Is Humidity Suitable for Humidifiers < / p>

Many people have humidifiers at home. Using humidifiers when the weather is dry can increase the humidity of the indoor air, but how worried or worried some people with heavy humidity will be Using a humidifier will cause more moisture in the body. So is it suitable to use a humidifier?

Is humidifier suitable for heavy moisture?

Generally speaking, people with high humidity can also use humidifiers, but be careful not to use the humidifier in a closed environment, otherwise the humidity in the air is easily reached and it is easy to condense To the extent that moisture will enter the body, it is easy to cause symptoms such as wind chill, limb weakness, and muscle and joint pain. It is best for people with high humidity to ventilate the room when using the humidifier. Open the doors and windows of the home. Do not open the humidifier for too long, so that there is no impact.

What about heavy moisture?

1, eat lightly

People with heavy moisture should start conditioning from the diet. When eating, pay attention to lightness. Do n’t eat too greasy. Greasy food will increase the moisture in the body. Usually eat less cold food, such as ice cream, cold drinks, etc.

2. Pay attention to exercise

People with heavy moisture must strengthen their exercise routine. During exercise, a lot of sweat will be generated. The sweat will take away the moisture in the body. Regular exercise is very helpful to dehumidification. >

3. Try not to get your head wet

Many people worry about using a hair dryer to damage their hair after washing their hair. They will choose to let the hair dry naturally. In fact, this method is wrong. Long-term wet hair scalp will absorb some of the moisture, but the moisture will become heavier and heavier in the long run, so be sure to blow dry in time after washing your hair.