This article is from the WeChat public account: Dictionary Sequence (ID: zidianxulie) , Previous episode: “Fist Story: How Two Outsiders Build the Most Successful Video Game Company Today” : IC photo

RIOT Games, the most successful video game company in the world, and one of the most influential companies in the past 10 years, has rarely seen media research and analysis in China. This reflects from the side that the influence of video games is largely underestimated, both in business and culture.

So I went through the reports and video materials I could find, and planned to use a series of videos to tell the laymen of the two game industries and the two game players, starting from 0, to create the most successful video game in the world The story of the company and forever changing the face of the video game industry in many ways.

The game is completely free and profitable by virtual props. It seems to be the mainstream in the industry today, but back to 2006, it was still a very bold business idea. At that time, the iPhone was just released, and Facebook was in its second year of existence. It was a completely different world than today.

Fist companies have repeatedly encountered obstacles with VCs and publishers, and they have to be prepared to undertake development, distribution, and operations themselves.

To make matters worse, two extremely powerful opponents appeared. How could Marc and Brandon think that they had just encountered the final BOSS in the entire game as soon as they walked out of the novice village.

This is another story of David and Goliath. The ending is as we know it: God, stand by David’s side …

This article is from the WeChat public account: