article from the micro-channel public number: “Tech Planet” (ID: tech618), of: Zhou Xiaoqi, the title picture comes from: Dongfang IC.

“Basically don’t make money, make friends”, Luo Yonghao said ridiculously.

On March 26th, Luo Yonghao officially announced his presence in Douyin, and will start the live streaming career on April 1. After the Douyin account was announced, Luo Yonghao ’s number of fans increased exponentially. As of press time, the number of fans It has reached 2.2 million.

“I’m not optimistic about Luo Yonghao’s long-term delivery of Douyin, but optimistic about Douyin live e-commerce, this year is also a critical moment to establish the status of rivers and lakes,” said a person in charge of an MCN agency.

The person in charge of the agency told Tech Planet that an excellent anchor with cargo first establishes his own position, then regularly reviews user needs in the comment area, and then goes backward to find the supply chain after completing the above actions, “Lao Luo now Bring the goods exactly according to my preferences, and the attitude is very uncorrect. ”

However, regardless of whether Luo Yonghao’s attitude to selling goods is correct, this time Douyin signed Luo Yonghao, it is not difficult to see the determination to re-stock live e-commerce.

“During the epidemic, Douyin has been gradually optimizing and upgrading e-commerce functions for the live broadcast interface,” said Zhang Lizhen, a partner of MCN agency Huaxing Cool Entertainment. Affected by the epidemic, homes have become the norm for many people. Recreational entertainment through short video platforms has become the choice of most people, and live broadcasts have also enjoyed dividends.

According to the data from the “2020 China Mobile Live Broadcast Industry” War Epidemic “Special Report” (hereinafter referred to as the “Mobile Live Report”) released by Quest Mobile, a third-party research organization, under the influence of the epidemic, Douyin, Kuaishou and other video platform live broadcast user weeks The per capita use time per day exceeded 120 minutes, of which live broadcast has a huge effect on improving user stickiness.

Jiuyin naturally does not want to miss a good opportunity to seize the user’s time.

During the epidemic, Douyin launched a “home shopping” plan and a 1 billion live traffic support plan. To support novice businesses, Douyin opened a small store to enter the green channel, eliminating the need for stores to bind Douyin main account fans to exceed The requirement of 300,000 lowers the entry threshold. In addition, Douyin also launched the “Million Kaimai” anchor support plan to encourage platform players to start live broadcasting. Douyin Live will also increase support through multiple methods such as DOU + rewards, multiple exposures, and big coffee interactions. Experts provide exclusive services.

For Douyin, vigorously developing live e-commerce business may be an inevitable choice. According to “Late Late” report, the total revenue of byte beats in 2019 was 130-140 billion yuan, of which commercial product advertising revenue was about 120-130 billion yuan, and the setting of the Douyin advertising space has reached 10-20% of the implanted amount. Ceiling.

Douyin is looking for the next revenue growth point, and the verified live e-commerce has naturally become the clearest choice.

Accelerate your approach

“In the post-epidemic period, there are many new faces in the list of Douyin live broadcast top ten good things recommendation officers, and it is obvious that more and more accounts have been invested in Douyin e-commerce live broadcast,” Zhang said. “Last year , There are basically no changes on this list, there are a few fixed accounts on the list. “

Zhang Lihuan told Tech Planet that it was originally planned to test the live Douyin live e-commerce in 2020, but due to the epidemic and the Spring Festival holiday, the house economy unexpectedly ushered in, and users stayed longer in Douyin, which promoted the shaking. Combining audio and video, live broadcast and e-commerce, Huaxing Cool Entertainment has focused on planning the business of vibrating live e-commerce.

At the same time, this year, some customers also proposed a CPS cooperation model (paying according to sales) to Huaxing Cool Entertainment, which promoted it to enter the field of Douyin Live E-commerce from another dimension. To MFor CN agencies, extending the business boundary to Douyin live e-commerce is not only natural, but also an inevitable choice.

“Cash in short videos with an average duration of 60 seconds, or in live broadcast rooms where the average user stays for 8 minutes? Obviously, live broadcast can gain more user time and generate greater commercial value.” MCN Chen Yuan, the founder of the institution’s source interaction, said firmly. In order to be able to break through the rivers and lakes of Douyin live-streaming e-commerce, Chen Zheng immediately went to Ruili City, Yunnan Province after the epidemic situation had improved, and inspected the branch’s business progress in the field of emerald live broadcast.

Accelerated admission is not limited to Chen Ye. According to a number of interviewees who told Tech Planet that they have been vigorously developing the Douyin live e-commerce business recently, and have already promoted it as a key project this year.

In fact, as early as March 2018, Douyin has officially entered the e-commerce market, and in that year, live broadcast large and medium-sized platforms were established to support all live broadcast services of byte beating. As a phenomenon-level product of byte beating, Douyin Naturally, it has become an important role for the implementation of the live broadcast business.

However, although the live broadcast service of Douyin has already been started, most of the previous live broadcasts were still mainly entertainment, and only a small number of anchors carried goods on Douyin.

According to China Merchants Securities’ “Research on Live Broadcasting E-commerce Three Kingdoms” report (hereinafter referred to as Live E-commerce Report) report, Taobao Live E-commerce GMV will reach 180 billion yuan in 2019, and Fast Flash e-commerce is expected to reach 40-50 billion, Douyin e-commerce is expected to be only 10 billion.

Obviously, Douyin Live E-commerce is far inferior to Taobao Live, and even has a distance from the fast hand, but it is precisely because it has not yet been fully developed, who can eat the first wave of bonuses, can become a leap. Head player. “At the end of 2019, we made up our minds to fully enter Douyin Live E-commerce, but the rhythm was delayed by the epidemic. In early April, we will start the first live broadcast of Jadeite in Douyin”, Chen Yan accelerated the pace of work.

Quietly start the competition p>

In the face of tens of thousands of fans in the live broadcast room, a vibrato expert “Chen Sanfei gg” with more than 17 million fans picked up the makeup remover and wiped it on his face without hesitation. “The flaws on her face were really exposed in front of the fans, and then she picked up the beauty product and showed the concealing effect of the product on the spot.

The intuitive way of live demonstration quickly dispelled the fans’ doubts about the product, and they clicked the button of immediate payment.

According to the data from the Super Cargo List of the e-commerce live broadcast resource service platform, “Chen Sanfei gg” has an average sales volume of RMB 4,387,800 in a total of 10 live broadcasts from March 1 to March 11, The highest single-stream live sales reached 12.334 million yuan, and the total turnover of e-commerce live broadcasts in the past 30 days reached 130 million yuan.

At present, many vibrato masters such as Zhu Xiaoxun, Langweixian, Bigger Research Institute have started live streaming, and some masters have already brought live streaming into normalization. “As early as 2019, the volume of Douyin online red represented by clothing and beauty has risen. Some fans have only 500,000 online reds and their monthly sales have reached about 10 million,” Chen said. .

However, since there were only a few Douyin accounts at the time to start live streaming, and no scale was formed, Chen Ye didn’t care too much. He said that the rise of anything will go through a period of personal rise. At this time, corporatized institutions are not suitable for early entry, otherwise it will cost a lot of money, and he hopes to enter when the vibrating live e-commerce ecosystem is more mature.

What Chen Chen didn’t expect is that by the fourth quarter of 2019, the live broadcast e-commerce ecosystem of Douyin entered the second stage quickly, and the vertical category accounts with corporate operation entered in batches, forming in various segments. Scale. “We saw the rapid rise of jewellery live broadcast at the time. Some players’ monthly sales reached between 50 million and 100 million, and they were close to corporatization.” Chen Yan said.

It is worth noting that the structure of Douyin’s user group is also an important reason why many players want to enter.

According to the mobile live report released by Quest Mobile, Douyin live users are concentrated in 19-35 years old, mainly young users, while Douyin live users spend more than 1,000 yuan accounted for 24.5%, users online Consumption ability is outstanding, which is beneficial to the transformation of various payment scenarios.

At the same time, Douyin’s live-stream traffic distribution mechanism, which is dominated by public domain traffic and supplemented by private domain traffic, is a double-edged sword for institutional companies. According to the China Merchants Securities live e-commerce report, because Douyin traffic is distributed based on content and algorithms, head celebrity traffic is scattered, private domain traffic is not established, and it is not conducive to private domain traffic operations. Operate private domain traffic.

Under this mechanism, MCN institutions cannot obtain high revenue through e-commerce, which directly causes head anchors to lose to other platforms to carry goods. During the last year of 618, there were more than 12 million Mule rabbits sold on Douyin tapes. At the end of December, its cooperation agency Net Red Cat announced that it had teamed up with Qian Xun (Via parent company). Qian Xun will be responsible for the rabbit rabbit live broadcast on Taobao. Merchants.

If the private domain traffic cannot be operated, it also means that high repurchase cannot be generated, which is also a problem that Luo Yonghao’s team needs to solve.

According to a number of interviewees, in order to attract fans to enter the Douyin live broadcast room, most of them will produce and distribute customized short video content in advance, attract fans to watch through short videos, and bring live broadcast reminders when transmitting, some Even adding the broadcast time to the name suffix to increase the chance of fans entering the broadcast room.

However, while the Douyin distribution mechanism weakens the connection between the anchor and the iron powder, it can also attract different new users to enter the live broadcast room, which has helped the development of Douyin Live E-commerce to a certain extent.

On September 9, 2019, Doudou_Babe, which has more than 7.6 million Douyin fans, also officially launched live streaming, initially to improve interaction with fans, share products more intuitively, and answer fan questions in a timely manner. After a period of operation, I found that Douyin Live E-commerce can take goods and suck powder more effectively.

Since then, every time Taobao is a big promotion or e-commerce festival, the Doudou team will bring live stock on Douyin, which mainly sells skincare and cosmetics, with snacks and other products. The average total sales per live broadcast can reach More than 10 million yuan. Not long after the broadcast started, the Doudou team found that more and more people have entered the live broadcast. “Live live e-commerce has become a new outlet and trend. Naturally, it will attract more people who may not have done live broadcast before to share this cup of tea. This is Inevitable. “Doudou said.

The boom in live music with Douyin will happen in early 2020. According to industry insiders who revealed to Tech Planet, some content companies that entered Douyin Live E-commerce have made breakthrough progress in the beginning of the year.

“Suzhou Dayu Network is a typical case. The Douyin members of their company have achieved good results in taking goods, such as Sam Chak ’s live broadcast of 5 million to 10 million. Selling about 3 million, the fat mother can sell about 2 million. “The industry source said.

The case of Dayu Network running through Douyin live e-commerce has made the industry see the possibility of large-scale replication, and the considerable profits brought by e-commerce have prompted many companies to rush into them.

The scramble for the live-streaming e-commerce arena has quietly started.

It’s not easy to get out of the siege

Brother Lijiang stared at the screen of the mobile phone, took out a pomegranate that had been cut off the skin, peeled off the white thin skin, and caught the striking red flesh. He pulled a bunch of flesh into the mouth, and Eating and shouting, “This is soft-seed pomegranate, don’t spit seeds.”

On August 20, 2019, Lijiang Pomegranate sold goods on Douyin live broadcast. In just 20 minutes, it sold more than 120 tons of pomegranates with a turnover of 6 million. Two days of live broadcast sold a total of more than 220 tons of fruits. Local SF Express was paralyzed.

Although the record is good, few people know that Brother Pomegranate was shaking for 20 minutesYin lived for a day, more than 5 million people went in and out of the live room in two days, and the maximum number of people online at the same time reached 110,000. At the end, he admitted that he was too tired to sell.

The first live show of Brother Pomegranate Douyin, the picture comes from the Internet

Unlike short video shipments, live broadcasts require the anchor to speak uninterruptedly for several hours and fully mobilize the emotions of fans during the boring process of selling goods, otherwise it is easy for fans to feel tired and leave the live broadcast room. Simply put, live streaming not only tests the physical strength of the anchor, but also tests whether the anchor can have empathy with the fans, thereby leading the fans to purchase behavior.

Through long-term training, the physical fitness of the anchor can be guaranteed, but the empathy cannot be trained. This depends more on the personal charm of the anchor.

The Doudou team said that although more and more people are streaming into Douyin live broadcasts, the impact on them is not particularly large, mainly because Doudou itself is a very interesting girl. This kind of paragraph makes the whole live broadcast more interesting, and most people can’t learn it, which is also the advantage of Doudou.

“If the cargo anchor fails to build trust and empathy with the fans, the company will not be able to create a head of cargo anchor on a large scale, which is related to the company’s distribution mechanism,” Chen said. The anchors hatched by MCN institutions play more pre-stage performance roles. In the subconscious, they will not consider fans as their own, but they will be considered fans of the company. This causes anchors and fans to have only a weak connection.

In the short video delivery system, because all the processes are fully controllable, the anchor only needs to play his role, but in the live delivery system, the anchor needs to have an emotional connection with the fans in time and output to the fans. Aesthetics, value and other concepts, finally bring the goods. “During live streaming, there will be many invisible details. These cannot be resolved through management. Only new mechanisms can be set up to let the anchor give birth to the spirit of the owner, so that he can bring as much as he can during the live broadcast.” Say.

To this end, Chen Ye is gradually changing the company’s share with the anchor.The company wants to extract 80%-90% of the share of the anchor, and now it is changed to a ladder. For example, the share of anchors with annual profit of more than 8 million is 20%; the share of anchors with more than 20 million is adjusted to 30%; and those with more than 50 million are adjusted to 40%.

However, re-finding the balance between the company and the anchor is only the first step. It is even more difficult to create a complete supply chain system. In the current live e-commerce system, only anchors who have fully verified the ability to carry goods are eligible to negotiate with the brand. This is also an important reason why Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi can get the lowest price on the entire network.

A number of interviewees stated that they are optimistic about the active role of Luo Yonghao for Douyin Live E-commerce, which can attract more institutions and individuals to join Douyin Live. It remains to be seen. “Now the smaller anchors are taking the smaller line more, the larger anchors are taking the larger line, and some of them are also selling their own goods,” Chen said. “But in the end, everyone is essentially strictly selected.”

A number of interviewees said that around the middle of this year, all parties will gradually show their achievements in live e-commerce in Douyin, and their development potential may only begin to take shape.