Why should you consider changing your eating habits?

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Editor’s note: The blooming of obesity in the United States and Britain has a great relationship with snacking. Over the past 30 years, the number of snacks has increased “significantly” and the vast majority of snacks are considered unhealthy. Snacks are like a door through which junk food enters your life, and nutrients leave your life through it. Therefore, the author proposes that reducing or completely stopping snacking is one of the easiest ways for anyone to improve their health. Enter the kitchen, buy ingredients, research recipes, cook well, and return to normal life as soon as possible. This article is translated from medium, author Tim Rees, the original title ‘Healthy’ Snacking Is Ruining Your Efforts to Be Healthy.

Don't fool yourself, snacks are ruining your efforts to stay healthy

Image source: OLA Mishchenko via Unsplash

The number of obese people is exploding in developed countries and may be the single biggest threat to our health. In the United States, nearly 40% of adults are obese, and in the UK, more than 29% of adults are obese, and the number of hospitalizations directly related to obesity has also increased. Regardless of the situation, this condition is shortening life and reducing quality of life.

The increase in obesity is reflected in our snacking habits, which have been increasing over the past 30 years (1977 / 78-2007 / 08). In the United States, the frequency of snacking between meals has doubled, and the number of snacks per day has increased from 1.0 to 2.2. The proportion of adults who eat snacks every day has increased from 59% to 90%. In the late 1970s, about 40% of American adults said they did not eat snacks at all during the day. By 2007, that number was only 10%. These data are more than ten years old, so we can consider that the current real situation may be even more shocking. As a long-term nutritionist, I have my own set of opinions.

Nutrition research on snacks is as varied as assorted dried fruits. Only one paper has studied snack recommendations around the world.

When I first entered the field of nutrition in 2003, I