This article comes from the WeChat public account: IT Times (ID: vittimes) , author: Li Danqi, title figure from: vision China

India is the world ’s second largest mobile phone manufacturing country after China. The closure of mobile phone factories may have an impact on the supply chain in the second quarter. If the epidemic is out of control, China’s high-end mobile phone industry chain may be hit hard. Japan and South Korea, where high-end panel and flash memory industries gather, and Malaysia, where semiconductor packaging and testing industries gather, have shut down in the epidemic. Will it have a greater impact on the global mobile phone industry chain?

A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil may cause a tornado in Texas, USA.

The epidemic of the new coronavirus spread to the whole world, and all countries are affected by the epidemic. As of now, at least 60 countries around the world have announced national restrictions, and six countries including Italy and South Africa have “closed cities” nationwide, prohibiting unnecessary movement of people. Especially in Asia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other global manufacturing centers have also announced “closures” one after another. The situation is worrying.

According to a reporter from “IT Times”, Because the Asian epidemic is relatively stable, it will not cause too much impact on the mobile phone supply chain for the time being. Or will be hit hard.

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India, with a population of 1.324 billion, is the world ’s second largest mobile phone manufacturing country after China. More than 95% of mobile phones sold in the country are produced in India. At the moment, India, which is in a state of closure, is more critical than the mobile phone supply chain. It is the epidemic crisis.

Previously, India