The key to ensuring the quality of courses and services is to rely on “preparation”, “standardization”, and “technology”.

Looking through the schedule published by the homework class, the free live class covers all major subjects in grades, elementary, and senior. It is mainly to review the basic knowledge of the school. It also specially arranges “Poetry”, “Art”, Literacy courses such as “Idioms” and “Science”, eye exercises and indoor physical education classes, and home education classes and outbreak prevention knowledge live classes.

Behind the rapid release of this timetable, it is the accumulation of many years of the teaching and research team of the homework class.

After the free course project was started, the homework group organized 220 teaching and research teachers and supplemented and revised the course content. Before the class began on February 3, the entire project had completed three rapid iterations.

After the summer and autumn battle of online education in 2019, the homework has helped triple the teaching and research team of teachers. This is a powerful guarantee for launching so many courses in a short time. The team of tutors will expand from 2 to 8 sub-stations in one year in 2019, completing the national layout and becoming a core service force.

“Although it is a free class, I have to work hard as a teacher. More than 300,000 children are listening to my class. I have to tell the class well, I have to sell it!” Chinese teacher Luo Feiran said.

More than 200 teachers like Luo Feiran have to take care of the teaching and preparation of existing paid classes and free live lessons every day. They usually take a break at two or three in the morning and sit still at 7:30 the next morning. Prepare lessons in front of the computer.

According to the 6 times the time preparation method required for homework classes, in order to design targeted public welfare courses, the preparation time for each 40-minute class is about 4 hours; and the more difficult is that “many teachers are on winter vacation. Paid classes and public welfare classes take place at the same time, with 8 hours a day during the busiest day. “So Hui lamented that teachers often upload courseware in the system at 4 am.

Different from offline tutoring, online live classes can accommodate two to three thousand people or even more, which requires higher quality courses. In this scenario, teaching, research, lesson preparation, and teaching must be standardized as much as possible, and each lesson comes from a complete process system.

The collective preparation of the live broadcast of the homework class will be carried out for 3 to 5 rounds of rehearsals to ensure that all teachers are above the same baseline; during the teaching session, the platform uses manual + technical means to conduct quality inspection; after the lecture, all teachers immediately Review.

28 million students: the ultimate

The technology department is always thereHelp the course achieve a “better live broadcast experience”, strengthen network stability, reduce latency, increase capacity, and at the same time help digitize teaching behaviors, making online education “teaching students according to their aptitude” possible. When a student is studying in homework class, all his behaviors will gradually depict his academic portrait, including knowledge structure, weak links, and error points. The blessing of big data makes the teaching and research teaching team and tutor team have data support in teaching content, exercise arrangement, tutoring and answering, etc., which is more suitable for students’ needs.

28 million students: the ultimate

“I didn’t expect that the homework help live lessons were given free lessons in such an emergency, and the quality of the courses could still be so high.” Li Xuemeng (pseudonym) from Xiaogan, Hubei, is now in high school, because the state of study last semester was bad, I missed a lot of key knowledge, and the ranking dropped from grade 400 to 700 all the way. The epidemic happened just as she was preparing to make up for the winter vacation.

Future: Shuffle is accelerated, quality is king

The evolution of the education industry in 2019 proves that the Matthew effect is equally applicable to online education, regardless of K12 large class, one-to-one, small class, or mathematical thinking and AI interaction. This highly demanding circuit of “funds”, “technology”, “service”, “organizational ability”, etc., directly ushered in the 2020 “big exam” after the big reshuffle in 2019.

Almost all online education companies have launched free live lessons, homework help, learning and thinking, ape tutoring, VIPKID, Netease Youdao, etc. This means that users have the opportunity to choose freely between major platforms, compare courses and Faculty pros and cons, experience the service quality of different platforms, and finally vote with their feet.

This is a big test of the comprehensive capabilities of enterprises such as “quick response, user operation, teaching services, and technical stability”. Only companies that can withstand steady users of tens of millions are expected to expand their leading effect.

What should online education companies do now after brand exposure and free user trials? What will they use to retain these users in the future?

The situation and the environment have changed drastically, but the nature of the industry has not changed. The quality of courses and services remains the core competitiveness of online education companies. Enterprises must continue to focus on the quality of courses, organization and technical strength. So far, some platforms can successfully pass the pressure test in the beginning of 2020, relying on solid accumulation in the past.

Three keywords: quality, organization, and technology.

There is no ultimate pursuit of teaching quality, even if there are thousands of