This article comes from WeChat public account: Arima Sports (ID: youmatiyu) , author: S brother


15 female doctors in Shaanxi have shaved their heads and set off a huge dispute. People question the formalism behind this wave of operations far more than pragmatism.

The chess player Ke Jie also spoke on Weibo. “A little curious, why do you have to shave the female doctor ’s hair? Is it possible to cut it a little short? I do n’t understand anything in medicine and do n’t dare to say too much, it ’s just that they are very distressed. . It is not easy for girls to have long hair. “So far, this Weibo has received nearly 60,000 likes.

Ke Jie is a sports V, with more than 5 million Weibo fans. During the epidemic, he was the loudest voice in sports. He mourned for Dr. Li Wenliang, paid attention to pneumonia patients asking for help, praised Han Hong, and suggested that those who made a fortune with disaster relief donation materials should be cremated in place. He said that he still had more “criticism of justice” he wanted to say, but because he was being followed, “there was no way to send it out.”

Ke Jie has always been concerned about various social issues, and from time to time he has to be a “bag” on Weibo, let alone in the face of a public emergency with a wide range of influences. But also because of this, he received a little more scolding than other stars.


The last time Ke Jie became a hot topic was his outspokenness about the top search ranking of “Meng Yaoyao’s Sons”. He was shocked that the 39 lives in stowaway trucks were not as good as the tyrants who had a baby. Big. Because of inappropriate words, Ke Jie has since been put on a hat to discriminate against women. As a result, every time he posts a Weibo, some netizens use feminism to talk about things, taunting him for being talented and unskilled.

There are two voices under Ke Jie’s Weibo talking about the female doctor’s shaved head, one is the opinion expressed on this incident, and the other is the killing of Ke Jie’s remarks. ” Is n’t it you who did n’t respect women in the first place?


There were not many public figures who continued to speak during the epidemic. Ke Jie was one of them. The other is known as Yao Chen.

Taking a closer look at Yao Chen’s Weibo, she will find that she is very concerned about the epidemic situation. She forwards six or seven pieces of help information every day, distributed in various time periods, and sometimes the retransmission time is displayed at 2 am. For long-form help information, she will also refine the focus when forwarding, for example, the patient is an elderly person, the condition has reached a critical illness and needs to be quickly diagnosed. She shared a wide range of content, with happy positive energy, non-governmental rescue channels that needed emergency transmission, and the sharing of experiences of ordinary individuals fighting the virus.

But even so, Yao Chen’s experience was similar to that of Ke Jie, and he was questioned for other plots. Some people scolded her for buying a hot search, talked about her marriage gossip, talked about her previous inappropriate remarks, speculated that she was doing good deeds “for the sake of washing herself,” and some people compared her with Han Hong and Fang Fang. Fame and fortune in this section. There is also a question about the marketing account. Yao Chen has helped people who know how to post Weibo, but those who ca n’t access the Internet have lost their resources. This is a kind of “crying child has milk” cut-in behavior, which has increased the government ’s Workload.

Yao Chen also has to come forward to explain this, he has no spare money to buy hot search, and the forwarded help information is the official channel for help, “the vast information will inevitably haveOmit, I just follow along to help. “

We see those mavericks who are always on the alert, for fear they will get a small profit from it. In such an environment, trying to make people think and dare to make their own voices will only become more and more difficult.


U.S. women’s football captain Megan Lapino is a special representative in football. She is dyed with pink and purple hair and doing all kinds of “extraordinary” things. She repeatedly kneeled on one knee while playing the national anthem to protest against racial discrimination against blacks in American society; she refused to sing the national anthem at the World Cup in France in protest of sex discrimination by the US government; Require equal rights for men and women and equal pay for equal work. The women’s team she led was evaluated as the champion team with the most political and social issues in history.

Meghan Rapino’s “exceptional” has been much appreciated, but it is also controversial. Some people have accused her of confusing sports with politics, but she often said in interviews that “it is irresponsible not to use her international influence to promote change.”

We are not criticizing those public figures who have not spoken. They have chosen a more secure way of life. But for those who stand up and talk and dare to use their influence to convey another value, they should not be strangled anymore, after all, they could have remained silent. Like Megan Lapino, she can accept the White House invitation to get an honor; like Yao Chen, she can contribute a little donation in peace, promote the lifestyle of washing hands, and become a high-quality idol star. Like Ke Jie, he can completely ignore the hot search list, expose his good results, talk about the hard work of winning the championship, and say “Wuhan, come on”, and he will get a lot of praise.

The business community already has a set of safe and secure operating rules. As long as it follows the general direction of crowds, it can live without damage or even fame and fortune. But like Yao Chen and Ke Jie, dare to face controversy, and dare to express individuals in sensitive timesWilling public figures should be cherished.

This article comes from WeChat public account: Arima Sports (ID: youmatiyu) , author: S brother