Who cannot eat jujube

Date jujube contains a lot of iron, if people with anemia appear, you can use jujube to add longan, wolfberry into soup, drink it regularly, so you can achieve The purpose of helping the recovery of the condition, but there are some things to pay attention to when eating, so who can not eat jujube?

1. In daily life, some people’s tongue fur looks thicker and their appetite drops. They often feel that their stomachs are full. When severe, dizziness may occur. And the phenomenon of vomiting, it is not suitable to eat jujube at this time, otherwise the phlegm in the body will stay for a long time and cannot be quickly removed, making the disease more serious.

2. Some people are also prone to get angry symptoms and frequent constipation. With the swelling and pain of the gums, you should not eat jujubes because the properties of this food tend to be warm after eating. It will cause an increase in internal heat. After catching a cold, it is easy to cause cold invasion and low immunity. It is also not possible to eat jujube at this time, and diabetic patients can also eat this food.

3. Be careful when eating jujube, keep the normal amount, eat too much every time, otherwise it will cause too much acid in the stomach , Causes bloating, and the jujube’s epidermis is difficult to digest. Must be chewed carefully. At the same time, jujube contains very high sugar, which will cause some damage to the teeth. Or gargle with light saline.