In the process of byte beating to advance various tasks, one point is very important: the information environment. If the information provided by the information environment is cluttered, falsely distorted, and lagged, the decisions made by decision makers are likely to make many mistakes and fail to deal with the problem in a timely manner.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Hedgehog Commune ” (ID : ciweigongshe), author: Larry Shi Yan Chan, editor: Zhao Siqiang, authorized reprint.

On February 3, Byte Beat started the office on the first day after the Spring Festival.

However, more than 50,000 ByteDancer did not appear in the office or other office locations of No. 48, Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, Block 24, Shanghai Science and Technology Oasis, and most of them still stayed in their homes. . Many people are wearing pajamas, dragging their shoes, tangling their hair, communicating information on the “Flying Book” office software, and maintaining the operation of this Internet giant with more than 700 million daily lives worldwide.

A lot of anecdotes are circulating in the public account “Byte Faner” of Byte Beat. A leader temporarily held a meeting on the flying book, and intentionally set aside half an hour for everyone to wash their hair. An employee posted “Do not knock on the door during a meeting, and eat late” on the door of the room at home to prevent his parents Disturb; there are people who have met new people in many groups through the video. Usually, everyone is running fast, and there is no time to meet people in different departments.

“Our culture encourages self-drive and collaboration. ByteDancer, which is distributed in 240 offices around the world, has long been accustomed to communicating across time zones and regions on ‘Flying Books’. . “The public number added.

Now many companies and individuals can experience “Flying Books” for free.

On January 27, Feishu took the lead in opening up all remote collaboration features of its commercial version to the public for free. Feishu’s free policy is: before May 1, 2020, small and medium-sized enterprises (less than 100 people), street communities, non-profit organizations, hospitals, medical colleges and all schools in Hubei who apply for Feishu registration can enjoy a free commercial version for three years. rights and interests. In addition, corporate users who have purchased Feshu OKR will add a free 3 months service period.

This office suite with the brand of byte beating has always had a good reputation in the Internet circle, and we are more curious about what is the byte beating of the body outside of the easy-to-use features of Flying Book?

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In 2006, Kuxun, an online travel company, was established as a travel search engine that provides information on air tickets, hotels, vacations, train tickets, etc., similar to today’s Ctrip. The next year, Xie Xin left Baidu to join Cool News. This is a typical startup.

Xie Xin appeared as the vice president of Kuxun Online in Tianjin Satellite TV’s recruitment program “Non-You”, which he broadcasted in 2011. He hopes to recruit several travel experience specialists. In the show, he has firm recruiting rules, and is often “forced” into trouble by others, becoming the focus of attention in “misunderstandings.”

But from this point of view, he has already done a lot of research on personnel recruitment.

Zhang Yiming was earlier than Xie Xin joined Kuxun, but they are subordinates. Later, Zhang Yiming deliberately studied the Silicon Valley culture during the establishment of Jiu Jiu Fang. By the 2012 byte beat, he began to conduct “company product” experiments. In 2014, ByteDance’s series of products quickly and iteratively broke out, followed by personnel filling and organizational upgrades. Zhang Yiming invited XU Xin, the CTO of, to join ByteDance as the head of the human resources department and recruit talents.

Xie Xin also highly values ​​Silicon Valley culture. The book “Redefining Teams: How Google Works” provides him with a lot of team management knowledge. In order to recruit good people, they have done a lot of “crazy” things.

In April 2015, the Global Software Development Conference invited Xie Xin to do a sharing. An announcement of the conference introduced Xie Xin: “I have experienced the entire process of the development of a startup company. From the initial stage to expansion and development When I encountered a bottleneck, I was acquired by a foreign company and became the whole process of the development of a foreign-owned subsidiary. He has managed the company’s technical team, product team, SEO / SEM team, BI, UE, human resources and other functional teams.

“As an engineer with a standard computer system, he has a lot of interest in company development, team management, cultural construction, and internal IT system construction. He likes to research and analyze the development characteristics of different types of companies and absorb the best of each company. That introduction also wrote: “Recently (April 2015) I am interested in the differences and collisions between Chinese and Western companies’ management styles. I hope to break the rules in team management and cultural construction and make more Western countries, especially Silicon Valley, valuable. “Localization” of innovative and innovative corporate culture and the introduction of local companies. “

In the following time, the byte bounce spread and grew as he and the entire company’s executives expected.

From the book to see the bytes jumping behind it

Xie Xin and data engineer Dong Fei talked about PPT at the 2015 Global Software Conference, the picture comes from the conference public information

The cultural imprint on Fei Shu

After the epidemic came, ByteDance quickly responded. In addition to social responsibility programs, there were also the health of more than 50,000 employees.

According to the company’s requirements, employees will report their health status, temperature, and location every day, so that the company can count whether the employees have been at the office, and have stayed at home for 14 days. At the beginning, they asked everyone to report on their own initiative, but found two problems: first, the reporting ratio was not high enough; second, because the data was huge and cluttered, there was no way to use it.

On the first day of the new year, they decided to develop a “health report” application to assist employees in filling out information such as body temperature and physical location. Time is very tight. They need to go online to Feishu within two days, open it to 50,000 employees, and provide this product to companies that use Feishu externally.

Since it is an embedded application developed for Feishu, Feishu will also be used as a collaborative office in the development process. They used dozens of people in dozens of cities to participate in this remote linkage and work together online.

They use online documents to disassemble people, and let everyone see real-time progress through the calendar schedule. On the other side, they feedback the test situation in various feedback groups, and the information is effectively running in the Flying Book App.

The third day of the new year, this “health report” application was launched in Feishu, and the fill rate for the entire company rose from single digits to nearly 100%. In the “Health Report” application, a robot reminds everyone to fill in health information every day. If it is not filled in in time, it will repeatedly remind. Team leaders can also see what their employees are filling out.

“This product was developed, and after a lot of collaboration, in two days, dozens of people completed such a job, but it is still very efficient.” Xie Xin was very satisfied with the job.

Fei Shu was originally a communication tool, and it gradually became a complete office suite. Now the whole byte beats more than 50,000 people. The main work of Fei Shu is based on Fei Shu. Feishu has become the basic communication facility for this huge business system. The communication logic behind it is: what communication tools determine what kind of work thinking, what kind of thinking mode, and what kind of communication effect.

At the 2015 Global Software Conference, Xie Xin expressed his understanding of tools: “This tool must be an advanced tool, because advanced tools, when you use them, you not only use the tool itself, you are also unconscious Has used advanced working methods, and the tools in it include both management tools and technical tools. “

Xie Xin and data engineer Dong Fei talked about PPT at the 2015 Global Software Conference. The picture comes from the public information of the conference

In the process of byte beating to advance various tasks, one point is very important: the information environment. If the information provided by the information environment is cluttered, falsely distorted, and lagged, the decisions made by decision makers are likely to make many mistakes and fail to deal with the problem in a timely manner.

The elements that make up the information environment are people, organizations, tools, and consensus. The most basic hardware here is the tool, which carries the basic functions of people and organizations and the capabilities they can perform. Seemingly useless consensus, but it bears the function of “don’t just want to be just”. It is the underlying soil of people, organizations, and tools. There are three points in implementing the organization: maximize information and transparency, allow multiple voices to appear, and avoid company distortion information.

One consideration for encouraging people to speak in groups is that in the mobile office era, more working hours and expression moments occur online. If a person can fully express in the group, he can outline The outline of this person’s thoughts allows everyone to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of high-speed circulation of information, and to make more efficient judgments and decisions, whether it is for things or people.

This approach hides a potential employee bonus: motivating people with positive values ​​and a strong heart. If such people can stand out, the Feishu channel can become a new way for the company to cultivate and select talents.

Byte beating requires an open, transparent, and efficient culture as the underlying soil to cultivate a large number of employees who are enthusiastic about their growth. ByteDance is using this methodology to cultivate the “creative elite” talents that Google respects-they are full of confidence and passion for their ideas, can maintain a humble attitude, are willing to change their views in the face of facts, and can insist on their own uniqueness Personality freedom. But this group of people is not a “monster” without dust. They will vent their emotions and give sharp suggestions. Want to know their whereabouts? You can check it at Fei Shu.

Feishu has a calendar function that can quickly record personal schedules. In addition to Feishu, the OKR system implemented by byte beating also relies on Feishu to practice.

When the tools are complete, the organization must quickly implement the “Double C Principle”Already. In the normal state, the goodness of the Context is magnified, and the evil of Control is suppressed. When encountering emergency situations and key projects, Control is needed to determine the person in charge and quickly form a mobile unit to participate in the battle.

From the flying book to see the bytes jumping behind it

Facing the nationwide “home office” sudden demand, the Flying Book team has temporarily developed an “online office” function. It is still full of engineers’ pragmatic romanticism.

The members of the same team are in a group. After Fei Shu opened the online office function, everyone communicated and chat based on voice.

“It’s not that we talk about when to hold a meeting and then turn on the voice. The voice can be turned on all day, but it is silent by default, and most people don’t speak, but when you have something, you can directly Say ‘Who is who, is it convenient for you now, let’s discuss something’. “Xie Xin said, this is actually simulating the environment of an office. It is not convenient for everyone to meet at home all the time. Not efficient.

In order to reach “high efficiency”, they also did a lot of things. There was no PPT during the meeting. Before the meeting, the convener of the meeting posted the content of the meeting topics in the group. There was a silent reading session of 15-20 minutes before the meeting. Members could Write your own real-time comments on the content in the online documentation of Feishu; after the meeting, everyone will speak one by one.

This method has a feature: everyone browses the same information at the same time and gives their feedback.

“From the perspective of our company, I really ca n’t get back after adapting to this model. Occasionally I attend other meetings, and one person talks about PPT on it. We feel that this efficiency is completely intolerable, and we really ca n’t get back. “Xie Xin said,” We have formed this model after a long iteration. It is actually very difficult to implement, but the overall effect is very good. “

Fei Shu is currently in a state of breaking through the circle. It has been a huge success inside Byte Beat, and now it wants to export the tool itself to companies other than Byte Beat.

Some media will consider whether Byte Beat will use Feishu to export its own management methods to other companies. Xie Xin gave a positive response: “In the process of building products, we pay great attention to its universality.” “(But we) are not exporting meOur management philosophy, we are willing to share some of our management practices … because each company’s management methods are different. “