What tea to drink for hot and humid constitution

Summer is a season with very heavy moisture, and many southerners are hot and humid and like to drink tea. Some people hope to adjust their body by drinking tea, so that they don’t get too hot and humid, but they don’t know what kind of tea is the most suitable. So what kind of tea is best for people with hot and humid constitution?

Those with high humidity can drink some honeysuckle tea. Need to prepare honeysuckle, licorice and big green leaves. Cooking together has the effect of clearing heat, quenching thirst, and helping to recover from colds. Drinking some with jaundice can also help subside.

You can also drink some mint tea, and it is better to add some lotus leaf. You need to prepare mint and lotus leaves under 5 grams, then add them to the water to cook, wait until it is boiled to the right temperature and you can drink it. This tea is very suitable for people who have a cold and hot and humid. People with poor appetite can also drink some, which is conducive to sweating, and can lose weight if the effect is good.

People with hot and humid constitution are generally prone to acne and there is always a lot of oil on the face. I often feel dry mouth, as well as physical and mental fatigue. Women usually have a lot of leucorrhea. Men often feel that their scrotum is very wet. If you find that you have this kind of characteristics, you may wish to try some of the teas introduced above. The effect of removing dampness is very good.