The art of communication to be mastered in online meetings

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Harvard Business Review” (ID: hbrchinese) , editor: Ou Ming said, translated by Zhou Qiang.

Little Buddha said

Since the outbreak, telecommuting, online meetings, and online classrooms have become standard for schools and enterprises. Online software such as Nail, Tencent Meetings, and Tencent Classes have become tools for all. Workplace people dream of working from home, and students lay down in class, as if dreaming, have finally become a reality. There are also ridiculous things, such as nails, Tencent meetings, etc., “laying guns”, which were scored uniformly by the primary school students in the rating.

However, we must also see that new ways of working and new methods of learning have brought a lot of challenges to people. Under the influence of this epidemic, more and more people need to leave their comfort zone and embrace the network environment. How to shorten the psychological distance between people in a virtual environment? How to make web meetings not boring and as human as face to face? Professor Andy Molinski of Brandeis University International Business School will teach you a few practical tips in person.
In order to have a good web conference, I actually learned As a speaker, host, and teacher, I Learn the importance of connecting with your audience. When you are giving a speech, you must not only maintain a natural mentality, but also let people participate joyfully and comfortably through the content of the speech, and even reach the state of selflessness. However, In a virtual environment, the audience is not on the scene at all; creating a comfortable atmosphere in this occasion is a very unnatural and awkward thing.

For me, the global epidemic of the new crown virus has made teaching and speaking a challenge.

Due to this epidemic, I have recently moved my classrooms to the Internet. However, I did a lot of online teaching and hosting work long before this crisis broke out. I have delivered keynote speeches online, and it is common for hundreds of people. I have participated in web conferences as a team member and consultant. I have also conducted online training for people scattered around the world. Everyone uses a computer or a tablet, and they all attend training by staring at the camera above the screen.

The various online teaching and hosting work of the past few years have made me realize one thing: Online virtual meetings are a completely different environment. It is not just as simple as putting face-to-face meetings and classrooms on the screen . In a virtual environment, your goals are exactly the same as for face-to-face communication, but to achieve these goals you must use different tools.

Faced with such a meeting format that we are not used to, how can we accept the differences and make full use of this technology? Here are some of my own tips.

Be kind when speaking

The virtual environment is dehumanizing because it creates spatial and psychological distance. So, in this situation, you have to be creative. First, I log into the virtual meeting early so that when people appear on the screen, I can say hello to them and chat with them kindly before the main meeting begins. If possible, I would also encourage people to turn on the video feature to enhance the connection between each other. However, some people need to take some time to prepare before shooting so that they feel comfortable and decent during the shooting. So, if video is needed, I usually inform everyone in advance.

I will also Try to imagine the reactions of the participants , especially when there are a large number of people, because I may not be able to see them the first time Reaction. For example: Whenever I look at the camera above the screen, I will show a warm and kind smile, and occasionally laugh; I also use a friendly and gentle tone when speaking. Although this sometimes seems to be acting, at least for me, this performance is not false at all; I must do it to create a warm and attractive effect.

Finally, when I mention anyone I will try to use their name ; if they are willing to participate in the discussion, I will also invite them to post to everyone own thoughs. The chat function of the virtual conference software will mark the speaker’s name next to the message and video screen; this makes it easier to create a more personal conference atmosphere.

Communicating a warm atmosphere

In general, we all look at the screen passively: Many people like to sit on the couch, watch their favorite TV shows, listen to webinars, or watch instructional videos. But when you’re hosting a web conference, no matter how the environmentDisadvantages, you also have to take a proactive attitude.

With several techniques, you can create a warm atmosphere in a virtual environment. First, Your eyes should always look directly at the camera and make “eye contact” with the participants. This technique is easy to forget, because the participants’ pictures and the position of the camera on the computer may be different. Therefore, I often manually move the picture closer to the camera so that I can make “eye contact” with them at the same time and see their reaction.

You also need to make sure that the angle of your screen and camera allows others to see your face clearly. When I first started using virtual meetings, I accidentally put my laptop on the table with the camera facing up to my face, but I soon discovered that doing this made my nostrils A clear overview was shown to the audience.

The network environment, like the face-to-face meeting environment, has its own unique cultural norms, and the norms of each environment are different. For example, in some occasions (such as an undergraduate class I teach, or a meeting with a consulting project partner), I can use a camera to take pictures of my dog ​​lying next to my feet It ’s not just fun, it ’s timely, and it creates a warm connection. However, if it is a virtual keynote for corporate audiences or an executive education lecture, this strategy is not appropriate.

In such more formal situations, I may tell my own story first, ask a question, please vote, or ask everyone to write where they are connected from-this can create Create a personal atmosphere more suitable for this situation.

Habitually delayed feedback

A virtual speech means you have to learn to receive feedback in another way. For example: When I give a virtual keynote, I usually don’t know immediately how I am doing. The audience neither nodded nor laughed, and I also lost the opportunity to walk around the conference site and communicate with the audience. In a network environment, I can finish a 30-40 minute speech, but I can only talk to the event organizer after the speech is over to learn how the audience responds to the information.

This situation initially disturbed me and even prevented me from focusing. I have been thinking about my performance and wondering if the speech has been effective, which caused my performance to be affected, but over time, I learned to anticipate these emotions and also reminded myself that although I was unable to do so during the speech Yes, but my webinars are generally effective.

Requires interaction

I always try to make the talk a bit more interesting and interact with the audience during the presentation; with the right tools, the virtual world can become just as fun and even more fun. For example: I often use chat to let people leave messages when I speak. This way I can invite these participants to the discussion. I can say: “Anita has just made a very reasonable point about the cultural differences in group dynamics, and it seems that Juan has a similar point to add.

Would you both elaborate on your argument? “One of the great benefits of virtual environments is that it lowers the barrier to participation in discussions; people who don’t usually speak in face-to-face meetings often express their ideas and insights in virtual meetings.

I often start the meeting Use the voting function of the web platform . Initiating a vote can serve as a warm-up for this discussion and also increase people’s participation early.

I have also started using the function of breakout rooms on the Zoom platform. You can divide students into groups in a flash, ask them to discuss cases or problems in their virtual chat room, and then ask them to return to the main group to report. You can walk around on-site while hosting live events; similarly, as the host of a virtual meeting, you can also join these chat rooms freely; once you are ready, you just need to click with your mouse to move all People are brought back to the main group.

Under the influence of this epidemic, we have begun to get used to the new way of working; as more and more people move to the online platform, many people will be pushed out of their comfort zone. We must admit, Although this distinctive meeting format is still flawed in some respects, it is also beneficial-and the biggest benefit, perhaps, is that it allows us to maintain this extraordinary period Connectivity and engagement.


Andy Molinsky

Andy Morinsky is a professor of organizational behavior at the International Business School at Brandeis University. He is the author of two books, Global Dexterity and Reach, and the creator of The Reach Method; the corporate mentoring program is designed to help individuals and teams out of their comfort zone and realize them potential.