p> I have never interviewed such a bold director.

His documentary, The first shot is a violation of the law in the night , and he even was one of them himself as a horseman, following his father Jiang Meilin to transport illegally mined ore.

That was 10 years ago. After completing the production and making sure that it will not bring legal risks to the person being photographed, Jiang Nengjie began to share this documentary called “Miners, Horsemen, Pneumoconiosis” on the Internet. .

He is the director who distributed resource links to audiences with Douban private messages , which is almost the performance art approach, making the movie quickly popular.

8.6 points, rated by more than 10,000 people, and more than 57,000 people want to watch. It has been listed on the real-time hot search list and one week ’s movie word-of-mouth list. .

It even shocked the official intervention of Baidu Netdisk, and started a new release model of “Netdisk released”.

They live a “smeared” life

Jiang Nengjie posted his WeChat QR code at the end of the film, which is not a perfect approach. Because someone added him to scold him, complain him, and report him.

pictures from Jiang Nengjie ’s circle of friends

Jia Zhangke has also encountered so many arguments.

Jia Zhangke participated in the screening of “Legend of the Sea” in Vancouver that year. A Chinese girl shouted a sentence that shocked the history of Chinese movies: For the dignity of the motherland, of course we should not describe the situation of those people!

These people refer to the poor. Shooting these poor people is a smear, and it seems guilty to live such a poor life .

In “Miners, Horsemen, Pneumoconiosis”, this kind of life is a long way to go to the Olympics where there is a signal. It is to play a good old song on a mobile phone with a bad sound. Live happily taking pictures.

So passionate about beauty, appreciate beauty, and so poor.

They have n’t been able to take a bath for a long time, their clothes are dirty and dirty, and the houses they live in are temporarily built with wooden boards and plastic sheets. They always remember what day yesterday was after an important date.

Their lives are full of contradictions.

It is necessary to pay attention to prevention, but no one wears masks, gloves, or even hard hats when mining.

Speaking of a miner, a woman in the temple begged the bodhisattva to bless her husband and make less money in the mine. Everyone understood what it meant, and said sympathetically, “I will only say that when my husband hurts my heart.”

But soon, everyone talked about that if a good mine was dug, the boss must treat Miss Bao, one per person.

In order to increase the freight, the groom hopes to rectify the above. When the miners cleaned the ore, they lowered the standard and hoped to leave a bit of ore for the woman who picked up the slag.

They live a life that hurts and helps each other.

The person who mines is Jiang Nengjie ’s cousin, and the person who mines is Jiang Nengjie ’s father,But he still kept his head straight and objective.

“I just want to try to restore my life as much as possible, and their lives are full of joys and sorrows. Many creators, whether they are directors, photographers, or editors, they sometimes beautify their lives too much, I Do not like deliberately, do not like the purpose is very strong. “

Some people criticize the person who records the truth, and some people criticize the truth itself.

Why not wear a mask? Why not be a courier? Is illegal mining worthy of sympathy? Would n’t it be right to go to such a poor place after earning money?

Unfortunately, the miners and grooms are the losers at the starting line. They do n’t have good family education and school education. The protagonist of the film, Zhao Pinfeng, has been mine since he was 15 years old. Determine how to find a reliable job offer.

They are not geniuses, and they cannot catch up with the times on their own.

Miner with a broken arm

When they talked about death, they all smiled, and even when they heard that others were compensated for the mine disaster, they even had envy in their tone.

Jiang Nengjie said: “ We speak poorly, I do n’t know if it ’s appropriate to use this word .”

There seems to be nothing inappropriate, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, probably this is the reason.

To give an inappropriate example, 996 is also illegal.

Why not sue the company? Why not resign and change jobs? Do you know that the boss illegally squeezed himself and cooperated with his life? Is it worthy of sympathy?

No one asks these questions. Because our flesh and time are not so valuable, we all live a “disguised” life.

The film is not responsible for solving the problem, but it will help solve the problem

For viewers who have watched this documentary, Zhao Pinfeng became an important name.

He is from Hunan. He started mining at the age of 15 and has been mining coal for 20 years. In 2015, he was diagnosed with advanced pneumoconiosis. He is a member of more than 6 million patients with pneumoconiosis in China and would have died without concern.

But in the second half of the movie, Jiang Nengjie ended the prose-style group portrait paragraph and aimed the camera at Zhao Pinfeng’s life.

Zhao Pinfeng

So two years after the death of this man, we met him in “Miners, Horsemen, Pneumoconiosis” and also cared about his family.

His daughter looks so much like the female in many feature films. Her native family is so poor, her father is seriously ill and her mother is mentally handicapped, but she strives to be progressive and has good grades.

Her dress is the most decent and cleanest in the whole family. She knows the outside world and the entertainment culture. When talking about the stars on TV, she suddenly uses standard Mandarin.

She cried with her sister who came back from the city. The cry was so complicated. This is a woman who is difficult to portray in a shrivelled domestic drama.

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For Zhao Pinfeng ’s family, in addition to making their voices, this movie also left a real and visible picture.

Zhao Pinfeng’s daughter told Jiang Nengjie that this is “the best memories of my life with my brother” .

Why do you want to humiliate yourself?

Making an independent documentary is a job that continues to owe debt. Jiang Nengjie didn’t have a single mind to lose money. He couldn’t make it in the middle of the filming. He drifted north.

I worked as a clerk in a bookstore and later went to Light Media as an editor. “The income is okay, but it’s not something I like.”

In 2012, he returned to Hunan to fully operate the cotton sand video studio, took over commercials and filmed commercial content, and “Curve the Nation” to support the documentary he wanted to shoot.

He makes a clear distinction between making money and creating, and has always controlled costs. “ It ’s not better to make more money Coming is not what you want. “

In documentary creation, he does not consider compromise.

“My principle is to express freely, try not to castrate my creations because of anything. Documentary video is a way of speaking for my talented human rights. I can say that I am dissatisfied, I can express anger, not everything I have to do Flattering. “

But the documentary cycle is too long, and the money is always not enough. He initiated crowdfunding. Wanma Caidan, Yuan Li, and Guo Ke all helped to forward it. As a result, it attracted another kind of attention. All the content was deleted and removed. The money was returned and the landlord even wanted him to move.

In recent years, through the help of friends and borrowing money, Jiang Nengjie has completed some independent documentaries.

Because the subject matter has always been concerned about vulnerable groups and safety considerations, he does not call his works “independent movies”, and has always been called “public welfare images” to reduce friction.

He also emphasized: “ The subject matter is public interest, but it is not a matter of watching movies and not money. This is two different things. I do n’t want the industry to suffer losses because of me, or everyone has misunderstandings.”

For “Miners, Horsemen, Pneumoconiosis”, he simply gave up the conventional route. “ Can’t pass, will give you a bunch of revision opinions, why should you take the humiliation yourself?

In fact, his earlier documentary series on the Anti-Japanese War Veterans had won mainstream recognition and won awards. But now even the trailer has been deleted. I do n’t know if it ’s because these veterans wore a different kind of cap badge.

“Long Lao” won the National Memory 2015 Tribute to the Anti-Japanese War History Recorder

“I do n’t want to unify the voices, they will not be recognized now, and I do n’t need them to recognize them .”

His father Jiang Meilin had a headache for this, and he was very resistant to his son making himself into a documentary, so the “muff” is the least part of the film, and a lot of medium and long shots.

Jiang Meilin has been persuading Jiang Nengjie, but Jiang Nengjie seems to be less affected. His next work is “Rainbow Cruise”, focusing on sexual minorities. In the Mainland, this theme is in a delicate situation.

Jiang Nengjie admires a colleague named Fan Popo, but he is still unsure of the fate of his work.

But he said: “ Creation cannot stop.

This article comes from WeChat public account: , author: empty mountain