Cook considered to lead Apple out of the crisis with innovative products

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account : qqshenwang) .

Author | Ma Guanxia

Edit | Kang Xiao

Produced | Shenzhen · Tencent Xiaoman Studio

Not long ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook delivered an “online graduation ceremony speech” to the graduating Ohio State University student. He quoted Abraham Lincoln in his speech, ” The doctrine of a quiet past does not apply to the present with wind and rain. The situation is grim and we must follow the trend. “

Cook hopes to encourage graduates to face new challenges with the famous phrase “The Greatest President of the United States.” In the context of the spread of the global epidemic, this seems to reflect Cook’s thinking about Apple’s current situation. .

During the May Day period, Apple released the second quarter financial report for fiscal year 2020 ending March 31 as scheduled. The financial report shows that Apple ’s second-quarter net revenue was US $ 58.313 billion, an increase of 1% year-on-year; net profit was US $ 11.249 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 3%. Among them, iPhone revenue fell 7% year-on-year; Mac revenue fell 2.9% year-on-year; iPad revenue fell 10.34% year-on-year; service revenue, wearable and home accessories revenue increased by 17% and 23% respectively.

Despite the higher-than-expected market revenue and a small increase, the decline in net profit and core hardware product revenue during the epidemic still clearly shows that Apple has not escaped the impact of the epidemic.

Like almost all companies, the first quarter was “too difficult” for Apple. At the beginning of February, Apple ’s supply chain in China stalled, and 42 Apple Store retail stores in Greater China closed one after another. At the end of February, Foxconn and other manufacturers faced the dilemma that workers could not resume work.

As the epidemic broke out in Japan, South Korea, and Europe and the United States, the crisis spread from China to markets outside China. Apple ’s supply of core components in Japan and South Korea was blocked. All Apple retail stores except for Greater China were completely closed. Its Apple Park headquarters in California was also affected, and employees began working from home.

At present, the epidemic in China has been initially controlled, and the mobile phone supply chain in East Asia has basically returned to normal. However, due to the travel ban between countries and potential parts supply problems, it is still full of uncertainty whether the iPhone 12 can be mass-produced as scheduled Another piece of bad news is that Apple has lost more than 90% of its retail stores, and the restart of offline channels in markets outside of China is nowhere in sight.

Apple CEO Tim Cook hopes to lead Apple out of the crisis with innovative products. He was full of Apple two weeks ago