5 live streaming tips + 3 live diversion methods, make friends ~

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Operation Research Institute” (ID: U_quan) , author routine editing department. Some time ago, Luo Yonghao signed Douyin to become a blogger with goods. It is said that the founder of fast hand @ 程 一笑 once led the team to communicate with Lao Luo, and “the offer is not less than 100 million”, but he did not like it.

Just yesterday, Luo Yonghao released the first video on Douyin. He said he was very optimistic about Douyin ’s live delivery, and even wanted to become a brother of Douyin ’s delivery.

Zhi Yongsheng brought Luo Yonghao also said that bringing the goods in Douyin “does not make much money, just make a friend …”, and set the first live broadcast on April 1st April Fool’s Day. The comment area of ​​this video can be called a large magic scene: Ms. Luo, don’t do this You can also buy it, listen to the comic dialogue Lao Luo: Nuts are slow-selling, help us … Zhiyin brings goods At a time, it attracted countless crowds of people eating melon, and Luo Luo rose to millions in just a few hours. You can see that everyone is waiting to see Lao Luo’s (joke) live broadcast.

I guess during this time, Luo Yonghao must be busy doing his homework with Douyin live streaming.

In order to provide some new ideas for the friends who are ready to broadcast live on Douyin like Lao Luo, we have researched more than 10 Douyin live broadcast bloggers on Douyin. Summary 5 Take the goods with skills and 3 live streaming methods, I hope that everyone will take a detour when doing live streaming.

PS: I hope that Mr. Luo can see this article and avoid overturning when taking live delivery.

01 5 secrets to bring in sales on Douyin live broadcast, soaring sales