The picture is from IC photo, this article is from WeChat public account: Wei Xizhibei (ID: weixizhibei) < / a> , author: Wei Xi

In the past few days, the international epidemic has taken a turn for the worse. The diagnosis data of the United States and Italy has quickly surpassed China, and various bad news has spread. So many disturbing remarks have appeared in the comment area of ​​social media, including ridicule, satire and even gloating In this regard, I would like to say:

These people do n’t know the rules of the modern world. They do n’t know what China ’s epidemic abroad means to China. They do n’t know what we are facing.


The first thing I need to say is that the bad news we see is not the whole truth.

We need to clarify a basic logic-for dissemination, bad news is always faster and wider than good news. For example, when the outbreak in South Korea and Japan broke out, our public account articles were all very vigorous. Render their stupid coping strategies, flustered people, and chaotic order.

But just two weeks later, we found out that the outbreaks in South Korea and Japan have been effectively controlled. So how many media reports are there now on how to keep the outbreaks in order in Korea and Japan? Hardly becauseOrderly is not news, there is no spread, and you can’t get 100,000+ readings.

Yes, the tragedies in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom spread on social media are in fact true, but please note that this is not the whole truth-

Our media tends to selectively ignore those aspects where they are going well, because it is not readable, too common, too common, and not too news.

Do n’t think that what you see is the truth. The truth is always more complicated than what you see. Take a closer look at the following two pictures:


When we are gloating, maybe we should think back to what we have just experienced in the past two months.

Yes, we were very passive in the early stages of the epidemic. When the media in some countries deliberately mocked and insulted China, it turned out that China was so important to the normal operation of the world.