Does bone density normal need calcium supplement

Whether the baby is long or not is a matter of concern to parents. Sometimes the baby does not grow for several months. Parents are worried that the baby is not long because of calcium deficiency. So they take the baby to the hospital for a bone density test, but the test result is normal, and I do n’t know whether to add calcium. . Next, let’s find out together, do you need calcium supplements for normal bone density?

1. Normal bone density does not mean that the baby does not lack calcium. It is not necessary for a baby to have a bone mineral density test. Bone mineral density is a test for middle-aged and elderly people to check for osteoporosis. It is not necessary to do this test for a baby. Blindly supplementing the baby’s calcium, or it may cause calcium precipitation, affecting the baby’s development.

2. Now that the living conditions are good, there are many foods that can supplement calcium. It is not necessary to supplement calcium from calcium tablets. In fact, there are still a few babies with calcium deficiency. Most of them have more calcium supplements. Parents worry that they will lack calcium and supplement blindly. This is unscientific. And calcium deficiency is not directly related to the baby’s height, parents need to be aware of this.

3. Unless the baby accidentally fractures, has bone deformity, or is bone pain, ordinary radiographic examination says that the baby has osteoporosis, or detects some other diseases, otherwise No need to detect bone density.

There are many factors that cause the baby not to grow up. It may be caused by heredity. If the parents are small, the baby will be relatively small. If parents suspect that their baby is calcium-deficient, they can go to the hospital to test for trace elements instead of bone mineral density examination.