What is good for a woman's first pregnancy

Since ancient times, Chinese people like to find a way to supplement their body from food. Chinese traditional culture is closely linked to “eating”. It takes nutrition to give birth to children, and pregnant women have become the most important. A type of person who needs nutritional supplements, but not everything can be eaten and can eat more, so what is good for women to eat in the first pregnancy?

In the early pregnancy, that is, in the first 3 months, the fetus differentiates its main body organs, and its individual growth rate is not very fast. During this period, pregnant women only Need to increase the intake of 209 dry coke just fine.

During this period, under the influence of mental and endocrine factors, pregnant women often suffer from anorexia, nausea, partial eclipse, vomiting, etc. Therefore, the spleen and stomach function of pregnant women will be reduced . At this time, it is best to eat spleen and stomach food, rather than eat too greasy food, try to take the form of less food and more meals, the main food is rice, pasta, and supplemented with spleen and stomach supplements, such as braised eggs, tofu Dried, apple, sugar fried chestnuts, hawthorn, etc.

Pregnant women should also eat more green vegetables and animal liver and kidney, legumes, fruits, dairy products and other foods rich in folic acid, promote the development of fetal neural tube.

Early pregnancy is a dangerous period, pregnancyWomen need supplemental nutrition, but pay more attention to the amount of supplementary nutrition, not as much as possible. Sometimes, excessive nutrition leads to some diseases. Tonic in the diet must learn to identify various food The stakes, through the early pregnancy safely.