Man eats qi and blood

Insufficiency of qi and blood is a sentence that women often hear the doctor after giving birth , Doctors generally recommend that women use diet to relieve qi and blood deficiency. Men are no exception, and when there is insufficient qi and blood, they need to be supplemented with some food. So what do men eat to supplement qi and blood?

1, black sesame: black and red foods have a good blood-enriching effect, and black foods can enter the kidneys of the human, which is helpful for kidney storage Concentrate on qi, which also plays a role in blood. The red food can complement the shape and complement the color, which also acts as a blood supplement.

2. Red dates: It is red food, which has a good blood-enriching effect, but it should not be eaten too much, and it is easy to hurt the stomach. It has a good supplementary effect for those with anemia, pale complexion and insufficient blood.

3. Pig liver: It contains more iron, which can prevent people from iron deficiency anemia. In daily life, men can eat more Some pork livers, such as fried liver with sharp pepper or cooked pork liver, also have a good blood-enriching effect.

4. Longan: It has a good effect on insufficient qi and blood, deficiency of heart and blood, and poor quality of palpitation sleep. Against oneSome of them are pale, tired, and have a reduced appetite. You can use longan to add red dates to cook porridge together, the effect will be doubled, if men have these symptoms, you can try this method.