The spread of the new crown epidemic in the United States endangers agricultural production, and the US Department of Agriculture plans to provide direct economic assistance to affected farmers and farmers.

On April 9, local time, US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue tweeted that the US Department of Agriculture will use existing financial resources to formulate A plan that includes direct payments to farmers and ranchers affected by the new crown epidemic to strengthen the food supply chain.

US President Trump also tweeted at the same time, “I have instructed Purdue to expedite assistance to farmers, especially those small farmers who are being affected by the epidemic. I hope he can use all he has Funds and ability to ensure our food supply is stable, strong and safe. “

According to the recent report by CNN, affected by the epidemic, some American farms Facing the problem of labor shortage. Generally American farmers will hire foreign workers to help farming, but current visas for foreign workers are limited, resulting in short-term labor shortages on American farms, which will also affect agricultural income to a certain extent.

According to UPI, American farmers lost a large number of customers under the spread of the epidemic and had to destroy a large number of perishable agricultural products, including tomatoes, lettuce and string beans Wait, they hope to get government funding to survive the crisis.

In the face of the new crown epidemic, the US Department of Agriculture has recently introduced some assistance measures. On April 9, the United States Department of Agriculture announced that it would extend the duration of the Farmer’s Trade Aid Loan to 12 months, which is applicable to most commodities such as barley, chickpeas, corn, and peanuts. This gives farmers more time to sell their commodities and repay loans.

According to the latest statistics from Johns Hopkins University, as of 21:30 on April 9th, Eastern Time, there have been a total of 1,600,427 cases of new coronavirus infections worldwide The total number of deaths worldwide reached 95,569. Among them, the United States has accumulated 465,329 cases of new coronavirus infections and 16,672 deaths, making it the country with the largest number of infections.