In the age of information explosion, why can fake news run faster than real news? How can social networks spread news exponentially? What are the implications of epidemiology and internet scientific research for information dissemination? In this video, let us understand how to trace the source of fake news scientifically.

Main quote:

[1] Information Source Detection in the SIR Model: A

Sample Path Based Approach,

[2] Locating the Source of Diffusion in Large-Scale Networks,

[3] Graph center-Wikipedia,

[4] Covid Deniers: How shadowy social media groups are spreading myths and conspiracy about coronavirus, and-disease / covid-deniers-shadowy-social-media-groups-spreading-myths-conspiracy1 /

[5] Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election, https: // / articles? id = 10.1257 / jep.31.2.211

[6] Network Science by Albert-László Barabási,

Video source: Great West Island Channel

Public account: Great West Island Channel