What to do when the foot is nested while walking < / p>

When walking or running, many people will encounter the phenomenon that the feet are covered with the feet, which is commonly known as the twitching or twisting of the feet. Although this situation is common, if it is not handled properly, it may leave sequelae. Therefore, correct measures are very important. So what should I do if my feet are nestled while walking?

1. It is necessary to judge whether the injury is serious before deciding whether to take the method of self-treatment or go to the hospital for treatment. If you can stand on your own after a sprained foot, or you can walk barely, there is no severe pain. If you have severe pain after being sprained, you cannot stand or walk, and there are signs of swelling, it may indicate that you have injured your bones.

2. The method of self-treatment is certain. In the early stage of sprain, the small blood vessels in the foot rupture and bleed due to the sprain. At this time, the bleeding should be stopped first, so the cold compress should be applied to control the injury. If the hot compress is used at this time, the injury will be worsened, and the swelling and pain Exacerbated.

3. After 24 hours, hot compress can be used to achieve the purpose of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, because the damaged blood vessels no longer bleed at this time, and hot compress can make the wound around The congestion accelerates to dissipate, and the swelling and pain will be reduced. During the hot compress, it can also be wiped and massaged with external medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to relieve pain, which has a better effect on reducing swelling and pain.