article public micro-channel number from: new Weekly (ID: new-weekly), author: Hexi Pa. The picture is from the stills of “Woman Selling a House”

53 episodes of “Home” has finally finished.

It may be the current slump in the film and television industry. The main character of the real estate salesman, the house, seems to be in good shape, and he has also taken on various roles such as “helping the demon”, housework mediators, struggling young people, and native family victims.

“Home” remakes from only 10 episodes of the Japanese drama “The Woman Who Sells a House”, but it has long disappeared the professional discussion in the original drama, which has completely turned into a neighborhood drama.

“Home” is not the first remake Japanese drama to be scolded, “Late Night Cafeteria”, “Proposal Proposal”, one by one case has not yet been thoroughly reflected.

We can’t help asking, obviously the original work has hit the heart, why has it become unacceptable after localization?

Speaking of Japanese works, it always seems to give people a kind of warmth like tea and rice.

Whether it is a movie such as “The Thief Family”, “Which God Is Going to the Village”, Japanese dramas such as “Quartet”, “Question Restaurant”, or variety shows and texts, no matter who the audience is, the subject matter is meticulous, quiet, and authentic The tone is ironing our hearts properly.

“Thief Family”, warm to Cannes

Even if it is a variety show, the Japanese can still make it a “microcosm of contemporary Japanese society”.

“Can you follow me to your house? ”Is such a work up to 9.5 points.

TV Tokyo pays taxi fares for passers-by who missed the bus late at night, in exchange for the opportunity to observe and interview them.

Following a passerby, we find that there are so many different copies of life in the same city.

We do n’t envy or criticize, but after spending the night together, we will still remember the common blandness and excitement.

Concentrating on “real” constitutes our preference for Japanese-style tenderness, which is an active approach to human temperature.

With the same wind and the same moon, all aspects of life are connected

Reality on earth is often more imaginative than drama.

Since 2014, a file called “Can I Follow Your House?” “Japanese Variety Evergreen. You will never know what kind of life the people who rub your shoulders on the street face under their ordinary appearance.

The show uses a nationwide reality show to pay for high taxi fares for windy and snowy nights who missed the last train for various reasons by expressing their desire to express themselves late at night to get a voucher for their life.

Perhaps when we started this variety show, we all had a more or less curious psychology. But after really walking into the stories of others, I saw myself in others.

Following a young girl who has just arrived in Tokyo, she finds that there are many vintage clothes hanging behind her mysterious curtains. She said that she was studying at the School of Clothing and felt that making clothes could save money and calm her mood.

The girl hummed the song while displaying the costume. The reporter asked casually and found that she had just won the special prize of the singing competition.

“But my parents have already paid the tuition fees of the School of Fashion”, and the risk of the singer’s road is too great, so I decided to “take the lead on the road of stylist”. She cut her short hair and left all the lyrics cards in her hometown.

Although so, the words encouraging yourself on the first page of the girl ’s diary are still a lyrics, “No matter what choice you make, even if you are hurt in the end, it does n’t mean you have chosen the wrong one.” Touched? “She said. Watching the videos of previous games, the girl still cried.

Did you never choose a dream in a young girl’s story stamp? What’s even more rare is that the interviewer did not comment or comfort.

We happened to find a part of our experience in this stranger’s story, and then concluded an agreement through the show. We will never face the right choice in life.

Even in stories with strong topics and high contrasts, we don’t all see strange stories.

At Shibuya Station, the reporter met Ms. Shimami, who was dressed up in fashion, and she was currently working as a wine escort. I learned from the car chat that she grew up in a children’s counseling center.

“Of course! I did this job to save money to go to college.” Ms. Shimami flicked her phone but answered very firmly. “It was the one who looked after me at the Children’s Counseling Center that changed me, otherwise I would have died.”

Ms. Shimami ’s rental house is not large, she ca n’t stretch her legs in bed, but she cleans it very cleanly, “I was taught by my teacher”. Someone told her not to do the job of accompany wine, but she didn’t care, she had what she wanted to do. “Go to college, then get a pre-school teacher certificate, then go to the civil service, and finally return to work with a child counselling center.”

Having experienced bullying and darkness, Miss Shimami still hopes to help other children like the one who saved her.

There is also a well-dressed sister who lives in an apartment piled up in a garbage dump. The boiled udon noodles are still in the pot, and the enoki mushrooms in the refrigerator are almost liquid. Only the corner with photos on the table was clean and warm.

The boyfriend in the photo has been away for several years. Because they found that they were twins, they couldn’t accept it and committed suicide. Although she has not been able to restore a more positive attitude during the interview, her sister still said that she was happy because she had the happiest experience in those two years.

Weaving knit men who loved their wives, took their father home to be a young family of four who are hospice, chemical majors, Iranian men who have been away for 20 years …

Facing these people with a small probability experience, it is easy to use “catch the horse” to pack, but it is also low-level.

They don’t have to be stronger, but they infect us to take our lives more seriously after watching them. These are the temperatures that choose to be brave or to escape, which is the key to conquering the audience.

“Human world, human beings are called human worlds,” said a senior grandfather who lived in a junkyard-like home for 20 years.

In the background music of Let it be, the respondent closed his door. Lyrics “Living in this world, there will be an answer: let it be,” is also a compliment to everyone’s real life.

I empathize, but I ca n’t learn it

“Can you follow me to your house? 》 After the fire, China also tried its own version.

“Can I go home with you?” 》 Began to open a home in Shanghai.

It’s just a localized show that doesn’t seem to be consistent with their stated goals. Income levels, marriage and family issues, and family issues have become structured content. Not only is there no way of life, but it also gives people a sense of privacy violation.

When I interviewed the taxi driver late at night, I called my wife who was asleep; I tried to talk to other people to go home with an interview; It is still moving, but the intentional or unintentional focus on the class divide in the film seems to only explain a certain content tendency.

In recent years, it has become common practice to purchase Japanese IP for remakes. Just looking at the results, the remake of the high-scoring Japanese TV show was almost wiped out.

Why conquered our Japanese-style tenderness, but when we remake it, we are not convinced?

Perhaps these remakes haven’t figured out from the beginning who is watching these Japanese dramas and who they are showing them to.

We saw the appeal of “real”, but made the business into reality, and the shortcuts of routines are eating away the audience’s expectations.

The Japanese drama “The Proposal of Proposal” discussed with the audience the understanding of “lost” and “love”. However, the remake of China seems to just borrow this story and make another idol drama with big IP and small fresh meat.

Stills from “The Proposal of Battle”

Flipping through the online messages is almost always the pursuit of the male lead, as well as the scolding battle between the actor fans and the original audience.

The fan economy can have a very benign side, but if the purpose of the remake is to make a fortune from a large number of fans, then this is not worth discussing under the framework of learning Japanese works.

Fancy remakes are even more critical of content.

I don’t know when the creators of the remake will hear this simple advice: “Forcibly copying is the most deadly.”

From the most basic clothes, the remake of the remake begins.

Broadcasting is three years after the original drama “Reading Girl Etsuko Kono”. In the fast-changing fashion industry, the heroine still pays tribute to the same dress as Ishihara Satomi.

Ishihara, who is applying for a fashion editor in the original drama, is wearing a strong formal suit to prove that he is a candidate for fashion insight. In the remake version of the plot change, the heroine just went to apply for an intern. In the case that other employees are dressed plainly, does it really matter that it is a catwalk interview?

From the point of view of the plot, it is embarrassing to predict that it is out of cultural environment.

The basis of the remake of “Late Night Cafeteria” itself has been repeatedly questioned. Just ask how many people have had a conversation with the chef?

Original Japanese drama suckThe place that attracts Chinese audiences may be the tenderness of the market that is drawn from each food of the restaurant owner, or it may be the curiosity of the restaurant from Haruki Murakami and Yukio Mishima from imagination to picture.

China only has supper, there is no “Late Night Cafeteria”

There may be a hundred correct ways of shooting the “dining room” of Chinese nightlife, but it is definitely wrong to let people meddle in Japanese food shops.

“This is not a remake, it is a translation”, “Why do n’t I go to watch a Japanese TV show?”, the audience ’s message is the best resistance to the brainless remake.

In addition, these remakes who must have an aesthetic foundation have never noticed that some Japanese-style aesthetic styles may be really not compatible.

Just like the overly exaggerated character expressions in “Question Restaurant”, it will not appear obtrusive in Japan with strong secondary colors. However, there are always moments that are difficult to adapt to the daily expression of the Chinese environment.

The two-dimensional girl who hates humans in “Question Restaurant”

Remake should be a re-creation process, but most of our remakes of Japanese dramas perfectly avoid the essence of creation.

Details, plots and styles are “forced to copy”, and they should serve