What you want to be like, you have to behave like it first.

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Editor’s note: If you want to be what you are, you must first behave like it. When you have a fundamentally different attitude to yourself than before-you really treat yourself differently, then there will indeed be a significant change in you. Once you start to see yourself as more important than your current identity, you will make this possibility more real because you teach others how to treat you. So start thinking of yourself as the person you want to be. This article is translated from medium, the author of the article Anthony Moore , the original title Treat Yourself Like a CEO and You’ll Make 10x More Income .

Want to make 10 times more money? Think of yourself as CEO

Image source: Victoria Heath on Unsplash

When I wrote the title of this article, an old joke came to my mind:

A man in a full spiderman costume walks into his office.

“Hey, Dave, how do you dress like this to work?” his colleague asked.

“You know what the saying goes,” Dave replied, “dress what you want, not what you do.”

If you pretend that you are earning six figures a year, and you are actually earning only $ 10 an hour, you certainly cannot be miraculously rich. (And it might make you look like an idiot.)

This is not an article about optimism. For a long time, I tried to do “positive” work, do some promising work, completely bankruptcy, and lost my job, only to find that this did not work at all.

However, when you have a fundamentally different attitude towards yourself than before–reallyTreat yourself differently-then, yes, there will be some significant changes in your income.

The reason is simple: People respect true self-confidence. How others treat you is up to you.

If you let others know that you are not a person who can tolerate mediocrity, they will not give you another chance for mediocrity. When you tell others that you only accept really great opportunities, then you will show your attractiveness. Things are grouped together, people are grouped-make sure you attract the right things.

Want to make millions? Then behave like a millionaire first

If you want to be what you are, you must first behave like it.

If you don’t want to be anything, don’t do it again.

Tony Robbins had made thousands imagine that their doorbell rang. When they opened the door, he told them there was a “depressed person” at the door.

He then asked them to describe the person.

What about the answer? May be similar to yours: sloping shoulders, downcast, messy hair, frowning, softly whispering, no eye contact.

He then made them imagine that a “happy man” rang the doorbell and asked what that person looked like.

Brilliant smile, friendly eyes, warm handshake, raised chin and head, and frequent eye contact.

Robbins then asked everyone to imitate “a depressed person” and “a happy person” in one minute-showing “depression” and “happiness.” Robbins asked them how they felt afterwards.

Unexpectedly, this has a huge impact! Even a minute of acting like a “depressed person” can make many people feel sad and helpless.

Of course, we have oversimplified. Real depression and anxiety are quite complex problems that cannot be solved by just thinking. But what I want to say is that your behavior determines who you are.

Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in his autobiography:

The only way to become a actor is to act like a actor and work hard.

When I first started writing, I saw myself as a completely amateur writer. I haven’t invested in any tools or training, my writing style is incoherent, and I haven’t focused on providing any real value. As a result, I never made any progress.

Time goes by year by year. In the end, I started to think of myself as a real professional. I did what professional writers are doing-investing in myself, trying and learning new skills, and losing battles.

So I started investing myself seriously, such as spending $ 500 on a writing course and reading dozens of books. I also started to insist on writingFocus on learning and creation, not entertainment. I try new things. I ignored those harsh comments and kept writing.

Treat yourself like a professional writer has given me great results. A few days ago, I sent an email to a bestselling author asking him to endorse my book—why not? They responded and took the initiative to stand for my work.

Treat yourself like a professional. If you want to be something, at least you have to behave like it.

Pretend that your time is worth $ 1,000 / hour, and your efficiency will be increased by 100 times

Pretend your time is worth $ 1,000 / hour. Then think about how you would spend 5 hours doing something else for free? Will you waste time on being angry?

—— Niklas Göke

You don’t have much time in this world.

Nevertheless, many people waste a lot of time on meaningless, low-quality activities that don’t help them achieve their true goal-their mission.

In fact, most people value time far less than it should be.

They say “yes” to things that have nothing to do with them. They give up their talents, attention, and efforts to those who only know what to ask for.

When they should be productive, they spend a lot of time watching low-quality TV shows and social media.

You see, a lot of people could have made a lot of money (if they make good use of time), but they waste time in a meaningless way, which makes them bankrupt, unhappy, and in trouble.

But what if you think time matters?

How will this change you? your life? What will happen to your family? What about your future?

Imagine adding one hour worth $ 1,000.

What will your life be like?

Who will you endure?

What problem do you stop wasting time on?

What do you stop doing and then start doing?

Think about these issues and your results will be incredible. You will become more efficient and focused.

Most people do n’t know what they are doing, but still complain that they do n’t have enough time

—— Grant Cardone, New York Times bestselling author

When you start taking yourself seriously, the following things will happen

Like I said, I spent many years writing mediocre things. No one looks at my stuff because my stuff sucks. I do notHave any time and money to make yourself better. Deep down, I know I’m not a “professional”. “So I consider myself an amateur.

Finally, I started taking myself seriously. Everything has changed since then.

I was asked to interview podcasts, magazines, and blogs. A few days ago, someone asked me to give a paid speech at an international conference. Readers always email me and tell me how helpful my content is to them.

Most of the time, I still find it hard to believe that this is my life. Because for years I’ve been desperately begging people to pay attention to me and my work. But I remained silent until I started taking myself seriously.

I don’t know what will happen to your life when you start taking yourself seriously. But I can tell you:

Your life will change. If you, like me, spend years improving your skills, you will be completely new.

It is up to you how others treat you.

If you let people know that your time is free and value is low, people will treat you like this.

But if you tell people that your time is expensive, important, and valuable, then people will respond to you in the same way.

What you think is what you will become. If you think your time is worth a few dollars per hour, you will start doing so. You will find yourself saying “no” to meaningless things.

But if you know in your heart that your time is precious, people will realize it.

People also respect that.

People treat you differently.

Writer William Irvine once said:

People are unhappy largely because they don’t know what is valuable.

Your true belief in yourself determines what kind of person you will become

Michael Jordan once said:

You must expect something before you can achieve it.

If you believe you can do it, you can do it.

But the reverse is also true-if you know you can’t, then you might be right.

Bruce Lee also said:

A person will never get more than he thinks he can get.

What you truly believe is what you are most likely to achieve in the future.

So, what do you believe?

The problem is that most people treat themselvesNo strong self-confidence. Most people think this is the best. For the most part, most people think that the best they can do is just “good.”

Why? Because it is easier to maintain mediocrity than to promote your faith. It is easier to relax in a “good” state, but it is much harder to strive for greatness.

If you want to have an incredible, successful life, you need to start believing that success is the only possible option.

If you want to increase your income, you should start from the source-you and your mindset. You can’t control customers, hiring managers, or people around you, but you can control yourself and your beliefs in yourself. All actions are based on your beliefs. Deep down, if you think you can never be truly successful, you will almost certainly not succeed.

Write at the end

Continuously raise your awareness and belief. Start treating yourself like a real professional. Start taking yourself seriously-if you make yourself that kind of person, you will become a force to be reckoned with.

Once you start to see yourself as more important than your current identity-a millionaire, a CEO, or whatever you want to achieve-you will make this possibility more real because You taught others how to treat you.

So start thinking of yourself as the person you want to be.

Translator: Hi Soup