Can nausea eat pineapple

Fruit contains more nutrients, which will benefit the human body after being eaten, and also provide the human body with the necessary vitamins. If the sick person eats fruit, it is also good for the body, but some fruits are not suitable for patients with certain diseases. So, can nausea eat pineapple?

Pineapple contains a lot of nutrients, such as vitamins, organic acids and other nutrients. It has the functions of urination and defecation, clearing away heat and heat, appetizing and digesting food, relieving thirst and so on. But pineapple contains bad ingredients, such as glycosides, bromelain, serotonin, etc., which will cause some irritation after eating. If the patient suffers from nausea and nausea, they should not eat pineapple, otherwise it will worsen the nausea.

A small percentage of people have an overactive reaction to bromelain. After consuming pineapple, symptoms of tongue numbness, abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, headache, flushing of the extremities, urticaria and other symptoms will occur in about 15 minutes to 1 hour. In severe cases, the patient may also experience symptoms such as shock, difficulty breathing, life-threatening, and confusion. If this happens, go to the hospital for treatment in time.

People need to soak them in salt water before eating pineapple, which can eliminate the bad ingredients contained in pineapple. If the patient suffers from stomach pain after eating pineapple, pay more attention to rest, drink more hot water, and eat a light diet, which will slowly ease in about a few days.