot deprive adults of their choice.

Trump faces the 2020 presidential election, and no one can offend.

Since you are dissatisfied and your opinions are absolute, the government has issued a relative rule, which is a balance for all parties. Trump is also very good at balancing.
