This article comes from the WeChat public account: Game Research Society (ID: yysaag) , author: Leap fish, from FIG title: “KOF 97”

How long is the life of a game engine?

It’s complicated. If it is just the engine itself, the short life is 2 years, and the longest is 5 years. It will not be too long, and it will be overwhelmed by the progress of code technology. But if you inherit the name of the engine from generation to generation and keep updating the code, then in theory this engine can live for a long time. Most of the engines we know are doing this: Unreal 4, Unity 2019, RPG Maker MV …

Mugen is a fighting game engine. It was born around 1999 and is based on the Dos system.

Always pursue the strongest

Before adapting the engine to the Windows system that had become mainstream at that time, the developers of Mugen stopped updating the engine.

In 2003, winmugen supporting Windows system was leaked by internal testing users, but because the developers stopped updating, the engine could not make any further adjustments, only some minor supplements