While young, find more inspiration.


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Editor’s note: There are countless reasons for starting a business. The author of this article started a business because he couldn’t find the ideal job after graduation. When we do n’t know where we are going in the future, we do n’t need to be too depressed. Go out and take a look. You will find your own way when you are young and try in many fields. This article is translated from Medium, author Stephen Moore, the original title is “I Only Became An Entrepreneur Because I Could n’t Get a Job”, I hope to inspire you.

Image source: Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

My entrepreneurial journey is not an epic about destiny, and since I was young I have no business mind. I am the child who made some wrong choices, did not devote himself to it, and lacked vision for the future.

After graduating from high school, I chose to study product design in college, because this is the only subject I like in the last two years of school. I chose it not because I dreamed of working in the IT industry, nor because I thought it might change my life—I chose it because I was not interested in almost everything else.

Four years later, I graduated from college with an average grade and faced a job search. Finding a good job is all the reason why I think I need to go to college. This is my first time looking for a product design job, but the only job opportunity I can get is too far from home, and other job opportunities require far more conditions than my experience level.

Image source : Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

In hindsight, the idea that a large number of job opportunities will be offered to design graduates is naive: I spent four years researching this line, and I discovered that it was simply stupid.

Because there are few other job opportunities that excite me, I began to fall into the odd circle of working in hotels and restaurants. My hope for a happy work life is quickly dashing. I became more and more aware that I was wasting a golden period of life, and anxiety began to occupy me.

The pressure is increasing. Many of my friends went directly to find a job. They learned some practical courses. They believe that these courses will open the door to work for them. To make matters worse, my girlfriend, although still a year away from graduation, has found a job and is increasingly motivated. She said she did not want to wait for me to “clear things”.

I must change quickly.

When I visited a large expo in London, the moment came. The expo showcased the UK ’s best product and furniture design universities. I was taken aback by everyone’s passion for their work and future. The more people I talk to, the more their enthusiasm infects me.

Source: Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

The expo planted the seeds of hope. Facing a similar crisis with severalAfter discussion with my friends, several of us rented a studio and established our first startup. This is a design consulting company, or a custom furniture manufacturing company, we are actually not sure about the business at all.

It was doomed to fail from the beginning. Although this company did not go far, one thing is clear-this is what I want to do. I have caught the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. Although this is not in my plan, it has become my best choice and can bring me happiness and satisfaction.

From these experiences, Roots Furniture ( Roots Furniture ) was born, it is still in operation and we are still full of vitality , We continue to move forward in the crazy entrepreneurial world, enjoying the ecstasy brought by the entrepreneurial climax and enduring the inevitable decline. Entrepreneurship was also what motivated me to start writing, and now writing has become another completely unplanned adventure.

What can my experience teach you? It should give you courage. It should tell you that no matter how lost you feel, there is hope. Life is chaotic and it is easy to get lost in the established route. If you can decide where you are going, it will help you make better choices and make you more focused. But if you do n’t have a clear destination, it ’s not the end of the world.

For many of us, we may not know what we want to do and where we want to go. The decisions made by some of us in unexpected situations are not thoughtful, which in turn will make us scrambling to find answers. Our way of thinking is different. Before giving a promise, we prefer to go out for a break. We need to go through some things to see what motivates us and what ignites our inner flame.

Put yourself under pressure, and young people will have a chance of trial and error. I graduated from college at the age of 21, when I was a kid. I have enough space to do some part-time work, covering several different fields. Even if I find that a certain area of ​​land is poor, I still have time to try and replace it. Entrepreneurship has inspired something deep in my heart, and has driven me to continuous success.

Translator: Jane

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