US Treasury Building. Xinhua News Agency Information Map

In the context of the impact of the new crown epidemic on the global economy, the US Treasury Department expects that the net US Treasury bonds will be available The stock increased by 3 trillion US dollars, the scale hit a record high in a single season.

The Ministry of Finance issued a statement on May 4 local time, saying that it plans to issue US $ 2.999 trillion of privately held tradable shares in the quarter from April to June Debt is expected to have a cash balance of $ 800 billion at the end of June. The borrowing is estimated to be US $ 3.055 trillion higher than the figures announced in February 2020.

The US Treasury Department also expects to borrow an additional US $ 677 billion in the third quarter of this year. In the first quarter of this year, the US Department of the Treasury borrowed $ 477 billion.

statement pointed out that the substantial increase in bond issuance in the second quarter of this year was mainly affected by the new crown epidemic. As the US Congress introduced a number of bills to increase assistance to individuals and businesses, fiscal expenditures have soared, and the extension of tax filing deadlines has also caused changes in government revenue.

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office predicts that the US federal budget deficit will reach a record 37,000 in fiscal year 2020 (October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020) One hundred million U.S. dollars. Since March 1, US federal debt has increased by US $ 1.5 trillion to US $ 24.9 trillion, an increase of 6.4%.