In order to make money, Amazon said goodbye to the Buddhism department.

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Operation Research Institute” (ID: U_quan) , author: routine editorial department.

The epidemic situation in China has gradually improved recently, almost everyone has resumed work, and life is gradually on track.

But the epidemic situation abroad is getting more and more serious, just as it was in the country a while ago: netizens started to buy online a lot, hoarding living materials. As a result, major foreign e-commerce companies have begun to face the dilemma of understaffing.

And just two days ago, I found an interesting thing: In response to the epidemic, Amazon blatantly copied “Ali Jobs” and announced that it would also absorb 10 W of shared employees, and it would return to normal after the epidemic ended. .
Amazon fancy But the actual This is not the first time that Amazon “steals” Ali. Last year, for example, Amazon learned Taobao, and it also started live streaming. It is said that some businesses doubled their sales by 10 times overnight!

Next, let me show you how Amazon fancy learns Taobao to operate.

01 Does Amazon “impersonate” Taobao live?
Last year, Amazon also launched its own live streaming feature, and many merchants have used this feature to make a lot of money. According to foreign media reports, on the day of the Amazon Promotion Day last year, a newly-started backpacker seller lived through Amazon to increase the sales of his store to 10 times as usual. Amazon fancy

Image source: See the watermark So, what is so magical about this” artifact “that has doubled the profit of Amazon merchants by 10 times?

1) What is Amazon Live Broadcast? CuriousHeart, I opened the Amazon’s official website, but after searching for a long time, I didn’t find the live broadcast entrance. I asked a friend who was a seller on Amazon. She sent me a URL link ( After entering the live broadcast interface, I found that the live broadcast in it was classified according to different segments, such as fitness, beauty Makeup, food, etc.

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Amazon live in different segments

However, there are not many live broadcasts. Usually, there are only a few live broadcast rooms starting. Many of them are replayed videos of previous live broadcasts. Kaohama thought I was watching TV.

After clicking into several live broadcast rooms, I found that the style of the painting is different from the live broadcast room in the impression. Although the overall functions are similar, there are product purchase links below the video and chat with the anchor Area.
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Electronics and accessories live streaming on Amazon

But the anchor’s delivery style is a serious product introduction, and the tone is very calm. Basically, he does not say OMG, and the discount is not very large. .

In addition, the atmosphere of the comment area is relatively indifferent, the user has few questions, and the anchor rarely responds.

While speaking, although the overall style of live broadcast is not the same as domestic live broadcast, it seems that the effect is still good. According to statistics, by using the live broadcast function, the seller’s sales conversion rate can be increased by 3.6 times.
Amazon fancy

2) Live salesTen times the volume, but it didn’t learn the essence? After some experience, I found that Amazon live broadcast can only be regarded as a comprehensive low-profile version of Taobao Live. I did not learn the essence of Taobao. Why do you say this way?

① The anchor interaction is not close enough First of all, Amazon live broadcast lacks interactivity. If it is not Live in the upper right corner of the interface, you and I said that this is a pre-recorded video and I believe it . Although there is a chat area, it is extremely deserted. There are only a few messages in an hour or two. Even if you ask the anchor, he will not immediately respond to you, but will take care of himself The rhythm continues to give audiences Amway products. In contrast, Taobao Live is much more interactive. Not only will the anchor respond to your questions in real time and interact with users. Other users also actively comment or speak, and the live room is very lively. Amazon fancy

② The frequency of live broadcasts is not frequent enough In addition to interactivity, Amazon’s live broadcasts times and the duration of each live broadcast are also relatively small. The length of the live broadcast on the Amazon platform is usually 5-10 minutes, and a small part is 40 minutes-more than 1 hour. The live broadcast is not particularly frequent. For example, there is a host called @The Deal Guy, who recently only recorded live broadcasts once a day, and the duration of each time is hardly more than 1 hour. The broadcast time is also not fixed, sometimes in the afternoon and sometimes in the evening, it is more casual. Amazon fancy

This is still Anchors who are recommended to be on the homepage have a relatively high update frequency.

What about the anchor on Taobao? Not to mention the head anchors such as Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya, the average anchor usually broadcasts for several hours, and is almost non-stop. In order to increase conversion, we usually choose to broadcast at night when everyone is free.

In this way, it is naturally convenient to cultivate the viewing habits of users and form a kind of companionshipAfter all, many people visit the live broadcast room not to buy things but to dissipate time.

③ The atmosphere is not lively enough

It ’s not just the interactivity and frequency, the Amazon Live Studio doesn’t seem to care about creating a marketing atmosphere.

Indifferent to the interface design, there are not too many limited-time discount promotions when taking the goods. Perhaps Amazon later realized this, adding new features to redeem discount codes.

But compared to Taobao, Taobao Live is not only popular, but also designed many small elements, such as clicking to get a red envelope, and telling you who is buying that product, creating a The atmosphere of this product selling.

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Double 11 Taobao Live Room

In short, when watching Amazon Live, is like watching a blogger you do n’t know is doing product evaluation. The user ’s sense of participation is not strong and the interaction is lacking.

In addition, Amazon Live also has a long way to go in terms of the frequency of live broadcasts and the creation of an interface marketing atmosphere.

02 In order to make money, Amazon “steals” Taobao in all directions?

It’s not just live streaming, Amazon has also learned Taobao in other ways.

In our impression, Amazon has always been a “weakly operating” platform image. Usually there are only a few traditional holiday promotions such as Prime members and “Black Friday”, and generally do not do much content marketing.

The preferential policies and algorithms for official brand stores are very limited. For example, in November last year, Nike announced that it had insufficient revenue on Amazon: it will end its pilot project with Amazon and no longer sell sports directly on the Amazon platform Shoes and clothing.

Now, Amazon seems to have begun to “steal” Taobao in various aspects such as drainage, planting grass, and conversion.

1) What kind of operations does Amazon have for drainage? Currently, Amazon is quietly trying to drain.Quietly started social e-commerce and Amazon’s “Taobaoke”.

① “Social e-commerce” Amazon At the end of last year, Amazon quietly launched a amazon posts tool for sellers. According to Amazon’s official, the function of this tool is:

Allow brands to create a stream of post information curated by their own brand on social media within the Amazon market (such as Instagram, Facebook). In simple terms, the store posts product posts on amazon posts, and the good quality will be synchronized to major social platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Amazon fancy

Although the function It hasn’t been long before it goes online, and many functions need to be improved, but many businesses have made a lot of traffic by relying on “social e-commerce”.

According to a senior Amazon seller, he has used Amazon posts to get 50W + product exposures. From the second order, there are more than 100 final conversions.
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Image Source: See Watermark

② Amazon version of Taobaoke

Everyone should know that Taobao has a profession called Taobaoke. They use discounted goods released by merchant stores as shopping guides and earn commissions. For example, the well-known Mushroom Street, and the various “concessional welfare groups” commonly used in WeChat groups are actually Taobao customers.

And now I find that Amazon has even started to use third-party “taotao” to divert itself.

For example, the following website is called “Amazon customer”.

According to this shopping guide website, they have 100W real users in their hands.Tags, when you choose to cooperate with him, he can send e-mail to sell discounted goods through the mailbox and user tags.
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In addition, This website also has a method that is more similar to the domestic Taobao customer- Social software fan welfare group.

First, after receiving the product information, it will send the product as a task. Then there will be a lot of big Vs who are active on Facebook to accept the promotion task, and finally to market within the fan base.
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③ Douyin, tubing multi-video platform planting grass, bringing goods

In China, Taobao merchants should use the short video software such as Douyin and Kuaishou to plant grass and bring goods. Everyone should be familiar with it.

Now, as the overseas version of Douyin TikTok has become popular worldwide (in February this year, TikTok topped the overseas charts with 113 million downloads), a large number of Amazon merchants have also begun to borrow short videos to grow grass. Out of stock.
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Image source: Sensor Tower

Similar to the marketing video on domestic Douyin, some Amazon sellers will tell users that there are free products or coupons by raising accounts or finding online celebrities to advertise, and guide everyone to place orders at Amazon’s stores .

Usually, after a certain person introduces a certain product in the video, someone in the comment area will ask where to buy it, and then be planted and drained. (Recently Tik Tok will also open a shopping cart function for direct conversion)
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Photo source: See watermarks Not only Tik Tok, YouTube also has many popular videos of people carrying goods, and they will put Amazon links for corresponding products under the video to drain the brand. Amazon fancy

This multi-platform way of planting grass will undoubtedly bring a lot of traffic to the store.

2) No longer “Buddha”, multiple means let you buy buy Now the biggest feeling for Amazon is that It is not as Buddhist as before. In the past, Amazon was like shopping in an unmanned supermarket, and it was all on its own to see and buy. But now, I find that Amazon has also begun to use various means to push you to buy and buy.

① Limited-time, limited-brand coupons

Remember that when I used Amazon to buy things a few years ago, the website interface was relatively simple and the color matching was relatively light.

But now when you open this website, it is booming, and it feels like Taobao. Both the banner and the special area in the upper right corner use the big red color scheme, which easily arouses everyone’s desire to buy.

At the bottom of the interface, it also reminds you that you can get free coupons and red envelopes with eye-catching patches, and guides you to download its APP and use its small programs.

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Screenshot of Amazon China website (previously, now is now)

Also,I found that on the Amazon App, the strategy for coupons is similar to Taobao.

As soon as you download, you will be hit by benefits, that is, the coupon for exclusive use of newcomers, you can get it by registering.

The routines of these coupons are similar to those of domestic Taobao. They need to meet certain conditions before they can be used. For example, within a specific time, a specific brand, a certain category of products, the number of purchased goods and the amount of payment need to reach a certain amount, and so on.
Amazon fancy The fancy threshold The natural setting is to stimulate users’ consumption and enhance everyone’s desire for shopping. In order to avoid wasting the coupon, many people will make up for it before the coupon expires, or buy a few more items, can’t help but chop.

② Master endorses and guides products on the site. In addition to issuing coupons, Amazon has also introduced a KOL recommendation mechanism-editing recommendation positions, and also It is Find some well-known experts to write a recommendation and endorse the product. For example, when you search for a certain product, you can turn two pages at will, and you will see some recommendations, similar to the grass notes on the little red book. Amazon fancy < h3>

Almost all the titles are “best xx”. The first paragraph directly poke the pain point, then attach the product list, introduce them in turn according to some different use scenarios, and finally emphasize the product features. In short, this column is usually straightforward, straightforward, and stimulates everyone’s desire to buy and buy.

Because the product purchase links are attached to the article, and people who write these recommendations usually have a certain reputation in the industry, so they can usually achieve good diversion and conversion effects within the station.

③ Video product introduction Amazon’s product detail page has always beenAll are talked about by domestic buyers that are too crude and not user friendly:

Sometimes I want to buy something on Amazon, I have to go to some East first to see the details page;

Amazon’s product details page is too cold, a cold breeze, and the product introduction is not comprehensive;

Indeed, when Amazon introduced the product before, it was some simple photos, and the text introduction part was also relatively brief and relatively monotonous, which made people look overwhelmed, and there is a kind of posture you like to buy or not to buy. Unlike Taobao, it not only has pictures and text, almost every product is also equipped with a video introduction. Amazon fancy < p class = "img-desc"> Left Amazon, Right Taobao But now Amazon has made a change in this area. Not only have large sections of explanatory words started to appear, but also video demonstrations have been added. Video can allow users to see the real object in all directions and feel the actual condition of the product more truly, thereby reducing the user’s concerns about product quality when buying, and effectively reducing the cost of decision-making by users. Amazon fancy In short Today, Amazon’s product details have become richer and more relevant to user needs. After all, videos are more interesting than manual-style product introductions.

03 Conclusion

As can be seen from the above, Buddhist Amazon has some new actions in operations.

From launching the live broadcast function, to doing social e-commerce, cultivating shopping guides that earn commissions, multi-platform grass planting, setting coupons, and finding endorsers to endorse products, video product introductions, etc. Its new operating strategy.

Some of these strategies reflect the shadow of Taobao. Even if you haven’t learned the essence, they have doubled the profits of sellers.

For a long time, everyone’s impression of Amazon wasThe originator of the e-commerce industry was an early imitation of platforms such as Taobao and Jingdong. It now appears that the opposite trend is emerging.

But then again, there may not be anyone who imitates others, but these e-commerce platforms are actively grasping traffic, just like Amazon founder Bezos has always insisted: Try, profit first .