Drop “Ego”

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ Chaos University “(ID: huntun-university), author Ren Xin.

Is user demand real? Let’s test it. —— Ren Xin

Teacher | Ren Xin, Founder of Exponential Growth Lab, Former Vice President of Jingdong O2O

Everyone has a product dream. A friend often asks me, “ I thought of an idea, that company’s product is so stupid, I want to change it, and I can definitely beat it.

At this time, I feel his whole atmosphere, especially like Double Eleven shopping. I made this product, which can meet the needs of users and reach the pinnacle of my life. It is as if I can grow 6 packs by buying this treadmill.

But these are all hallucinations. Only at the moment you place your order and at the moment you set up the company, your money is running low, this is happening .

Creating a product is cost, and making users happy is the result. We want to make things happen as soon as possible. It is a major principle to make the cost as late as possible and smaller.

We should not treat making innovative products as a shopping spree, but we should treat it as an investment. Think about whether you can reduce costs a little and make future benefits a little bit bigger.

When we think of an idea, the next question is not how to make a product, how to find a programmer. So what’s the right question?

Before you do something, think “who am I”

▍Who am I?

To make a product, you must start with yourself and think clearly about people.

First, I am the origin of all paths. Can’t say you want to go to Tiananmen, but don’t know where you are. You have to have an origin before you know how to design the path.

Second, I constrain the solution itself. Our own resource endowments limit how a path can be designed and what options it has. For example, if you are rich, you can take a taxi to Tiananmen; if you have no money, you can only go by bus.

Finally, I can redefine the goals myself. This36krcdn.com/20200307/v2_2eff579903c74342abeb69f199d4690a_img_000 “>